HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​ポ​ン​ペ​イ​ウ​ス​支​配​領​ロー​マ (Imperator Augustus) / Units / ​突​撃​騎​兵
​ポ​ン​ペ​イ​ウ​ス​支​配​領​ロー​マ (Imperator Augustus) ​ポ​ン​ペ​イ​ウ​ス​支​配​領​ロー​マ (Imperator Augustus) Units


The hammer to the infantry of any army, they are devastating when charged into the flank or rear of enemies.

No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
80 Socii Equites Extraordinarii
Cavalry / ​突​撃​騎​兵 / (Aux_Ita_Socii_Equites_Extraordinarii)
Socii Equites Extraordinarii
These heavy cavalry give excellent account of themselves in close-combat.
80 840 840 140 34 25 57 11 60 100 55
80 Auxiliary Persian Cavalry
Cavalry / ​突​撃​騎​兵 / (Aux_Per_Cav)
Auxiliary Persian Cavalry
A wise Roman commander recognises cavalry talent, and values it.
80 640 640 130 40 25 67 15 40 95 60
80 Auxiliary Armoured Lancers
Cavalry / ​突​撃​騎​兵 / (Aux_Sar_Armour_Lancers)
Auxiliary Armoured Lancers
These armoured lancers can be the sharp point of a Roman general's bloody spear!
80 550 550 100 40 25 57 16 30 85 30
80 Auxiliary Sarmatian Lancers
Cavalry / ​突​撃​騎​兵 / (Aux_Sar_Lancers)
Auxiliary Sarmatian Lancers
Enemy guts spilled by a lance are a good thing for any Roman commander.
80 340 340 70 34 25 51 16 10 70 35