HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Greek Rebels (Rise of the Republic) / Technologies / Diacheirisy
No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Embrace Tyranny Diacheirisy Tier 1
Embrace Tyranny
For the strong and honourable, it is the only way forward.
400 0 After the War
  • +1 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • +5% ​税​率
  • -35% ​政​略​実​行​費
Consolidation of Power Megapolis Civil Town
2 Sicily, the Beautiful Diacheirisy Tier 1
Sicily, the Beautiful
Green meadows under a shining sun… It’s serene…
400 0 After the War
  • +1 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • +10% morale during battles in own territory
  • +1 food from agricultural buildings (​全​て​の​領​土)
The Divine Grape
3 The Divine Grape Diacheirisy Tier 2
The Divine Grape
Every sip brings you closer to the gods.
300 0 Sicily, the Beautiful
  • +1 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • Introduce the celebration of the festival of Great Dionysia (​全​て​の​州)
  • +10% ​生​活​水​準​向​上​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +2 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
Poseidon, Host of the Sea
4 Poseidon, Host of the Sea Diacheirisy Tier 3
Poseidon, Host of the Sea
"I advise caution in your dealings with him; his mood can change suddenly."
800 0 The Divine Grape
  • +2 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • +10% ​交​易​協​定​に​よ​る​関​税​収​入
  • 3 ​食​料
  • +2 ​全​て​の​州​で​ター​ン​毎​の​発​展 (​全​て​の​州)
A Seafaring Nation
5 Consolidation of Power Diacheirisy Tier 4
Consolidation of Power
To do great deeds, a great tool is needed - concentrated power should suffice.
1000 0 Embrace Tyranny
  • +2 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • -25% ​小​さ​な​街​系​列​の​建​物​の​建​設​費 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • -25% ​州​都​系​列​の​建​物​の​建​設​費 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • ​ラ​ン​ク1​の​名​士​が​雇​用​可​能 (​全​て​の​州)
Changing Loyalties Metropolis Town (Amber Trader) Town (Shaft Mine) Town (Grain Irrigated Farm) Colony (Master Horse Breeders) Colony (Armourer) Colony (Weaponsmith) Town (Shaft Mine) Town (Leather Workshop) Town (Timber Yard) Town (Marble Cutter) Town (Mola Olearia) Town (Dye Works) Town (Salt Kiln) Town (Winemaker) Town (Resources)
6 A Seafaring Nation Diacheirisy Tier 4
A Seafaring Nation
There is treasure in the very waves themselves.
800 0 Poseidon, Host of the Sea
  • +2 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • +15% ​海​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
Children of Aphrodite Goat Pens Slave Market Amphorae Kiln
7 Changing Loyalties Diacheirisy Tier 5
Changing Loyalties
There are friends and there are also priorities.
1300 0 Consolidation of Power
  • +3 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • +1 experience gain rate for all agents (all agents)
  • -30% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (​全​て​の​人​物)
  • -25% ​工​作​員​の​雇​用​費 (​全​て​の​州)
A Man of the People Civil Colony Colony (Amber Road) Colony (Sluiced Mine) Colony (Grain Estate) Colony (Sluiced Mine) Colony (Master Leather Workshop) Colony (Timber Trader) Colony (Marble Architect) Colony (Olive Oil Trader) Colony (Master Dye Works) Colony (Salt Workshop) Colony (Master Winemaker) Colonia (Resources)
8 Children of Aphrodite Diacheirisy Tier 5
Children of Aphrodite
"I feel enchanted! My spirits have risen!"
1300 0 A Seafaring Nation
  • +3 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • +15% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +20% ​娯​楽(​文​化)​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
Goat Ranch Amphorae Factory
9 A Man of the People Diacheirisy Tier 6
A Man of the People
"He is one of us! Look at him toiling away!"
1400 0 Changing Loyalties
  • +3 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • -6% ​汚​職
  • +5% ​税​率
  • +3 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)