HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Margiana (Empire Divided) / Technologies / Economy
Margiana (Empire Divided) Margiana (Empire Divided) Technologies


Opportunity is the first step on the path to prosperity.

No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Reclaim the Desert Economy Tier 1
Reclaim the Desert
"I will to turn this land of sands into a garden."
100 0
  • +3% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
Irrigation Infrastructure Trench Mine
2 Latin Translators Economy Tier 1
Latin Translators
A mastery of the Roman language opens doors that were once locked tightly.
100 500
  • +3% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
  • Costs 500 per turn to research
Taxation of Nobles Royal Benevolence
3 Taxation of Nobles Economy Tier 2
Taxation of Nobles
"The loyalty of my subjects can and will be measured in gold."
600 0 Latin Translators
  • +3% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
  • 300 wealth from the noble families
4 Irrigation Infrastructure Economy Tier 3
Irrigation Infrastructure
"Yes, bring water to them. I do not care how."
600 0 Reclaim the Desert
  • +5% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
Grand Canals Terraced Fields Shaft Mine
5 Royal Benevolence Economy Tier 3
Royal Benevolence
"You! Loyal servant of Persia! The Shahanshah favours you."
600 0 Latin Translators
  • +5% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
Royal Bazaars
6 Grand Canals Economy Tier 4
Grand Canals
"Where there are no rivers to be had, the Shahanshah shall create them."
1000 0 Irrigation Infrastructure
  • +5% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
  • +5 sanitation (all regions)
  • 3 food
7 Royal Bazaars Economy Tier 5
Royal Bazaars
"Open the gates to the caravans and bring me samples of their wares."
1200 0 Royal Benevolence
  • +7% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
Control of the Silk Road
8 Terraced Fields Economy Tier 5
Terraced Fields
"I trust your plan. It best produce the results I expect, however."
1200 0 Irrigation Infrastructure
  • +7% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
Sluiced Mine
9 Control of the Silk Road Economy Tier 6
Control of the Silk Road
The bounties of the Far East are an appropriate gift for a wise ruler.
1600 0 Royal Bazaars
  • +7% wealth from agriculture, industry and commerce (all regions)
  • -10 Banditry (in all your provinces)
  • +40 silk
  • +20% wealth from all commerce (all regions)