Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Roman Pretenders (Empire Divided) / 輔助兵團
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Auxiliary Bactrian Hillmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Bactrian_Hillmen)
Auxiliary Bactrian Hillmen
160 260 260 50 28 26 10 36 45 45 25
160 Auxiliary Celtic Swordsmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Celtic_Swordsmen)
Auxiliary Celtic Swordsmen
160 580 580 115 29 40 28 54 65 50 35
160 Auxiliary Egyptian Infantry
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Egyptian_Infantry)
Auxiliary Egyptian Infantry
Frontline soldiers trained for hand-to-hand combat with their enemies.
160 200 200 40 16 24 8 41 55 45 25
160 Auxiliary Gallic Heavy Infantry
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Gallic_Heavy_Infantry)
Auxiliary Gallic Heavy Infantry
Gaul's strongest swords have a special place in Roman armies.
160 1350 1350 270 48 45 35 69 80 65 50
160 Auxiliary Gallic Swordsmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Gallic_Swordsmen)
Auxiliary Gallic Swordsmen
A Gaul can skilfully swing a longsword for the Empire and remain a Gaul.
160 350 350 70 25 40 20 58 45 50 40
160 Auxiliary Germanic Axe Warriors
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Axe_Warriors)
Auxiliary Germanic Axe Warriors
Their skill in battle with the axe is recognised in Imperial ranks.
160 450 450 90 37 26 24 50 60 55 45
160 Auxiliary Germanic Falxmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Falxmen)
Auxiliary Germanic Falxmen
160 360 360 70 38 39 48 11 10 50 35
160 Auxiliary Germanic Heavy Infantry
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Heavy_Infantry)
Auxiliary Germanic Heavy Infantry
The Germanic tribes produce mighty warriors to serve the Empire.
160 780 780 155 39 40 27 57 80 60 55
160 Auxiliary Germanic Swordsmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Swordsmen)
Auxiliary Germanic Swordsmen
A stout shield and a sharp blade. Argue with them at your peril.
160 450 450 90 40 34 24 39 60 55 40
160 Auxiliary Hillmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Hillmen)
Auxiliary Hillmen
Resentment of others can make anyone fight hard.
160 220 220 45 20 26 10 36 15 45 25
160 Auxiliary Iberian Swordsmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Iberian_Swordsmen)
Auxiliary Iberian Swordsmen
These Iberians are more than able to serve the Empire at the front of a battle line.
160 350 350 70 35 35 20 60 15 50 35
160 Auxiliary Illyrian Raiders
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Raiders)
Auxiliary Illyrian Raiders
Fast-moving, stealthy infantry are ideal for hit-and-run tactics.
160 400 400 80 34 26 16 40 60 45 45
160 Auxiliary Illyrian Swordsmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Swordsmen)
Auxiliary Illyrian Swordsmen
Illyrian fury and Roman equipment combined make these troops a force to be reckoned with.
160 420 420 85 34 35 10 45 60 50 40
160 Auxiliary Libyan Infantry
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Libyan_Infantry)
Auxiliary Libyan Infantry
The desert battlefield hardens warriors, turning them into an unstoppable force.
160 720 720 145 41 36 18 51 75 60 50
160 Auxiliary Scutarii
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Scutarii)
Auxiliary Scutarii
160 620 620 125 42 35 21 60 60 55 45
160 Auxiliary Steppe Warriors
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Steppe_Warriors)
Auxiliary Steppe Warriors
Tribal warfare on the steppes has made these warriors a useful tool for the Empire.
160 270 270 55 30 26 14 54 25 45 20
160 Auxiliary Swordsmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Swordsmen)
Auxiliary Swordsmen
Every capable man will be used in the Empire's military.
160 420 420 85 34 35 10 45 60 50 40
160 Auxiliary Thracian Warriors
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (3c_Aux_Thracian_Warriors)
Auxiliary Thracian Warriors
When victorious over a worthy opponent, absorb their strength.
160 420 420 85 46 45 36 12 30 50 40
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Auxiliary Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Archers)
Auxiliary Archers
The step from hunting to archery is not a difficult one.
120 290 290 60 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Armenian Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Armenian_Archers)
Auxiliary Armenian Archers
Even among the specialised auxiliary archers, Armenian bows cannot be matched.
120 420 420 85 35 150 6 15 28 20 18 32 40 55 50
120 Auxiliary Briton Slingers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Briton_Slingers)
Auxiliary Briton Slingers
120 380 380 75 23 150 7 25 8 24 3 37 25 50 30
120 Auxiliary Celtic Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Celtic_Archers)
Auxiliary Celtic Archers
120 380 380 75 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 20
120 Auxiliary Cretan Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Cretan_Archers)
Auxiliary Cretan Archers
Give a loyal Cretan a bow and he will conquer in the Empire's name.
120 600 600 120 40 150 7 15 12 24 6 14 30 55 55
