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Etruscan Rebels (Rise of the Republic) Etruscan Rebels (Rise of the Republic) Skills & Traditions

百夫长 Skills


百夫长 Background Skills
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (agent_background_champion_athlete_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 战役地图上的移动距离+5% (伴随将领)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+10 (行动效果)
公共秩序+2 (本地行省法令)
Level 2 Rank 3 战役地图上的移动距离+10% (伴随将领)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+20 (行动效果)
公共秩序+4 (本地行省法令)
Level 3 Rank 5 战役地图上的移动距离+15% (伴随将领)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+30 (行动效果)
公共秩序+6 (本地行省法令)
2 (agent_background_champion_avaricious_generic)
A true warrior knows how to enjoy the spoils of war.
Level 1 Rank 0 劫掠收入+4% (所在军队)
战俘数量+10% (所在军队)
Level 2 Rank 3 劫掠收入+8% (所在军队)
战俘数量+20% (所在军队)
Level 3 Rank 5 劫掠收入+12% (所在军队)
战俘数量+30% (所在军队)
3 (agent_background_champion_brute_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 热忱+1 (this_agent)
自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+5% (this_agent)
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+4% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 3 热忱+2 (this_agent)
自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+10% (this_agent)
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+8% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 热忱+3 (this_agent)
自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+15% (this_agent)
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+12% (this_agent)
4 (agent_background_champion_commoner_generic)
"The common man, I fight for him!"
Level 1 Rank 0 探险:探险所带来的财富+20% (行动效果)
所有陆军维持费-3% (所在军队)
所有部队士气+2% (所在军队)
Level 2 Rank 3 探险:探险所带来的财富+40% (行动效果)
所有陆军维持费-6% (所在军队)
所有部队士气+4% (所在军队)
Level 3 Rank 5 探险:探险所带来的财富+60% (行动效果)
所有陆军维持费-9% (所在军队)
所有部队士气+6% (所在军队)
5 (agent_background_champion_guard_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+5% (this_agent)
视野范围+3 (this_agent)
发现隐藏军队与事务官概率+4% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 3 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+10% (this_agent)
视野范围+6 (this_agent)
发现隐藏军队与事务官概率+8% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+15% (this_agent)
视野范围+9 (this_agent)
发现隐藏军队与事务官概率+12% (this_agent)
6 (agent_background_champion_martial_artist_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+4% (this_agent)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+10 (行动效果)
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+2% (行动效果)
Level 2 Rank 3 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+8% (this_agent)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+20 (行动效果)
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+4% (行动效果)
Level 3 Rank 5 自卫时击伤敌方事务官概率+12% (this_agent)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+30 (行动效果)
暗杀-残杀:成功暗杀概率+6% (行动效果)
7 (agent_background_champion_military_engineer_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 -5% siege unit recruitment costs for parent army (所在军队)
+2% attack range for all siege weapons for parent army (所在军队)
建筑成本-2% (所在行省)
Level 2 Rank 3 -10% siege unit recruitment costs for parent army (所在军队)
+4% attack range for all siege weapons for parent army (所在军队)
建筑成本-4% (所在行省)
Level 3 Rank 5 -15% siege unit recruitment costs for parent army (所在军队)
+6% attack range for all siege weapons for parent army (所在军队)
建筑成本-6% (所在行省)
8 (agent_background_champion_quartermaster_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 陆军招募成本-3% (所在行省)
所有部队补员速率+2% (所在军队)
所有陆军维持费-2% (所在军队)
Level 2 Rank 3 陆军招募成本-6% (所在行省)
所有部队补员速率+4% (所在军队)
所有陆军维持费-4% (所在军队)
Level 3 Rank 5 陆军招募成本-9% (所在行省)
所有部队补员速率+6% (所在军队)
所有陆军维持费-6% (所在军队)
9 (agent_background_champion_talented_generic)
Gifted by the gods from birth.
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 to all attributes (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+1% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 to all attributes (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+2% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 to all attributes (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+3% (this_agent)
10 (agent_background_champion_warhero_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 -2% chance of success of enemy agent actions (行动效果)
军事热情:公共秩序+2 (行动效果)
探险:探险所带来的财富+10% (被动行动)
Level 2 Rank 3 -4% chance of success of enemy agent actions (行动效果)
军事热情:公共秩序+4 (行动效果)
探险:探险所带来的财富+20% (被动行动)
Level 3 Rank 5 -6% chance of success of enemy agent actions (行动效果)
军事热情:公共秩序+6 (行动效果)
探险:探险所带来的财富+30% (被动行动)
百夫长 Skills
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
11 (age_agent_champion_authority_explorer)
There is more to life than war.
