HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​ゲ​ル​マ​ン​反​乱​軍 (Caesar in Gaul) / Units / ​野​戦​投​擲​兵​器
​ゲ​ル​マ​ン​反​乱​軍 (Caesar in Gaul) ​ゲ​ル​マ​ン​反​乱​軍 (Caesar in Gaul) Units


With a long range and able to cause great damage, field artillery can be moved slowly around the battlefield, but are very weak if engaged in melee.

No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
40 German Bastion Ballista
Siege Engine / ​野​戦​投​擲​兵​器 / (Ger_Ballista_Bastion)
German Bastion Ballista
Even the war gods approve of machinery when it strikes down enemies!
40 560 560 110 180 460 3 9 24 6 14 10 40 35
40 German Ballista
Siege Engine / ​野​戦​投​擲​兵​器 / (Ger_Ballista)
German Ballista
Even the war gods approve of machinery when it strikes down enemies!
40 1560 560 110 180 420 3 9 24 6 14 10 45 35
40 German Scorpion
Siege Engine / ​野​戦​投​擲​兵​器 / (Ger_Cheiroballistra)
German Scorpion
It is better to kill enemies at a distance than within reach of their spears.
40 520 520 100 120 350 6 9 24 6 14 10 45 35
40 German Heavy Onager
Siege Engine / ​野​戦​投​擲​兵​器 / (Ger_Large_Onager)
German Heavy Onager
Wodanaz approves of squashing enemies with very heavy objects!
40 1790 790 160 230 480 2 9 24 6 14 10 45 35
40 German Bastion Onager
Siege Engine / ​野​戦​投​擲​兵​器 / (Ger_Onager_Bastion)
German Bastion Onager
There is nothing quite like an onager for loosening the enemy's bowels.
40 580 580 120 200 400 4 9 24 6 14 10 40 35
40 German Onager
Siege Engine / ​野​戦​投​擲​兵​器 / (Ger_Onager)
German Onager
There is nothing quite like an onager for loosening the enemy's bowels.
40 1580 580 120 200 350 3 9 24 6 14 10 45 35