120 Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Eastern_Javelinmen)
Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen
120 360 360 70 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 20
120 Auxiliary Egyptian Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Egyptian_Archers)
Auxiliary Egyptian Archers
Archers can strike down the enemies of the Empire at a distance.
120 280 280 55 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Gallic Bowmen
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Gallic_Bowmen)
Auxiliary Gallic Bowmen
Their skills in archery are best used in the service of the Empire.
120 450 450 90 35 150 7 15 17 24 5 15 10 45 40
120 Auxiliary Gallic Skirmishers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Gallic_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Gallic Skirmishers
Skirmishing is not the most prestigious role in battle, but remains necessary.
120 220 220 45 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 27 40 50 25
120 Auxiliary Germanic Hunters
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Hunters)
Auxiliary Germanic Hunters
A careless man in tribal lands can become a hunter's prey.
120 450 450 90 35 150 7 15 17 24 5 15 10 45 40
120 Auxiliary Germanic Skirmishers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Germanic Skirmishers
Their lack of armour assists their swift, hit-and-run combat-style.
120 220 220 45 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 27 40 50 25
120 Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Iberian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
An Iberian stone cast for the Empire can be as deadly as any other.
120 280 280 55 20 150 7 25 8 24 7 37 25 45 35
120 Auxiliary Illyrian Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Archers)
Auxiliary Illyrian Archers
What they lack in accuracy, range, and stopping power they make up for in sheer volume.
120 300 300 60 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Illyrian Slingers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Illyrian Slingers
With the right stone, even the lowliest slinger can bring down a noble warrior.
120 330 330 65 20 150 7 25 8 24 3 22 20 45 25
120 Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Numidian_Javelinmen)
Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen
120 340 340 70 32 80 8 7 10 24 4 38 15 50 45
120 Auxiliary Peltasts
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Peltasts)
Auxiliary Peltasts
A good commander knows the value of skirmishers.
120 420 420 85 32 80 7 7 18 24 10 40 65 50 40
120 Auxiliary Persian Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Archers)
Auxiliary Persian Archers
Any Persian worth his salt can use a bow in battle.
120 360 360 70 35 150 6 15 9 24 4 13 10 50 30
120 Auxiliary Persian Skirmishers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Persian Skirmishers
As their armour is lacking, skirmishers rely on their agility to survive.
120 320 320 65 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 22 15 45 20
120 Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Rhodian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers
120 590 590 120 29 150 8 25 12 24 6 24 25 55 55
120 Auxiliary Sabaean Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Sabean_Archers)
Auxiliary Sabaean Archers
120 360 360 70 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Syrian Archers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Syrian_Archers)
Auxiliary Syrian Archers
The chance to strike down the Empire's enemies at a distance should be embraced, always.
120 520 520 105 35 150 6 15 10 24 4 13 40 55 40
120 Auxiliary Thracian Slingers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Thracian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Thracian Slingers
120 280 280 55 20 150 7 25 12 24 3 37 15 45 25
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Auxiliary Armoured Pikemen
近戰步兵 / 槍步兵 / (3c_Aux_Armoured_Pikemen)
Auxiliary Armoured Pikemen
Armour and pikes, both hated by horsemen.
160 740 740 150 39 24 9 33 70 55 45
160 Auxiliary Eastern Pikemen
近戰步兵 / 槍步兵 / (3c_Aux_Eastern_Pikemen)
Auxiliary Eastern Pikemen
Cavalry could decide battles, unless blocked by a wall of pikes.
160 430 430 85 39 24 9 33 70 55 55
160 Auxiliary Egyptian Pikemen
近戰步兵 / 槍步兵 / (3c_Aux_Egyptian_Pikemen)
Auxiliary Egyptian Pikemen
A line of pikes is highly effective for suppressing aggression.
160 430 430 85 30 20 4 15 50 50 35
160 Auxiliary Illyrian Armoured Pikemen
近戰步兵 / 槍步兵 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Armoured_Pikemen)
Auxiliary Illyrian Armoured Pikemen
160 740 740 150 39 24 9 33 70 55 55
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Auxiliary Arabian Spearmen
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Arabian_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Arabian Spearmen
160 180 180 35 13 25 11 49 45 45 30
160 Auxiliary Armoured Gallic Spearmen
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Armoured_Gallic_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Armoured Gallic Spearmen
160 740 740 150 26 26 22 72 75 55 55
160 Auxiliary Celtic Spearmen