Level 1 Rank 1 +10% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
权威+1 (this_agent)
探险:探险所带来的财富+100% (authority based)
Level 2 Rank 2 +20% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
权威+2 (this_agent)
探险:探险所带来的财富+200% (authority based)
Level 3 Rank 3 +30% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
权威+3 (this_agent)
探险:探险所带来的财富+300% (authority based)
12 (age_agent_champion_authority_historian)
We must learn from past times, lest we make the same mistakes.
Level 1 Rank 1 +2 experience gained by the general of parent army per turn (authority based)
权威+1 (this_agent)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+40 (authority based)
Level 2 Rank 2 +4 experience gained by the general of parent army per turn (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+70 (authority based)
Level 3 Rank 3 +6 experience gained by the general of parent army per turn (authority based)
权威+3 (this_agent)
军事训练:每回合部队经验+100 (authority based)
13 (age_agent_champion_subterfuge_intimidating)
The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
Level 1 Rank 1 -3% morale for all enemy units in local region while deployed (cunning based)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 -6% morale for all enemy units in local region while deployed (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 -9% morale for all enemy units in local region while deployed (cunning based)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
14 (age_agent_champion_subterfuge_siege_expert)
Siege Expert
"I want ladders on those walls and rams on the doors!"
Level 1 Rank 1 -30% attritional losses when besieging or under siege for parent army (cunning based)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
(港口城镇加倍) (伴随将领)
Level 2 Rank 2 -50% attritional losses when besieging or under siege for parent army (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
(港口城镇加倍) (伴随将领)
Level 3 Rank 3 -70% attritional losses when besieging or under siege for parent army (cunning based)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
(港口城镇加倍) (伴随将领)
15 (age_agent_champion_zeal_arsonist)
Rome wasn't built in a day, but burned in one.
Level 1 Rank 1 Unlocks action "Commit Arson": Cause 10% damage to a single building in an enemy settlement (zeal based)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 Unlocks action "Commit Arson": Cause 20% damage to a single building in an enemy settlement (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 Unlocks action "Commit Arson": Cause 30% damage to a single building in an enemy settlement (zeal based)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
16 (age_agent_champion_zeal_hoplite)
Each man protects the one to his left, from thigh to neck, with his shield.
Level 1 Rank 1 +3% melee attack skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
+3% melee defence skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
+3% morale skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 +6% melee attack skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
+6% melee defence skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
+6% morale skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 +9% melee attack skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
+9% melee defence skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
+9% morale skill for all spear-armed units in parent army (zeal based)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
17 (age_agent_champion_authority_agitator)
"What have the Romans ever done for us?"
Level 1 Rank 3 Unlocks action "Rally Slaves": Cause -5 public order in target settlement. Has a chance to cause an instant rebellion (authority based)
权威+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 Unlocks action "Rally Slaves": Cause -10 public order in target settlement. Has a chance to cause an instant rebellion (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 Unlocks action "Rally Slaves": Cause -15 public order in target settlement. Has a chance to cause an instant rebellion (authority based)
权威+3 (this_agent)
18 (age_agent_champion_authority_festive)
"Bring me wine and send for the girls!"
Level 1 Rank 3 -10% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures in local province while deployed (authority based)
+1 growth per turn in local province while deployed (authority based)
权威+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 -20% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures in local province while deployed (authority based)
+2 growth per turn in local province while deployed (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures in local province while deployed (authority based)
+3 growth per turn in local province while deployed (authority based)
权威+3 (this_agent)
19 (age_agent_champion_subterfuge_harasser)
They are in for a string of 'unfortunate accidents'...
Level 1 Rank 3 Unlocks action "Harass": Cause 20% damage to a single unit in an enemy army (cunning based)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 Unlocks action "Harass": Cause 40% damage to a single unit in an enemy army (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 Unlocks action "Harass": Cause 60% damage to a single unit in an enemy army (cunning based)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
20 (age_agent_champion_subterfuge_trapper)
Curious is the trapmaker's art - his efficacy goes unwitnessed by his own eyes.
