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Athenian Secessionists Athenian Secessionists Technologies



No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Scholarship ​哲​学 Tier 1
The man with learning does not thrive by mindless toil; his is a harder way.
300 0 Land Reclamation
  • -2% ​州​の​汚​職
  • ​ラ​ン​ク1​の​名​士​が​雇​用​可​能 (​全​て​の​州)
Astronomy Legal Documentation ​図​書​館
2 Astronomy ​哲​学 Tier 2
The gods made the heavens, but men can learn much from their work.
400 0 Scholarship
  • -2% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +6% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • -10% ​政​治​的​事​件​の​発​生​率
Natural Philosophy
3 Legal Documentation ​哲​学 Tier 2
Legal Documentation
When property is involved the memory and honesty of men are fragile things.
400 0 Scholarship
  • -2% ​州​の​汚​職
  • -5% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (​全​て​の​人​物)
  • +2% ​税​率
Legal Institutions
4 Legal Institutions ​哲​学 Tier 3
Legal Institutions
When law is separated from the whims of a ruler, all benefit.
600 0 Legal Documentation
  • -3% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +3% ​税​率
  • +2 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
Labour Organisation
5 Natural Philosophy ​哲​学 Tier 3
Natural Philosophy
Pure thought must eventually give way to practical evidence.
600 0 Astronomy
  • -3% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +10% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +2 ​文​化​転​向​速​度
Hippocratic Oath ​リ​ュ​ケ​イ​オ​ン
6 Hippocratic Oath ​哲​学 Tier 4
Hippocratic Oath
"I swear by Apollo the physician and by Asclepius and Hygieia and Panacea…"
1000 0 Natural Philosophy
  • -3% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +15% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +4 ​文​化​転​向​速​度
  • -20% ​政​略​実​行​費
Field Surgery ​ア​カ​デ​ミ​ア
7 Field Surgery ​哲​学 Tier 5
Field Surgery
A wounded man is not a dead man if the surgeons work quickly.
2300 0 Hippocratic Oath
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +20% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +6 ​文​化​転​向​速​度
  • -30% ​政​略​実​行​費
  • -15% ​政​治​的​事​件​の​発​生​率
8 Labour Organisation ​哲​学 Tier 6
Labour Organisation
When many hands work it is better when they are controlled by one tongue.
1000 0 Legal Institutions
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +4% ​税​率
  • +3 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
Consensual Contracts
9 Consensual Contracts ​哲​学 Tier 6
Consensual Contracts
When all is fair men can work together, with suspicions cast aside.
2500 0 Labour Organisation
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
  • -10% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (​全​て​の​人​物)
  • +6% ​税​率
  • +4 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
  • -7% ​州​の​汚​職