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Celtic_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Celtic Spearmen
Their rage and pride is focused on a sharpened point.
160 340 340 70 17 22 21 58 45 50 35
160 Auxiliary Eastern Spearmen
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Eastern_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Eastern Spearmen
160 180 180 35 13 25 11 34 45 45 25
160 Auxiliary Germanic Spear Masters
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Spear_Masters)
Auxiliary Germanic Spear Masters
It may not be their first choice of weapon, but the Germans have learned to appreciate the value of the spear in battle.
160 830 830 165 30 26 24 74 75 60 65
160 Auxiliary Numidian Infantry
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Numidian_Infantry)
Auxiliary Numidian Infantry
Numidian warriors have always been formidable foes for European opponents.
160 280 280 55 13 20 11 64 15 45 30
160 Auxiliary Persian Spearmen
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Persian Spearmen
The spear does not cost much, but can topple the most expensive cavalry.
160 300 300 60 13 25 11 34 55 45 35
160 Auxiliary Sabaean Spearmen
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Sabean_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Sabaean Spearmen
160 180 180 35 13 25 11 34 45 45 30
160 Auxiliary Spear Infantry
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (3c_Aux_Spear_Infantry)
Auxiliary Spear Infantry
Able soldiers, well schooled in war, and eager to serve the Empire.
160 400 400 80 18 25 15 55 75 50 45
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
80 Alae Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Alae_Cavalry)
Alae Cavalry
80 640 640 130 33 25 29 30 70 80 40
80 Auxiliary Arabian Camel Spearmen
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Arabian_Camel_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Arabian Camel Spearmen
A camel is a bizarre beast, yet has its advantages in battle.
80 400 400 80 28 25 25 50 25 85 40
80 Auxiliary Bactrian Light Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Bactrian_Light_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Bactrian Light Cavalry
80 430 430 85 37 25 29 26 55 75 30
80 Auxiliary Camel Spearmen
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Camel_Spearmen)
Auxiliary Camel Spearmen
A camel is a bizarre beast, yet has its advantages in battle.
80 400 400 80 28 25 25 50 25 85 40
80 Auxiliary Cappadocian Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Cappadocian_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Cappadocian Cavalry
No ambitious commander ignores a force of competent cavalrymen.
80 820 820 165 49 29 38 37 70 80 60
80 Auxiliary Celtic Heavy Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Celtic_Heavy_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Celtic Heavy Cavalry
80 720 720 145 42 27 39 42 60 90 50
80 Auxiliary Celtic Horsemen
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Celtic_Horsemen)
Auxiliary Celtic Horsemen
No general of the Empire would refuse cavalry able to fight and scout.
80 450 450 90 38 27 31 30 40 70 30
80 Auxiliary Desert Riders
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Desert_Riders)
Auxiliary Desert Riders
80 720 720 145 48 38 30 52 45 75 45
80 Auxiliary Eastern Heavy Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Eastern_Heavy_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Eastern Heavy Cavalry
On eastern battlefields, nobility is intrinsically connected to strength.
80 750 750 150 44 29 34 35 70 90 50
80 Auxiliary Gallic Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Gallic_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Gallic Cavalry
A good commander can put light cavalry to good use in a fight.
80 450 450 90 42 27 39 56 15 75 45
80 Auxiliary Iberian Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Iberian_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Iberian Cavalry
80 500 500 100 50 39 31 50 15 75 40
80 Auxiliary Illyrian Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Illyrian Cavalry
The Empire has infantrymen in abundance; it makes sense, then, to use auxiliary cavalry when it can be found.
80 460 460 90 28 25 30 40 55 75 45
80 Auxiliary Persian Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Persian Cavalry
80 640 640 130 45 25 29 38 50 90 40
80 Auxiliary Sabaean Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Sabean_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Sabaean Cavalry
80 620 620 125 46 38 28 50 15 80 40
80 Auxiliary Sarmatian Light Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Sarmatian_Light_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Sarmatian Light Cavalry
Steppe horsemanship is so fearsome that commanders everywhere covet it for their army.
80 380 380 75 39 27 35 51 15 75 40
80 Auxiliary Scutarii Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Scutarii_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Scutarii Cavalry
80 680 680 135 42 25 37 44 55 80 55