Level 1 Rank 3 Unlocks action "Trap": Reduces an enemy agent's movement range by -10% and reduces their attributes. (cunning based)
-1 to all atrributes of a trapped enemy agent (cunning based)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 Unlocks action "Trap": Reduces an enemy agent's movement range by -20% and reduces their attributes. (cunning based)
-2 to all atrributes of a trapped enemy agent (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 Unlocks action "Trap": Reduces an enemy agent's movement range by -30% and reduces their attributes. (cunning based)
-3 to all atrributes of a trapped enemy agent (cunning based)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
21 (age_agent_champion_zeal_eloquent)
"Let me tell you about the time I fought 10 men at once..."
Level 1 Rank 3 +4% morale for all units of parent army (zeal based)
-3% campaign map movement range for parent army (zeal based)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 +7% morale for all units of parent army (zeal based)
-6% campaign map movement range for parent army (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +10% morale for all units of parent army (zeal based)
-9% campaign map movement range for parent army (zeal based)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
22 (age_agent_champion_zeal_terrifying)
"I will feast on your heart!"
Level 1 Rank 3 Unlocks action "Demoralise Army": Reduce the morale of all units in enemy army by -4% (zeal based)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 Unlocks action "Demoralise Army": Reduce the morale of all units in enemy army by -8% (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 Unlocks action "Demoralise Army": Reduce the morale of all units in enemy army by -12% (zeal based)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
23 (age_agent_champion_authority_inspirational)
"Our enemies are not gods, for they bleed the same red as any man!"
Level 1 Rank 5 +2% morale for all units factionwide after a successful assassination (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 +4% morale for all units factionwide after a successful assassination (authority based)
权威+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +6% morale for all units factionwide after a successful assassination (authority based)
权威+6 (this_agent)
24 (age_agent_champion_authority_paedotribe)
"I'll make warriors of you yet!"
Level 1 Rank 5 +2% charge bonus upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
+2% melee attack upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
+2% melee defence upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 +3% charge bonus upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
+3% melee attack upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
+3% melee defence upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
权威+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 +4% charge bonus upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
+4% melee attack upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
+4% melee defence upon recruitment in local province while deployed (authority based)
权威+6 (this_agent)
25 (age_agent_champion_subterfuge_murderous)
"They were dead the moment they saw my face."
Level 1 Rank 5 -5 public order in local province after attacking the garrison of an enemy settlement (cunning based)
-5% unit replenishment in local region after attacking the garrison of an enemy settlement (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
水井投毒:所有驻军伤亡+10% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 6 -10 public order in local province after attacking the garrison of an enemy settlement (cunning based)
-10% unit replenishment in local region after attacking the garrison of an enemy settlement (cunning based)
智谋+4 (this_agent)
水井投毒:所有驻军伤亡+20% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 -15 public order in local province after attacking the garrison of an enemy settlement (cunning based)
-15% unit replenishment in local region after attacking the garrison of an enemy settlement (cunning based)
智谋+6 (this_agent)
水井投毒:所有驻军伤亡+30% (this_agent)
26 (age_agent_champion_subterfuge_resourceful)
"All I need is a few good men."
Level 1 Rank 5 -25% action costs for this agent (this_agent)
400 wealth gained after a successful action (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 6 -50% action costs for this agent (this_agent)
800 wealth gained after a successful action (cunning based)
智谋+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 -75% action costs for this agent (this_agent)
1200 wealth gained after a successful action (cunning based)
智谋+6 (this_agent)
27 (age_agent_champion_zeal_heroic)
"I will fight for all that is just or I will die trying!"
Level 1 Rank 5 -5% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent)
敌对行动成功概率-5% (this_agent)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 -10% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+10% (this_agent)
敌对行动成功概率-10% (this_agent)
热忱+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 -15% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+15% (this_agent)
敌对行动成功概率-15% (this_agent)
热忱+6 (this_agent)
28 (age_agent_champion_zeal_militant)
"Men, our enemies call us cowards - let's prove them wrong!"
Level 1 Rank 5 +1 army recruitment capacity while deployed (this_agent)
+2% unit morale upon recruitment in local province while deployed (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 +2 army recruitment capacity while deployed (this_agent)
+4% unit morale upon recruitment in local province while deployed (zeal based)
热忱+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 +3 army recruitment capacity while deployed (this_agent)
+6% unit morale upon recruitment in local province while deployed (zeal based)
热忱+6 (this_agent)