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Athenian Secessionists Athenian Secessionists Skills & Traditions

间谍 Skills


间谍 Background Skills
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (agent_background_spy_attendant_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 to all attributes for parent army general (伴随将领)
所有陆军维持费-2% (所在军队)
公共秩序+2 (本地行省法令)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 to all attributes for parent army general (伴随将领)
所有陆军维持费-4% (所在军队)
公共秩序+4 (本地行省法令)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 to all attributes for parent army general (伴随将领)
所有陆军维持费-6% (所在军队)
公共秩序+6 (本地行省法令)
2 (agent_background_spy_courier_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 agents, armies or settlements revealed after a successful reconnoitre (行动效果)
视野范围+10 (this_agent)
战役地图上的移动距离+10% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 agents, armies or settlements revealed after a successful reconnoitre (行动效果)
视野范围+20 (this_agent)
战役地图上的移动距离+15% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 agents, armies or settlements revealed after a successful reconnoitre (行动效果)
视野范围+30 (this_agent)
战役地图上的移动距离+20% (this_agent)
3 (agent_background_spy_courtesan_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 +2% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent)
所有行动成本+5% (this_agent)
公共秩序+2(人物) (所在行省)
Level 2 Rank 3 +4% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent)
所有行动成本+10% (this_agent)
公共秩序+4(人物) (所在行省)
Level 3 Rank 5 +6% chance of success in actions against enemy agents and generals (this_agent)
所有行动成本+15% (this_agent)
公共秩序+6(人物) (所在行省)
4 (agent_background_spy_craftsman_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 手工业产值+4% (所在行省)
所有商业产值+3% (所在行省)
建筑成本-2% (所在行省)
Level 2 Rank 3 手工业产值+8% (所在行省)
所有商业产值+6% (所在行省)
建筑成本-4% (所在行省)
Level 3 Rank 5 手工业产值+12% (所在行省)
所有商业产值+9% (所在行省)
建筑成本-6% (所在行省)
5 (agent_background_spy_criminal_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 +3% chance of successful agent subversion (行动效果)
+2 food stolen from local province (行动效果)
所有行动成本-5% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 3 +6% chance of successful agent subversion (行动效果)
+4 food stolen from local province (行动效果)
所有行动成本-10% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +9% chance of successful agent subversion (行动效果)
+6 food stolen from local province (行动效果)
所有行动成本-15% (this_agent)
6 (agent_background_spy_farmer_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 农业与畜业产值+3% (所在行省)
每回合人口增长+1 (所在行省)
贸易所得粮食+1 (本地行省法令)
Level 2 Rank 3 农业与畜业产值+6% (所在行省)
每回合人口增长+2 (所在行省)
贸易所得粮食+2 (本地行省法令)
Level 3 Rank 5 农业与畜业产值+9% (所在行省)
每回合人口增长+3 (所在行省)
贸易所得粮食+3 (本地行省法令)
7 (agent_background_spy_handler_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 所有行动成本-5% (this_agent)
躲避敌方事务官概率+5% (this_agent)
陆军招募成本-4% (所在行省)
Level 2 Rank 3 所有行动成本-10% (this_agent)
躲避敌方事务官概率+10% (this_agent)
陆军招募成本-8% (所在行省)
Level 3 Rank 5 所有行动成本-15% (this_agent)
躲避敌方事务官概率+15% (this_agent)
陆军招募成本-12% (所在行省)
8 (agent_background_spy_poet_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 文化影响+1 (this_agent)
文化产值+4% (所在行省)
公共秩序+2(人物) (所在行省)
Level 2 Rank 3 文化影响+2 (this_agent)
文化产值+8% (所在行省)
公共秩序+4(人物) (所在行省)
Level 3 Rank 5 文化影响+3 (this_agent)
文化产值+12% (所在行省)
公共秩序+6(人物) (所在行省)
9 (agent_background_spy_scout_generic)
Level 1 Rank 0 +3% campaign map movement range for parent army (所在军队)
视野范围+15 (this_agent)
发现隐藏军队与事务官概率+5% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 3 +6% campaign map movement range for parent army (所在军队)
视野范围+30 (this_agent)
发现隐藏军队与事务官概率+10% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +9% campaign map movement range for parent army (所在军队)
视野范围+45 (this_agent)
发现隐藏军队与事务官概率+15% (this_agent)
10 (agent_background_spy_shadow_generic)
Someone of many faces is difficult to trace…
Level 1 Rank 0 +2% chance of successful agent subversion (行动效果)
+1 food stolen from local province (行动效果)
渗透:被敌方发现概率-4% (被动行动)
Level 2 Rank 3 +4% chance of successful agent subversion (行动效果)
+2 food stolen from local province (行动效果)
渗透:被敌方发现概率-8% (被动行动)
Level 3 Rank 5 +6% chance of successful agent subversion (行动效果)
+3 food stolen from local province (行动效果)
渗透:被敌方发现概率-12% (被动行动)
11 (agent_background_spy_slave_generic)
"I will never betray you, I swear it!"