80 Auxiliary Steppe Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Steppe_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Steppe Cavalry
These are hard, almost-fearless cavalry, bred for war on the harsh steppes.
80 680 680 135 48 27 38 47 60 80 50
80 Auxiliary Thracian Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Thracian_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Thracian Cavalry
Armed with spears, these superb cavalrymen are ideal for charging flanks and running down routers.
80 450 450 90 31 27 31 36 60 80 45
80 Auxiliary Thracian Heroic Riders
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Thracian_Heroic_Riders)
Auxiliary Thracian Heroic Riders
These noble warriors are far more savage and fearsome than your regular barbarian.
80 1300 1300 260 49 29 43 36 90 90 70
80 Auxiliary Thracian Light Cavalry
騎兵 / 近戰騎士 / (3c_Aux_Thracian_Light_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Thracian Light Cavalry
80 500 500 100 39 27 33 51 15 75 45
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
80 Alae Skirmishers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Alae_Skirmishers)
Alae Skirmishers
Harassing units with javelins from horseback is an ideal way to frustrate your opponents.
80 340 340 70 29 80 7 7 9 24 4 38 15 70 35
80 Auxiliary Arabian Camel Archers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Arabian_Camel_Archers)
Auxiliary Arabian Camel Archers
80 450 450 90 35 125 6 13 16 24 8 15 10 85 35
80 Auxiliary Bactrian Horse Archers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Bactrian_Horse_Archers)
Auxiliary Bactrian Horse Archers
80 700 700 140 40 125 6 13 40 36 14 17 35 75 50
80 Auxiliary Camel Archers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Camel_Archers)
Auxiliary Camel Archers
80 450 450 90 35 125 6 12 16 24 8 15 10 85 35
80 Auxiliary Horse Skirmishers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Horse_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Horse Skirmishers
Excellent local skirmishers to screen the movements of the Legions.
80 460 460 90 32 80 7 7 9 24 4 38 15 70 30
80 Auxiliary Numidian Cavalry
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Numidian_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Numidian Cavalry
80 580 580 115 41 80 8 7 18 24 10 39 15 75 55
80 Auxiliary Persian Horse Skirmishers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Horse_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Persian Horse Skirmishers
Mounted skirmishers have their uses within Imperial forces.
80 390 390 80 41 80 7 7 9 24 4 41 15 70 45
80 Auxiliary Sarmatian Horse Archers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Sarmatian_Horse_Archers)
Auxiliary Sarmatian Horse Archers
80 360 360 70 40 125 6 13 9 24 4 13 10 70 30
80 Auxiliary Thracian Horse Skirmishers
騎兵 / 遠程騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Thracian_Horse_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Thracian Horse Skirmishers
80 450 450 90 32 80 7 7 14 24 10 33 40 75 35
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
80 Alae Clibanarii
騎兵 / 突擊騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Alae_Clibanarii)
Alae Clibanarii
This unit of heavily-armoured melee cavalry are an almost unstoppable battlefield force.
80 1450 1450 290 50 27 76 23 110 105 60
80 Auxiliary Lanciarii
騎兵 / 突擊騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Lanciarii)
Auxiliary Lanciarii
The charge of a lancer sends enemies flying, often in more than one piece.
80 340 340 70 36 25 52 16 35 70 35
80 Auxiliary Persian Cataphracts
騎兵 / 突擊騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Cataphracts)
Auxiliary Persian Cataphracts
Persian cataphracts, the purest breed, can almost smash through city walls.
80 1100 1100 220 40 25 67 17 90 100 60
80 Auxiliary Pontic Cavalry
騎兵 / 突擊騎兵 / (3c_Aux_Pontic_Cavalry)
Auxiliary Pontic Cavalry
80 1200 1200 240 46 25 76 17 60 100 60
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
20 Auxiliary Armored Chariots
騎兵 / 戰車 / (3c_Aux_Armoured_Chariots)
Auxiliary Armored Chariots
A charging armoured juggernaut is enough to break all but the strongest infantry line.
20 1100 1100 220 46 40 35 62 75 90 70
20 Auxiliary Chariots
騎兵 / 戰車 / (3c_Aux_Chariots)
Auxiliary Chariots
Any commander would be blind to not recognise the strength of the chariot in battle.
20 900 900 180 43 40 32 59 70 90 60
12 Auxiliary Scythed Chariots
騎兵 / 戰車 / (3c_Aux_Scythed_Chariots)
Auxiliary Scythed Chariots
12 1380 1380 275 54 35 45 29 60 100 55
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
12 Auxiliary African Elephants
大象 / 大象 / (3c_Aux_African_Elephants)
Auxiliary African Elephants
In the end, all things must serve the Empire.
12 1400 1400 280 54 60 36 21 30 905 55
24 Auxiliary Indian War Elephants
大象 / 大象 / (3c_Aux_Indian_War_Elephants)
Auxiliary Indian War Elephants
Living, breathing war machines, elephants require special attention if they are to be used effectively.
24 1500 1500 300 34 60 28 20 30 1005 65
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Arabian Spearmen
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Ara_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Arabian Spearmen


