HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Tarchuna Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) / Technologies / Military Engineering
Military Engineering Tarchuna Pretenders (Rise of the Republic)Tarchuna Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) Strategy Tier 4

Military Engineering

Victory in war is as much about preparation as killing.

There’s far more to victory in war than simply fielding a larger army with better soldiers than your opponents’ – a good command of strategy and, on the battlefield level, tactics is key to success, and that’s something that may require years of careful planning prior to the actual fighting: where to fight and precisely when. Of course, it’s also important to get the preparation right, so the correct training and drill, on suitable ground and of the correct units, is essential too. It’s also a matter of military engineering (war is as much about defence as attack), so advanced construction skills are needed to prepare city walls and other defensive structures must be of the highest quality, lest a conflict doesn’t go our way or the enemy somehow manage to besiege our possessions whilst our army is away on campaign.


Military Engineering

Node Set

Strategy Tier 4






  • +3% movement range of all armies
  • -2 military building construction time (all regions)
  • -33% military building conversion costs (all regions)
  • -20% military building construction costs (all regions)
Requires Technologies Ammunition & GrainAmmunition & Grain
Enables Technologies Mercenary PatronsMercenary Patrons