HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​ナ​サ​モ​ネ​ス (Imperator Augustus) / Units / ​飛​び​道​具​艦
​ナ​サ​モ​ネ​ス (Imperator Augustus) ​ナ​サ​モ​ネ​ス (Imperator Augustus) Units


Enemy ships can be showered with their projectiles, but they must steer clear of enemy melee ships.

No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
140 Tower Penteres - Archers
Medium Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Afr_Archers_Five_Lft_Bow)
Tower Penteres - Archers
From a shipboard tower, all enemies become little targets to be potted at will.

The ability to kill enemies at a distance is always welcome.

140 1010 1010 202 1020 6 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
140 Missile Penteres - Archers
Medium Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Afr_Archers_Five)
Missile Penteres - Archers
Archers can shoot down upon many enemies from the deck, doing terrible work in the process.

The ability to kill enemies at a distance is always welcome.

140 810 810 162 1020 6 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 45 25
80 Raiding Hemiolia - Javelinmen
Light Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Afr_Javelinmen_One_Halfer)
Raiding Hemiolia - Javelinmen
These swift, manoeuvrable ships are a useful scouting force for any admiral.

Javelins at the ready, these troops skirmish ahead of the main battle line.

80 380 380 76 402 7 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 25
100 Pursuit Trihemiolia - Javelinmen
Light Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Afr_Javelinmen_Two_Halfer)
Pursuit Trihemiolia - Javelinmen
Fast, relatively powerful pursuit ships, well able to hunt down pirates and other seagoing scum.

Javelins at the ready, these troops skirmish ahead of the main battle line.

100 500 500 100 585 8 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 25
80 Scorpion Trieres - Tribal Slingers
Medium Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Afr_Slingers_Three_Scorpio)
Scorpion Trieres - Tribal Slingers
Deadly accurate dart-throwers give enemies pause.

Even the smallest pebble is dangerous, in the right hands.

80 620 620 124 693 7 20 150 7 25 8 24 3 37 15 45 25
80 Missile Trieres - Tribal Slingers
Medium Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Afr_Slingers_Three)
Missile Trieres - Tribal Slingers
A large contingent of archers can make short work of enemy crews.

Even the smallest pebble is dangerous, in the right hands.

80 520 520 104 693 7 20 150 7 25 8 24 3 37 15 45 25