Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Croton (Rise of the Republic) / 科技 / Changing Loyalties
Changing Loyalties Croton (Rise of the Republic)Croton (Rise of the Republic) Diacheirisy Tier 5

Changing Loyalties

There are friends and there are also priorities.

Here in Magna Graecia, our first responsibility is to promote the interests of Greek citizens. Sometimes, this means forging alliances; other times, we must declare war on our brethren from the motherland. Several years past, we fought against Athens, and more recently we’ve been allied to Sparta, but not blindly – we are aware of the risks of allying with such a militaristic, dominating faction. The intelligent, forward-thinking statesmen try to forge binding agreements with colonies, with a view to creating a network of client states through diplomacy. In the process, it is not unheard of for citizenship to be extended to Greek-speaking outsiders or even the large-scale movement of populations between regions. Such men must also have a firm grip on military matters, particularly supply and logistics, if they are to increase the prosperity of Syracuse.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Changing Loyalties

Node Set

Diacheirisy Tier 5






  • 公共秩序+3 (所有行省)
  • +1 experience gain rate for all agents (all agents)
  • 所有行动成本-30% (所有人物)
  • 事务官招募成本-25% (所有行省)
Requires Technologies Consolidation of PowerConsolidation of Power
Enables Technologies A Man of the PeopleA Man of the People
Enables Buildings Civil ColonyCivil Colony
Colony (Amber Road)Colony (Amber Road)
Colony (Sluiced Mine)Colony (Sluiced Mine)
Colony (Grain Estate)Colony (Grain Estate)
Colony (Sluiced Mine)Colony (Sluiced Mine)
Colony (Master Leather Workshop)Colony (Master Leather Workshop)
Colony (Timber Trader)Colony (Timber Trader)
Colony (Marble Architect)Colony (Marble Architect)
Colony (Olive Oil Trader)Colony (Olive Oil Trader)
Colony (Master Dye Works)Colony (Master Dye Works)
Colony (Salt Workshop)Colony (Salt Workshop)
Colony (Master Winemaker)Colony (Master Winemaker)
Colonia (Resources)Colonia (Resources)