HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Gallic Rebels (Rise of the Republic) / Units / ​近​接​艦
Gallic Rebels (Rise of the Republic) Gallic Rebels (Rise of the Republic) Units


Perfect for taking out enemy ships, but have to close quickly and board to be successful.

No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Assault Tetreres - Carthaginian Hoplites
Medium Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_car_specialport_greek_four_hoplites)
Assault Tetreres - Carthaginian Hoplites
Ramming attacks from these ships inflict terrible damage.

There is honour and tradition in defending one's home.

120 760 760 152 825 6 36 29 20 51 80 60 55
160 Assault Hexeres - Sacred Band
Heavy Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_car_specialport_greek_four_sacred_band)
Assault Hexeres - Sacred Band
These magnificent ships are both intimidating and extremely dangerous.

The best and bravest of Carthage trained to fight as hoplites.

160 1200 1200 240 1046 5 42 29 22 59 105 65 70
60 Assault Dieres - Carthaginian Infantry
Light Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_car_specialport_greek_two_Infantry)
Assault Dieres - Carthaginian Infantry
With a ramming attack that can break an enemy hull, these ships are deadly weapons.

To take up arms for Carthage is to defend hearth, home and faith.

60 500 500 100 501 6 41 36 18 51 75 60 55
60 Assault Dieres - Carthaginian Hoplites
Light Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_car_specialport_greek_two_hoplites)
Assault Dieres - Carthaginian Hoplites
With a ramming attack that can break an enemy hull, these ships are deadly weapons.

There is honour and tradition in defending one's home.

60 500 500 100 501 6 36 29 20 51 80 60 55
60 Assault Dieres - Sword Militia
Light Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_car_specialport_greek_two_sword_militia)
Assault Dieres - Sword Militia
With a ramming attack that can break an enemy hull, these ships are deadly weapons.

Picking up the sword for mighty Carthage is an honour for any fighting man.

60 330 330 78 501 6 15 34 15 37 40 45 30
100 Medium Assault Raider - Noble Gallic Swordsmen
Medium Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_sen_medium_assault_raider_noble_swordsmen)
Medium Assault Raider - Noble Gallic Swordsmen
Able to withstand rough seas, these ships' crews can capture enemy vessels in any weather.

Those "of the blood" must purchase their nobility with enemy lives.

100 1000 1000 200 55 35 50 60 40 60 45
80 Assault Raider - Gallic Axemen
Medium Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_sen_raider_melee_gallic_axemen)
Assault Raider - Gallic Axemen
Useful ships, with crews large enough to board enemy vessels.

Their axes can crush armour as easily as chopping wood.

80 350 350 70 40 26 35 45 20 55 40
80 Assault Raider - Tribeless Warriors
Medium Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (inv_sen_raider_melee_tribeless_warriors)
Assault Raider - Tribeless Warriors
Useful ships, with crews large enough to board enemy vessels.

These warriors fight for no one - meaning all the spoils are theirs to keep.

80 220 220 44 20 34 20 5 0 55 30