Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Armenia Secessionists (Empire Divided) / 科技 / Army
Armenia Secessionists (Empire Divided) Armenia Secessionists (Empire Divided) 科技


Choose men, arm them and keep them fed. Sounds simple enough.

No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Skilled Shipwrights Army Tier 1
Skilled Shipwrights
"You there! They say you are good at building boats! Build me a boat then. Right now."
100 0
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
Improved Harbour Infrastructure
2 Levied Troops Army Tier 1
Levied Troops
"The Shahanshah requires more troops. Your troops, to be precise."
100 0
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
Levies Equipped
3 Intensified Physical Conditioning Army Tier 2
Intensified Physical Conditioning
"They have been on the march all morning? They'll march till sunset if I say so!"
200 0
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
Expanded Tactical Exercises Sailors' Tents
4 Levies Equipped Army Tier 3
Levies Equipped
"The Shahanshah can never have enough horsemen!"
600 0 Levied Troops
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
Reorganised Military Hierarchy
5 Improved Harbour Infrastructure Army Tier 3
Improved Harbour Infrastructure
"There are so many idle hands down at the royal docks. I say we give them something to do."
600 0 Skilled Shipwrights
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
Epic Naval Architecture
6 Expanded Tactical Exercises Army Tier 4
Expanded Tactical Exercises
"Ah, but they won't know that our heavy horsemen are right behind that ridge."
800 0 Intensified Physical Conditioning
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
Strategic Manoeuvres Marine Barracks
7 Epic Naval Architecture Army Tier 5
Epic Naval Architecture
"You call that a big ship? It is not even half as big as it needs to be!"
1200 0 Improved Harbour Infrastructure
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
8 Reorganised Military Hierarchy Army Tier 5
Reorganised Military Hierarchy
"Fetch me my Spahbod, I have some unpleasant news for him."
1200 0 Levies Equipped
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
9 Strategic Manoeuvres Army Tier 6
Strategic Manoeuvres
"We will force the enemy to march through the desert. A few days on the sand and they will simply surrender."
1600 0 Expanded Tactical Exercises
  • 地面新兵+1經驗等級 (所有行省)
  • 所有單位的經驗獲取速率+15%
Navbed Headquarters