Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / 馬塞西里 / 部隊 / 近戰步兵
馬塞西里 馬塞西里 部隊



No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Slave Infantry
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (dk_kush_slave_infantry)
Slave Infantry
Slaves live with death each day; for them, war is just more unpaid work.
160 140 160 15 22 35 18 24 5 50 25
160 Desert Cohort
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (dk_num_desert_cohort)
Desert Cohort
Experience in battle is a weapon in its own right.
160 980 980 195 47 35 12 60 90 60 65
160 Desert Legionaries
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (dk_num_desert_legionaries)
Desert Legionaries
The classic heavy infantry, with good armour and exceptional morale.
160 700 700 140 47 35 14 48 80 60 55
160 Gaetuli Tribesmen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (dk_num_gaetuli_tribesmen)
Gaetuli Tribesmen
Tribesmen are swift and deadly with javelins and swords.
160 520 520 105 30 25 36 36 0 55 55
160 Numidian Light Infantry
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (dk_num_numidian_light_infantry)
Numidian Light Infantry
Numidians, steeped in the history of their land, ready to fight in its name.
160 380 380 75 32 35 28 47 45 50 40