HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​ピ​ク​ト​ネ​ス (Caesar in Gaul) / Units / ​槍​歩​兵
​ピ​ク​ト​ネ​ス (Caesar in Gaul) ​ピ​ク​ト​ネ​ス (Caesar in Gaul) Units


Solid defensive infantry protected by shields, they are very good when ranged against cavalry.

No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Chosen Spearmen
Melee Infantry / ​槍​歩​兵 / (Cel_Chosen_Spear)
Chosen Spearmen
Chainmail does not chill a warrior's heart, or still his lust for battle.
160 680 680 130 26 26 22 72 75 55 55
160 Levy Freemen
Melee Infantry / ​槍​歩​兵 / (Cel_Levy_Freemen)
Levy Freemen
The chance to win glory and position makes these men fierce opponents.
160 210 210 60 12 22 15 55 45 50 30
160 Spear Nobles
Melee Infantry / ​槍​歩​兵 / (Cel_Spear_Nobles)
Spear Nobles
Nobility has a price to be paid in blood, spear in hand and unflinching before the enemy.
160 1130 1130 200 34 30 32 77 75 65 70
160 Spear Warriors
Melee Infantry / ​槍​歩​兵 / (Cel_Spear_Warriors)
Spear Warriors
A warrior grasps the spear firmly, so that it does not shake in his hand.
160 490 490 100 24 26 22 60 65 50 45
160 Celtic Tribesmen
Melee Infantry / ​槍​歩​兵 / (Cel_Tribesmen)
Celtic Tribesmen
While ill-disciplined, these men are ferocious fighters in search of honour.
160 280 280 60 9 26 10 52 45 40 25