Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Palmyrene Pretenders (Empire Divided) / 部队 / 远程步兵
Palmyrene Pretenders (Empire Divided) Palmyrene Pretenders (Empire Divided) 部队



No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Auxiliary Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Archers)
Auxiliary Archers
The step from hunting to archery is not a difficult one.
120 290 290 60 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Armenian Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Armenian_Archers)
Auxiliary Armenian Archers
Even among the specialised auxiliary archers, Armenian bows cannot be matched.
120 420 420 85 35 150 6 15 28 20 18 32 40 55 50
120 Auxiliary Briton Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Briton_Slingers)
Auxiliary Briton Slingers
120 380 380 75 23 150 7 25 8 24 3 37 25 50 30
120 Auxiliary Celtic Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Celtic_Archers)
Auxiliary Celtic Archers
120 380 380 75 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 20
120 Auxiliary Cretan Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Cretan_Archers)
Auxiliary Cretan Archers
Give a loyal Cretan a bow and he will conquer in the Empire's name.
120 600 600 120 40 150 7 15 12 24 6 14 30 55 55
120 Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Eastern_Javelinmen)
Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen
120 360 360 70 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 20
120 Auxiliary Egyptian Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Egyptian_Archers)
Auxiliary Egyptian Archers
Archers can strike down the enemies of the Empire at a distance.
120 280 280 55 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Gallic Bowmen
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Gallic_Bowmen)
Auxiliary Gallic Bowmen
Their skills in archery are best used in the service of the Empire.
120 450 450 90 35 150 7 15 17 24 5 15 10 45 40
120 Auxiliary Gallic Skirmishers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Gallic_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Gallic Skirmishers
Skirmishing is not the most prestigious role in battle, but remains necessary.
120 220 220 45 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 27 40 50 25
120 Auxiliary Germanic Hunters
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Hunters)
Auxiliary Germanic Hunters
A careless man in tribal lands can become a hunter's prey.
120 450 450 90 35 150 7 15 17 24 5 15 10 45 40
120 Auxiliary Germanic Skirmishers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Germanic_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Germanic Skirmishers
Their lack of armour assists their swift, hit-and-run combat-style.
120 220 220 45 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 27 40 50 25
120 Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Iberian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
An Iberian stone cast for the Empire can be as deadly as any other.
120 280 280 55 20 150 7 25 8 24 7 37 25 45 35
120 Auxiliary Illyrian Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Archers)
Auxiliary Illyrian Archers
What they lack in accuracy, range, and stopping power they make up for in sheer volume.
120 300 300 60 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Illyrian Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Illyrian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Illyrian Slingers
With the right stone, even the lowliest slinger can bring down a noble warrior.
120 330 330 65 20 150 7 25 8 24 3 22 20 45 25
120 Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Numidian_Javelinmen)
Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen
120 340 340 70 32 80 8 7 10 24 4 38 15 50 45
120 Auxiliary Peltasts
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Peltasts)
Auxiliary Peltasts
A good commander knows the value of skirmishers.
120 420 420 85 32 80 7 7 18 24 10 40 65 50 40
120 Auxiliary Persian Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Archers)
Auxiliary Persian Archers
Any Persian worth his salt can use a bow in battle.
120 360 360 70 35 150 6 15 9 24 4 13 10 50 30
120 Auxiliary Persian Skirmishers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Persian_Skirmishers)
Auxiliary Persian Skirmishers
As their armour is lacking, skirmishers rely on their agility to survive.
120 320 320 65 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 22 15 45 20
120 Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Rhodian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers
120 590 590 120 29 150 8 25 12 24 6 24 25 55 55
120 Auxiliary Sabaean Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Sabean_Archers)
Auxiliary Sabaean Archers
120 360 360 70 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Syrian Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Syrian_Archers)
Auxiliary Syrian Archers
The chance to strike down the Empire's enemies at a distance should be embraced, always.
120 520 520 105 35 150 6 15 10 24 4 13 40 55 40
120 Auxiliary Thracian Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Aux_Thracian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Thracian Slingers
120 280 280 55 20 150 7 25 12 24 3 37 15 45 25
120 Hamian Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Pal_Hamian_Archers)
Hamian Archers
Syrian composite bows are considered the world's best.
120 620 620 125 40 150 6 15 28 20 18 32 40 55 50
120 Heavy Palmyrene Skirmishers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Pal_Heavy_Palmyrene_Skirmishers)
Heavy Palmyrene Skirmishers
Great endurance allows these men to wear armour while harassing and baiting the enemy.
120 600 600 120 41 80 8 10 28 35 12 41 70 55 60
120 Palmyrene Skirmishers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Pal_Palmyrene_Skirmishers)
Palmyrene Skirmishers
120 260 260 50 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 30
120 Peltasts
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Pal_Peltasts)
Skirmishers who also have remarkable melee skill make for versatile units in battle.
120 420 420 85 32 80 7 7 18 24 10 40 65 50 40
120 Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (3c_Pal_Slingers)
A good slinger can make the humble rock as effective a projectile as the javelin.
120 270 270 55 20 150 7 25 8 24 3 22 20 45 25