Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Oretani (Hannibal at the Gates) / 科技 / Siege
Oretani (Hannibal at the Gates) Oretani (Hannibal at the Gates) 科技


Vast engines of war can grind an enemy into the dust.

No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Emergency Measures Siege Tier 1
Emergency Measures
Those who cannot fight are of little use in a siege.
200 0 Supply Foraging
  • -3%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 在被圍攻的時候-20%損耗
Great Food Vault Battering Ram Woodworker
2 Battering Ram Siege Tier 2
Battering Ram
"Knock, knock!"
300 0 Emergency Measures
  • -3%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 被圍攻時的損耗-20%
  • 預攻城:攻城槌
Siege Tower Carpenter
3 Great Food Vault Siege Tier 2
Great Food Vault
Famine can be kept at bay, with a little forethought.
300 0 Emergency Measures
  • -3%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 在被圍攻的時候-30%損耗
  • 為圍困領地+1圍困維持時間 (所有區域)
Ammunition Stores
4 Ammunition Stores Siege Tier 3
Ammunition Stores
What use is the mightiest engine when there is nothing to fling at the enemy but insults?
500 0 Great Food Vault
  • -5%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 捍衛一個圍攻時所有的單位+25%彈藥
  • 在被圍攻的時候-50%損耗
  • 所有攻城單位的每分鐘射速+20%
Boiling Oil
5 Siege Tower Siege Tier 3
Siege Tower
If you cannot go through a fortress wall, go over it. And in style.
800 0 Battering Ram
  • -5%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 被圍攻時的損耗-30%
  • 敵軍圍困持續時間-1
  • 預攻城:攻城塔
Torsion Techniques
6 Boiling Oil Siege Tier 4
Boiling Oil
Not even the bravest can master their horror when being scalded to death.
1000 0 Ammunition Stores
  • -5%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 為圍困領地+1圍困維持時間 (所有區域)
  • 啟用領地大門傾倒煮沸的油 (所有區域)
Armoured Siege Units
7 Armoured Siege Units Siege Tier 5
Armoured Siege Units
Powerful siege engines have delicate innards.
1600 0 Boiling Oil
  • -7%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 為圍困領地+1圍困維持時間 (所有區域)
  • 所有預攻城載具+25%生命
  • 所有攻城單位的裝甲+25%
Improved Defensive Artillery
8 Improved Defensive Artillery Siege Tier 6
Improved Defensive Artillery
He who casts the biggest stone laughs last.
2400 0 Armoured Siege Units
  • -7%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • +10%由圍攻武器造成的傷害
  • +10%城市塔損傷
  • 城市塔每分鐘射速+10%
9 Torsion Techniques Siege Tier 6
Torsion Techniques
The largest wall will tumble after many powerful blows.
2400 0 Siege Tower
  • -7%攻城單位費用 (所有行省)
  • 被圍攻時的損耗-50%
  • 敵軍圍困持續時間-1
  • 所有攻城單位+15%遠程傷害
Builder's Hall