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War Horn Redones (Caesar in Gaul)Redones (Caesar in Gaul) Support of the Aristocracy Tier 2

War Horn

All men are heartened at the horn's blast, and harken to its clarion call.

War horns were designed to intimidate the enemy, and came in many shapes and sizes. Perhaps the most interesting was the Celtic 'carnyx'. As long as a man is tall, the bell of the horn often depicted an animal head; examples of snake, horse and boar heads have been found across Europe. Producing a long drawn-out 'scream', some historians believe the instrument was deliberately sabotaged to stop outsiders from playing it. This is because a number of carnyx discovered in France in 2004 were missing a key component in the bell of the horn, preventing them from making their infamous scream.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板

Support of the Aristocracy

War Horn

Node Set

Support of the Aristocracy Tier 2






  • +2 Imperium
  • 啟用招募等級1戰士 (所有行省)
  • 在自己或者盟友地區戰鬥時所有單位的士氣+5%
Requires Technologies Emergency MeasuresEmergency Measures
Enables Technologies Warrior AristocracyWarrior Aristocracy
Enables Buildings StablesStables
Village (Horse Breeders)Village (Horse Breeders)