60 320 320 65 501 6 13 25 11 49 45 45 30
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Spear Infantry
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Spear Infantry

Able soldiers, well schooled in war, and eager to serve the Empire.

60 440 440 90 501 6 18 25 15 55 75 50 45
120 Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Swordsmen
中型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Assault_Quadreme)
Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Swordsmen

Every capable man will be used in the Empire's military.

120 740 740 150 825 6 34 35 10 45 60 50 40
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Celtic Swordsmen
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Bri_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Celtic Swordsmen


60 390 390 80 501 6 29 40 28 54 65 50 35
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Hillmen
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Eas_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Hillmen

Resentment of others can make anyone fight hard.

60 360 360 70 501 6 20 26 10 36 15 45 25
120 Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Egyptian Infantry
中型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Egy_Assault_Quadreme)
Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Egyptian Infantry

Frontline soldiers trained for hand-to-hand combat with their enemies.

120 660 660 130 825 6 16 24 8 41 55 45 25
120 Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Gallic Swordsmen
中型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Gal_Assault_Quadreme)
Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Gallic Swordsmen

A Gaul can skilfully swing a longsword for the Empire and remain a Gaul.

120 680 680 135 825 6 25 40 20 58 45 50 40
120 Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Scutarii
中型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Ibe_Assault_Quadreme)
Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Scutarii


120 800 800 160 825 6 42 35 21 60 60 55 45
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Illyrian Raiders
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Ill_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Illyrian Raiders

Fast-moving, stealthy infantry are ideal for hit-and-run tactics.