Level 1 Rank 0 敌对行动成功概率+5% (伴随将领)
劝诱:成功概率-5% (this_agent)
奴隶产值+10% (所在行省)
Level 2 Rank 3 敌对行动成功概率+10% (伴随将领)
劝诱:成功概率-10% (this_agent)
奴隶产值+20% (所在行省)
Level 3 Rank 5 敌对行动成功概率+15% (伴随将领)
劝诱:成功概率-15% (this_agent)
奴隶产值+30% (所在行省)
12 (agent_background_spy_talented_generic)
Gifted by the gods from birth.
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 to all attributes (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+1% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 to all attributes (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+2% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 to all attributes (this_agent)
所有行动成功概率+3% (this_agent)
间谍 Skills
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
13 (age_agent_spy_authority_network)
You can't keep an eye on an entire empire all by yourself.
Level 1 Rank 1 -10% agent recruitment costs in local province while deployed (authority based)
+1 experience ranks for new agents in local province while deployed (this_agent)
权威+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 -20% agent recruitment costs in local province while deployed (authority based)
+2 experience ranks for new agents in local province while deployed (this_agent)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 -30% agent recruitment costs in local province while deployed (authority based)
+3 experience ranks for new agents in local province while deployed (this_agent)
权威+3 (this_agent)
14 (age_agent_dignitary_authority_supplier)
"Send for the local farmers, our soldiers need to be fed."
Level 1 Rank 1 +2% unit replenishment in local region while deployed (authority based)
+2% unit replenishment in parent army (authority based)
权威+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 +4% unit replenishment in local region while deployed (authority based)
+4% unit replenishment in parent army (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 +6% unit replenishment in local region while deployed (authority based)
+6% unit replenishment in parent army (authority based)
权威+3 (this_agent)
15 (age_agent_spy_subterfuge_lookout)
Not all doors need keys.
Level 1 Rank 1 +5 line of sight (cunning based)
+5 line of sight for parent army (cunning based)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
察觉敌方伏兵概率+20% (所在军队)
Level 2 Rank 2 +10 line of sight (cunning based)
+10 line of sight for parent army (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
察觉敌方伏兵概率+40% (所在军队)
Level 3 Rank 3 +15 line of sight (cunning based)
+15 line of sight for parent army (cunning based)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
察觉敌方伏兵概率+60% (所在军队)
16 (age_agent_spy_subterfuge_thief)
"The way she's wearing that jewel means she's simply begging me to steal it."
Level 1 Rank 1 200 wealth gained after successfully robbing an enemy agent (cunning based)
+1 ancillary stolen from enemy agent (this_agent)
-4% chance of success of the robbed agent's actions (cunning based)
Unlocks action "Steal": Steal an enemy agent's gold and ancillary, as well as reducing their chance of success (this_agent)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 400 wealth gained after successfully robbing an enemy agent (cunning based)
+1 ancillary stolen from enemy agent (this_agent)
-8% chance of success of the robbed agent's actions (cunning based)
Unlocks action "Steal": Steal an enemy agent's gold and ancillary, as well as reducing their chance of success (this_agent)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 600 wealth gained after successfully robbing an enemy agent (cunning based)
+1 ancillary stolen from enemy agent (this_agent)
-12% chance of success of the robbed agent's actions (cunning based)
Unlocks action "Steal": Steal an enemy agent's gold and ancillary, as well as reducing their chance of success (this_agent)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
17 (age_agent_spy_zeal_careful)
There are the paranoid and there are the dead.
