HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Nervii Secessionists / Technologies / ​部​族​評​議​会
Nervii Secessionists Nervii Secessionists Technologies



No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Knowledge of the Oak ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 1
Knowledge of the Oak
Knowing the natural world and its rhythms is the first step along the path of wisdom.
200 0 Celtic Field Systems
  • -2% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +5% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • -20% ​政​略​実​行​費
Sacred Grove Mint
2 Mint ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 2
Coins are far easier to carry and spend than goats, as any trader will tell you.
300 0 Knowledge of the Oak
  • -2% ​州​の​汚​職
  • -2% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (​全​て​の​人​物)
  • +2% ​税​率
Cupellation Furnace ​硬​貨​鋳​造​所
3 Sacred Grove ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 2
Sacred Grove
Some places are in both the waking world and the shadows.
300 0 Knowledge of the Oak
  • -2% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +6% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +2 ​文​化​転​向​速​度
  • -10% ​政​治​的​事​件​の​発​生​率
Stargazing ​伝​承​師​の​小​屋
4 Cupellation Furnace ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 3
Cupellation Furnace
Heat and skill can make even gold and silver more lustrous.
500 0 Mint
  • -3% ​州​の​汚​職
  • ​ラ​ン​ク1​の​名​士​が​雇​用​可​能 (​全​て​の​州)
  • -3% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (​全​て​の​人​物)
Celtic Calendar ​ト​ラ​ン​ペ​ッ​ト​職​人 ​金​細​工​職​人
5 Stargazing ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 3
Much may be read in the wheel of the heavens.
800 0 Sacred Grove
  • -3% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +7% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +4 ​文​化​転​向​速​度
  • -30% ​政​略​実​行​費
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
Temple of the Oak ​吟​遊​詩​人​の​森
6 Celtic Calendar ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 4
Celtic Calendar
For everything there is a time and a season.
1000 0 Cupellation Furnace
  • -3% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +3% ​税​率
  • +2 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
Multilingual ​カ​ル​ニ​ク​ス​職​人
7 Multilingual ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 5
To speak another's language is to know his thoughts.
1600 0 Celtic Calendar
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
  • -4% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (​全​て​の​人​物)
  • +4% ​税​率
  • +3 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
Land & Community Laws ​硬​貨​保​管​庫
8 Land & Community Laws ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 6
Land & Community Laws
When it is clear to all who owns what, and who may work where, life is easier.
2300 0 Multilingual
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
  • -6% ​工​作​員​の​行​動​費 (​全​て​の​人​物)
  • +6% ​税​率
  • +4 ​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
9 Temple of the Oak ​部​族​評​議​会 Tier 6
Temple of the Oak
Oaks have deep roots and remember many things long gone from the world.
2300 0 Stargazing
  • -5% ​州​の​汚​職
  • +15% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (​全​て​の​領​土)
  • +6 ​文​化​転​向​速​度
  • -15% ​政​治​的​事​件​の​発​生​率
  • -10% ​州​の​汚​職