HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Nabataea / Units / Melee Ship
Nabataea Nabataea Units

Melee Ship

Perfect for taking out enemy ships, but have to close quickly and board to be successful.

Melee Ship
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
60 Fire Pot Dieres - Levy Spearmen
Light Ship / Melee Ship / (Ara_Spear_Two_Fire_Pots)
Fire Pot Dieres - Levy Spearmen
Fire pots, hurled onto enemy decks, are a terrible threat to wooden ships.

Levies can fight and are relatively cheap to maintain, but lack skill and conviction.

60 360 360 72 566 6 13 25 11 49 45 45 30
60 Assault Dieres - Levy Spearmen
Light Ship / Melee Ship / (Ara_Spear_Two)
Assault Dieres - Levy Spearmen
With a ramming attack that can break an enemy hull, these ships are deadly weapons.

Levies can fight and are relatively cheap to maintain, but lack skill and conviction.

60 310 310 62 566 6 13 25 11 49 45 45 30
160 Assault Hexeres - Noble Swordsmen
Heavy Ship / Melee Ship / (dk_nab_noble_sword_six)
Assault Hexeres - Noble Swordsmen
These magnificent ships are both intimidating and extremely dangerous.

The sword settles many arguments in the desert.

160 1260 1260 250 1281 5 45 34 22 60 45 60 65