Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Tarbelli (Hannibal at the Gates) / 科技 / Construction
Tarbelli (Hannibal at the Gates) Tarbelli (Hannibal at the Gates) 科技


Names may be forgotten, great buildings last forever.

No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Earth Works Construction Tier 1
Earth Works
An enemy should break on ramparts like waves on the shore.
200 0 Celtic Field Systems
  • 建築建造費用-3% (所有區域)
  • 每回合所有行省的增長+1 (所有行省)
  • -2%省會和殖民地的主要連鎖建造費用 (所有區域)
Under Floor Drainage Raised Site
2 Raised Site Construction Tier 2
Raised Site
A few feet of earth, moved to the right place, stops all flooding.
300 0 Earth Works
  • 建築建造費用-3% (所有區域)
  • 工業建築產生的財富+2% (所有區域)
Tax Labour Hundred
3 Under Floor Drainage Construction Tier 2
Under Floor Drainage
Who wants to live in a damp building?
300 0 Earth Works
  • 建築建造費用-3% (所有區域)
  • 每回合所有行省的增長+3 (所有行省)
  • -1省會和殖民地的主要連鎖建造時間 (所有區域)
4 Tax Labour Construction Tier 3
Tax Labour
Taxes must be paid, in coin, in kind or in simple, brute labour.
500 0 Raised Site
  • 建築建造費用-5% (所有區域)
  • 工業建築產生的財富+3% (所有區域)
Large Defences Stone Footing Shaft Mine Slave Market
5 Stone Footing Construction Tier 4
Stone Footing
Solid building starts with firm, durable foundations.
1000 0 Tax Labour
  • 建築建造費用-5% (所有區域)
  • 工業建築產生的財富+4% (所有區域)
Dry Stone Construction Mineral Spring
6 Large Defences Construction Tier 4
Large Defences
All the people should be able to shelter when attackers come a' raiding.
1000 0 Tax Labour
  • 建築建造費用-5% (所有區域)
  • -3%省會和殖民地的主要連鎖建造費用 (所有區域)
Double Wall Construction Town (Amber Trader) Town (Glass Maker) Town (Shaft Mine) Town (Grain Irrigated Farm) Town (Shaft Mine) Town (Leather Workshop) Town (Timber Yard) Town (Marble Cutter) Town (Mola Olieria) Town (Dye Works) Town (Silk Market) Town (Spice Producer) Town Town (Winemaker)
7 Double Wall Construction Construction Tier 5
Double Wall Construction
Defences should make the attackers pay for their temerity.
1600 0 Large Defences
  • 建築建造費用-7% (所有區域)
  • -4%省會和殖民地的主要連鎖建造費用 (所有區域)
  • -1省會和殖民地的主要連鎖建造時間 (所有區域)
Enclosed Settlement Sluiced Mine
8 Dry Stone Construction Construction Tier 5
Dry Stone Construction
Some buildings deserve permanence and strength.
1600 0 Stone Footing
  • 建築建造費用-7% (所有區域)
  • 工業建築產生的財富+6% (所有區域)
Enclosed Settlement Pagus (Amber Road) Pagus (Master Glass Maker) Pagus (Sluiced Mine) Pagus (Grain Estate) Pagus (Sluiced Mine) Pagus (Master Leather Workshop) Pagus (Timber Trader) Pagus (Marble Architect) Pagus (Olive Oil Trader) Pagus (Master Dye Works) Pagus (Silk Road) Pagus (Master Spice Producer) Farm Pagus Tribal Pagus Canals Pagus (Master Winemaker)
9 Enclosed Settlement Construction Tier 6
Enclosed Settlement
A wall defines the boundaries of home and the wild.
2500 0 Double Wall Construction Dry Stone Construction
  • 建築建造費用-7% (所有區域)
  • 所有地區每回合增長+2 (所有行省)
  • -5%省會和殖民地的主要連鎖建造費用 (所有區域)
Industry Oppidum Trade Oppidum Tribal Oppidum Sacred Spring