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Lusitania (Empire Divided) Lusitania (Empire Divided) Units


Fast moving units with a wide turning circle, they can punch through weak enemy units. They are vulnerable if pinned down in combat.

No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
20 Auxiliary Armored Chariots
Cavalry / ​チ​ャ​リ​オ​ッ​ト / (3c_Aux_Armoured_Chariots)
Auxiliary Armored Chariots
A charging armoured juggernaut is enough to break all but the strongest infantry line.
20 1100 1100 220 46 40 35 62 75 90 70
20 Auxiliary Chariots
Cavalry / ​チ​ャ​リ​オ​ッ​ト / (3c_Aux_Chariots)
Auxiliary Chariots
Any commander would be blind to not recognise the strength of the chariot in battle.
20 900 900 180 43 40 32 59 70 90 60
12 Auxiliary Scythed Chariots
Cavalry / ​チ​ャ​リ​オ​ッ​ト / (3c_Aux_Scythed_Chariots)
Auxiliary Scythed Chariots
The terror of a thundering charge, with flashing blades, is often enough to weaken opponents.
12 1380 1380 275 54 35 45 29 60 100 55