60 380 380 75 501 6 34 26 16 40 60 45 45
120 Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Illyrian Swordsmen
中型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Ill_Assault_Quadreme)
Assault Quadrireme - Auxiliary Illyrian Swordsmen

Illyrian fury and Roman equipment combined make these troops a force to be reckoned with.

120 640 640 130 825 6 34 35 10 45 60 50 40
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Num_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry

Numidian warriors have always been formidable foes for European opponents.

60 350 350 70 501 6 13 20 11 64 15 45 30
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Persian Spearmen
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Per_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Persian Spearmen

The spear does not cost much, but can topple the most expensive cavalry.

60 390 390 80 501 6 13 25 11 34 55 45 35
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Sabaean Spearmen
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Sab_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Sabaean Spearmen


60 320 320 65 501 6 13 25 11 34 45 45 30
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Steppe Warriors
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Ste_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Steppe Warriors

Tribal warfare on the steppes has made these warriors a useful tool for the Empire.

60 340 340 70 501 6 30 26 14 54 25 45 20
60 Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Thracian Warriors
輕型船隻 / 近戰艦船 / (3c_Aux_Thr_Assault_Bireme)
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Thracian Warriors

When victorious over a worthy opponent, absorb their strength.

60 400 400 80 501 6 46 45 36 12 30 50 40
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
140 Missile Quinquereme - Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Asia_Missile_Quinquereme)
Missile Quinquereme - Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers


140 840 840 170 1020 5 29 150 8 25 12 24 6 24 25 55 55
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Briton Slingers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Bri_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Briton Slingers


80 520 520 105 693 6 23 150 7 25 8 24 3 37 25 50 30
140 Missile Quinquereme - Auxiliary Syrian Archers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Eas_Missile_Quinquereme)
Missile Quinquereme - Auxiliary Syrian Archers

The chance to strike down the Empire's enemies at a distance should be embraced, always.

140 960 960 190 1020 5 35 150 6 15 10 24 4 13 40 55 40
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Eas_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen


80 570 570 115 693 6 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 20
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Egyptian Archers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Egy_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Egyptian Archers

Archers can strike down the enemies of the Empire at a distance.

80 450 450 90 693 6 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Gallic Bowmen
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Gal_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Gallic Bowmen

Their skills in archery are best used in the service of the Empire.

80 450 450 90 693 6 35 150 7 15 17 24 5 15 10 45 40
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Hisp_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Iberian Slingers

An Iberian stone cast for the Empire can be as deadly as any other.

80 420 420 85 693 6 20 150 7 25 8 24 7 37 25 45 35
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Ibe_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Iberian Slingers

An Iberian stone cast for the Empire can be as deadly as any other.

80 420 420 85 693 6 20 150 7 25 8 24 7 37 25 45 35
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Illyrian Archers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Ill_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Illyrian Archers

What they lack in accuracy, range, and stopping power they make up for in sheer volume.

80 430 430 85 693 6 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
140 Missile Quinquereme - Auxiliary Cretan Archers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Missile_Quinquereme)
Missile Quinquereme - Auxiliary Cretan Archers

Give a loyal Cretan a bow and he will conquer in the Empire's name.

140 1050 1050 210 1020 5 40 150 7 15 12 24 6 14 30 55 55
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Archers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Archers

The step from hunting to archery is not a difficult one.

80 440 440 90 693 6 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Num_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen


80 650 650 130 693 6 32 80 8 7 10 24 4 38 15 50 45
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Persian Archers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Per_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Persian Archers

Any Persian worth his salt can use a bow in battle.

80 460 460 90 693 6 35 150 6 15 9 24 4 13 10 50 30
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Sabaean Archers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Sab_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Sabaean Archers


80 420 420 85 693 6 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
80 Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Thracian Slingers
中型船隻 / 弓箭船 / (3c_Aux_Thr_Missile_Trireme)
Missile Trireme - Auxiliary Thracian Slingers


80 380 380 75 693 6 20 150 7 25 12 24 3 37 15 45 25