Level 1 Rank 1 -5% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent)
-5% campaign map movement range for enemy agent after a successful Misdirection (zeal based)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 -10% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent)
-10% campaign map movement range for enemy agent after a successful Misdirection (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 -15% chance of success of enemy agent actions (this_agent)
-15% campaign map movement range for enemy agent after a successful Misdirection (zeal based)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
18 (age_agent_spy_zeal_menace)
If they can't protect it, they do not deserve to have it.
Level 1 Rank 1 -1 public order in local province while deployed (zeal based)
+1 food stolen from local province (zeal based)
+1 food stolen while deployed in enemy province (zeal based)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
渗透:被敌方发现概率+20% (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 2 -2 public order in local province while deployed (zeal based)
+2 food stolen from local province (zeal based)
+2 food stolen while deployed in enemy province (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
渗透:被敌方发现概率+40% (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 3 -3 public order in local province while deployed (zeal based)
+3 food stolen from local province (zeal based)
+3 food stolen while deployed in enemy province (zeal based)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
渗透:被敌方发现概率+60% (this_agent)
19 (age_agent_spy_authority_despoiler)
The head is not the only part of the arrow that burns.
Level 1 Rank 3 Unlocks action "Burn Ammunition": -10% ammunition for all units in target enemy army (authority based)
权威+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 Unlocks action "Burn Ammunition": -20% ammunition for all units in target enemy army (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 Unlocks action "Burn Ammunition": -30% ammunition for all units in target enemy army (authority based)
权威+3 (this_agent)
20 (age_agent_spy_authority_watchman)
Watching is a skill that all men have but few appreciate.
Level 1 Rank 3 -10% negative public order in local province while deployed (authority based)
+10% negative public order (HIDDEN) (authority based)
权威+1 (this_agent)
腐败-1% (派系效果)
Level 2 Rank 4 -20% negative public order in local province while deployed (authority based)
+20% negative public order (HIDDEN) (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
腐败-2% (派系效果)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% negative public order in local province while deployed (authority based)
+30% negative public order (HIDDEN) (authority based)
权威+3 (this_agent)
腐败-3% (派系效果)
21 (age_agent_spy_subterfuge_coordinator)
"The route has been scouted - all you have to do is follow me."
Level 1 Rank 3 +3% campaign map movement range for parent army (cunning based)
+20% reinforcement range for parent army (伴随将领)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 +6% campaign map movement range for parent army (cunning based)
+35% reinforcement range for parent army (伴随将领)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +9% campaign map movement range for parent army (cunning based)
+50% reinforcement range for parent army (伴随将领)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
22 (age_agent_spy_subterfuge_liar)
"He stole your money, I saw him!"
Level 1 Rank 3 +3% chance of success of enemy agent actions (cunning based)
+3% chance of success in all actions (cunning based)
智谋+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 +6% chance of success of enemy agent actions (cunning based)
+6% chance of success in all actions (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +9% chance of success of enemy agent actions (cunning based)
+9% chance of success in all actions (cunning based)
智谋+3 (this_agent)
23 (age_agent_spy_zeal_bookworm)
"Hold on, I'm coming, I just want to finish this book."
Level 1 Rank 3 +3% research rate while deployed in enemy territory (zeal based)
-10% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 +6% research rate while deployed in enemy territory (zeal based)
-20% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +9% research rate while deployed in enemy territory (zeal based)
-30% campaign map movement range for this agent (this_agent)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
24 (age_agent_spy_zeal_looter)
"Jewels, cattle, linens - take everything!"
Level 1 Rank 3 +30% gold from looting settlements for parent army (zeal based)
热忱+1 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 4 +60% gold from looting settlements for parent army (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 5 +90% gold from looting settlements for parent army (zeal based)
热忱+3 (this_agent)
25 (age_agent_spy_authority_conspirator)
A good spy works alone, a great spy works with others.
