Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Lusitani Secessionists (Hannibal at the Gates) / 科技 / Death in Battle
Death in Battle Lusitani Secessionists (Hannibal at the Gates)Lusitani Secessionists (Hannibal at the Gates) Warrior Code Tier 3

Death in Battle

There is no greater glory than to die, sword in hand.

The Celtiberian tribes of the Iberian peninsula were renowned as fierce fighters, particularly the Arevaci and Lusitani tribes, who waged wars across the peninsula to expand their territory. For the Iberian people glory in battle was extremely important. In particular, there was no higher honour than to fight and to perish in service of the tribe, and in full view of the gods. However, this sense also extended beyond barbarians; Hasdrubal Barca, brother of Hannibal, threw himself into the fight and died bravely when his army's annihilation became inevitable during the Battle of the Metaurus in 207BC.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板

Warrior Code

Death in Battle

Node Set

Warrior Code Tier 3






  • 所有軍隊和艦隊的移動距離+5%
  • 所有陸地單位突擊時攻擊加成+5%
  • 所有陸地單位的士氣+5%
Requires Technologies War DanceWar Dance
Enables Technologies Ritual DuelsRitual Duels
Enables Buildings Chieftain's HoldChieftain's Hold