HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Mauri (Empire Divided) / Technologies / Old Rivalries
Old Rivalries Mauri (Empire Divided)Mauri (Empire Divided) Battle Tier 5

Old Rivalries

"I wonder whatever happened to the corpse of that Roman Emperor we had around here..."

The Sassanid Empire was more than a match for the power of Rome. Built on the ruins of Parthia, Sassanid rulers remembered well the Parthian victory at Carrhae against the Legions of Crassus in 53 BC, and aimed to repeat that success. The new dynasty was a well-oiled military machine, adept in siege warfare, concentrated around the venerated, almost godly, figure of the Shahanshah. As the Roman Empire was gripped in the coil of civil war, the Sassanids pushed from the east. After a series of battles, in AD 260 the Roman Emperor Valerian was captured alive in Edessa and perished in captivity - the first Emperor to suffer this fate. The Sassanid state outlived the Western Roman Empire and kept fighting against the Eastern Roman Empire until the middle of the 7th century AD, when it was overrun by Muslim conquerors.

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Old Rivalries

Node Set

Battle Tier 5






  • +15% ​全​部​隊​の​士​気
  • +15% melee attack skill for all units against Roman states
  • +15% melee defence skill for all units against Latin factions
  • +15% morale for all units during battles against Latin factions
Requires Technologies Additional Pack CamelsAdditional Pack Camels
Enables Technologies Incentivised CavalryIncentivised Cavalry The ImmortalsThe Immortals