Level 1 Rank 5 +3% chance of success for all agents after this agent's successful action (authority based)
所有行动成功概率+5% (this_agent)
权威+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 +6% chance of success for all agents after this agent's successful action (authority based)
所有行动成功概率+10% (this_agent)
权威+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 +9% chance of success for all agents after this agent's successful action (authority based)
所有行动成功概率+15% (this_agent)
权威+6 (this_agent)
26 (age_agent_spy_authority_hunter)
Those born in wild places can hear them whisper their secrets.
Level 1 Rank 5 +5% missile damage for all land units in parent army
(excluding siege units) (authority based)
+5% missile range for all land units in parent army
(excluding siege units) (authority based)
权威+2 (this_agent)
战役地图上的移动距离+10% (所在军队)
Level 2 Rank 5 +10% missile damage for all land units in parent army
(excluding siege units) (authority based)
+10% missile range for all land units in parent army
(excluding siege units) (authority based)
权威+4 (this_agent)
战役地图上的移动距离+20% (所在军队)
Level 3 Rank 7 +15% missile damage for all land units in parent army
(excluding siege units) (authority based)
+15% missile range for all land units in parent army
(excluding siege units) (authority based)
权威+6 (this_agent)
战役地图上的移动距离+30% (所在军队)
27 (age_agent_spy_subterfuge_discord)
Administration, when handled poorly, can cause more damage than an army.
Level 1 Rank 5 +20% construction and recruitment costs in local enemy province while deployed (cunning based)
+1 construction and recruitment time in local enemy province while deployed (this_agent)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 +40% construction and recruitment costs in local enemy province while deployed (cunning based)
+2 construction and recruitment time in local enemy province while deployed (this_agent)
智谋+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 +60% construction and recruitment costs in local enemy province while deployed (cunning based)
+3 construction and recruitment time in local enemy province while deployed (this_agent)
智谋+6 (this_agent)
28 (age_agent_spy_subterfuge_toxic)
The poisoner's art is a delicate one.
Level 1 Rank 5 +5% casualties in all units after successfully sabotaging supplies (this_agent)
+10% casualties in all units after successfully sabotaging supplies (HIDDEN) (cunning based)
-5% campaign map movement range for enemy army after successfully sabotaging supplies (cunning based)
智谋+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 +10% casualties in all units after successfully sabotaging supplies (this_agent)
+20% casualties in all units after successfully sabotaging supplies (HIDDEN) (cunning based)
-10% campaign map movement range for enemy army after successfully sabotaging supplies (cunning based)
智谋+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 +15% casualties in all units after successfully sabotaging supplies (this_agent)
+30% casualties in all units after successfully sabotaging supplies (HIDDEN) (cunning based)
-15% campaign map movement range for enemy army after successfully sabotaging supplies (cunning based)
智谋+6 (this_agent)
29 (age_agent_spy_zeal_deadly)
Not all men have the stomach to do what must be done.
Level 1 Rank 5 +25% chance to kill the target during an assassination (this_agent)
Unlocks action "Assassinate": Attempt to kill an enemy agent or general. (this_agent)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 5 +50% chance to kill the target during an assassination (this_agent)
Unlocks action "Assassinate": Attempt to kill an enemy agent or general. (this_agent)
热忱+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 +75% chance to kill the target during an assassination (this_agent)
Unlocks action "Assassinate": Attempt to kill an enemy agent or general. (this_agent)
热忱+6 (this_agent)
30 (age_agent_spy_zeal_saboteur)
Victory in battle depends on having war's proper tools.
Level 1 Rank 5 -4% armour for units of all enemy forces in local region while deployed (zeal based)
-4% weapon damage for units of all enemy forces in local region while deployed (zeal based)
热忱+2 (this_agent)
Level 2 Rank 6 -7% armour for units of all enemy forces in local region while deployed (zeal based)
-7% weapon damage for units of all enemy forces in local region while deployed (zeal based)
热忱+4 (this_agent)
Level 3 Rank 7 -10% armour for units of all enemy forces in local region while deployed (zeal based)
-10% weapon damage for units of all enemy forces in local region while deployed (zeal based)
热忱+6 (this_agent)