HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Greek Rebels (Rise of the Republic) / Technologies / Naval Artillery of Syracuse
Naval Artillery of Syracuse Greek Rebels (Rise of the Republic)Greek Rebels (Rise of the Republic) Strategiky Tier 5

Naval Artillery of Syracuse

"So, we have a catapult. Can we fix it to a ship?"

Dionysius is fond of military innovation, especially in the burgeoning field of artillery – even the greedy Etruscans and their simple barbarian neighbours should know that by now. Traditionally, the use of projectiles in naval warfare is restricted to the crew throwing javelins and slingshot or archers firing arrows between vessels. Here in Syracuse we have developed larger artillery pieces specifically for use at sea. For instance, a giant bow to fire a large bolt some fifty yards further than a regular bow, and with many times the destructive power. Gradually, this new weapon has become standard issue on the decks of our ships and we are currently seeing if it can be scaled up further to be even more devastating.


Naval Artillery of Syracuse

Node Set

Strategiky Tier 5






  • +3% movement range of all armies
  • +25% shots per minute for all heavy weapon ships
  • +15% health for all ships
  • +10% missile damage for all ships
Requires Technologies Polymorphia KatapeltonPolymorphia Katapelton