HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Pompey's Secessionists (Imperator Augustus) / Units / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵
Pompey's Secessionists (Imperator Augustus) Pompey's Secessionists (Imperator Augustus) Units


Long range units who provide support for melee units, but are themselves very weak in close combat.

No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Auxiliary Sabaean Archers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Afr_Archers)
Auxiliary Sabaean Archers
An archer at home in desert sands is always useful.
120 290 290 70 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Briton Slingers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Bri_Slingers)
Auxiliary Briton Slingers
A good slinger is worth his weight in slingshot, many times over.
120 380 380 80 23 150 7 25 8 24 3 37 25 50 25
120 Auxiliary Celtic Skirmishers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Cel_Skirm)
Auxiliary Celtic Skirmishers
Even the humblest can serve Rome in times of need.
120 350 350 90 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 27 40 50 25
120 Auxiliary Dacian Bowmen
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Dac_Bowmen)
Auxiliary Dacian Bowmen
Bowmen will always find a use, no matter their quality.
120 280 280 70 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Dacian Skirmishers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Dac_Skirm)
Auxiliary Dacian Skirmishers
Excellent local skirmishers to screen the movements of the Legions.
120 300 300 80 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 27 40 45 25
120 Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Eas_Javelinmen)
Auxiliary Eastern Javelinmen
These javelin-armed troops skirmish ahead of the main line, weakening the enemy's resolve.
120 370 370 80 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 20
120 Auxiliary Egyptian Archers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Egy_Archers)
Auxiliary Egyptian Archers
Archers can strike down the enemies of Rome at a distance.
120 280 280 70 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Gallic Hunters
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Gal_Gallic_Hunters)
Auxiliary Gallic Hunters
The skills of a hunter are best used in the service of Rome.
120 450 450 90 35 150 7 15 17 24 5 15 10 45 40
120 Auxiliary Longbow Hunters
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Ger_Longbow_Hunters)
Auxiliary Longbow Hunters
An arrow shot in Rome's service is always a good thing.
120 300 300 80 40 125 5 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
120 Auxiliary Cretan Archers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Gre_Cretan_Archers)
Auxiliary Cretan Archers
Give a Cretan a bow, and he will conquer in the name of Rome.
120 600 600 130 40 150 7 15 12 24 6 14 30 55 55
120 Auxiliary Peltasts
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Gre_Peltasts)
Auxiliary Peltasts
A good Roman commander knows the value of skirmishers.
120 420 420 90 32 80 7 7 18 24 10 40 65 50 40
120 Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Gre_Rhodian_Slingers)
Auxiliary Rhodian Slingers
Few can match the deadly accuracy of the men of Rhodes.
120 590 590 100 29 150 8 25 12 24 6 24 25 55 55
120 Auxiliary Balearic Slingers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Ibe_Balearic_Slingers)
Auxiliary Balearic Slingers
If a target can be seen, the sling stone is already on its way.
120 560 560 100 29 150 8 25 10 24 4 38 25 50 45
120 Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Ibe_Slingers)
Auxiliary Iberian Slingers
An Iberian stone cast for Rome can be as deadly as any other.
120 280 280 70 20 150 7 25 8 24 7 37 25 45 35
120 Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Num_Javelinmen)
Auxiliary Numidian Javelinmen
These skirmishers can harass an enemy battle line, or keep enemy skirmishers at bay.
120 430 430 90 32 80 8 7 10 24 4 38 15 50 45
120 Auxiliary Persian Archers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Per_Archers)
Auxiliary Persian Archers
Deadly archers remain deadly, even when they wear another's colours.
120 370 370 70 35 150 6 15 9 24 4 13 10 50 30
120 Auxiliary Syrian Archers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Syrian_Archers)
Auxiliary Syrian Archers
The chance to strike down Rome's enemies at a distance should be embraced, always.
120 520 520 100 35 150 6 15 10 24 4 13 40 55 40
120 Auxiliary Thracian Peltasts
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Aux_Thr_Peltasts)
Auxiliary Thracian Peltasts
Light infantrymen, able to move swiftly to counter the enemy, are a useful tool for a Roman general.
120 480 480 90 41 80 8 7 28 35 12 40 30 55 45
120 Leves
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Rom_Leves)
Even a poor man can throw a javelin with skill.
120 200 200 60 29 80 7 7 5 24 3 37 15 45 20
120 Velites
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Rom_Velites)
These javelin-armed skirmishers are fast moving and lightly armoured.
120 340 340 80 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 25