Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Helvetii (Rise of the Republic) / 科技 / Advanced Saddle
Advanced Saddle Helvetii (Rise of the Republic)Helvetii (Rise of the Republic) Strength Tier 2

Advanced Saddle

Where skill and craft meet, victory is born.

Our warriors are known for their ferocity and personal bravery in battle. As we are deeply connected to the natural world, we spend much time training with our horses – after all, one never knows exactly when the call to battle will come, only that it will. Over time, we’ve developed a saddle to allow us to improve our riding and horseback-fighting skills whilst decreasing the likelihood of falling or being thrown from our horses during combat. Its main innovation is the addition of four pommels which fix the rider in place, allowing him to use his hands to wield a spear, axe or sword. So far, it would seem that our rivals are slow to adapt our invention for their own purposes, ensuring we still have an advantage over them at this point.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Advanced Saddle

Node Set

Strength Tier 2






  • +3% weapon damage for infantry
  • 所有骑兵部队冲锋加成+5%
  • 所有骑兵部队近战攻击技能+5%
Requires Technologies Iron Over BronzeIron Over Bronze
Enables Technologies Blessed HorsesBlessed Horses