HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Gallic Rome (Empire Divided) / Units / Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry Gallic Rome (Empire Divided)Gallic Rome (Empire Divided) ​近​接​艦

Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry

With a ramming attack that can break an enemy hull, these ships are deadly weapons.

Numidian warriors have always been formidable foes for European opponents.

The waterline ram was first mounted on a vessel in around 850BC. Warships and naval tactics were transformed. Ships were no longer platforms for infantry battles on the water; the ship itself became the weapon. Galleys changed as the new reality sank in. Ramming at speed would hole and sink an enemy, therefore slimmer, faster, handier ships were required. More speed on demand obviously required more oars a fast ship with a single row of oars ended up being stupidly, impractically long. The solution, then, was to put in a second set of oars above the first, but slightly offset to allow for rowers' benches. These biremes, a Latin word meaning 'two oars', or dieres, the Greek equivalent, were no longer than previous designs but had twice the number of rowers. They were fast, manoeuvrable, and could carry a fighting contingent. Some nations also gave their bireme crews fire pots; these clay pots filled with oil and pitch were hurled at enemy ships in the entirely reasonable hope of setting them ablaze.

(Auxiliary Numidian Infantry)
Numidia had a fierce warrior tradition, partly due to the bitter feuding and internal warfare between the eastern Massylii and western Masaesylis. While the Numidians were famed as cavalrymen, their infantry forces were also quite effective. The historian Suetonius mentions that there were 'Numidian Legions' - a term normally reserved in Roman writings to describe Roman troops - when passing comment on Julius Caesar’s speech about Juba’s march to aid Scipio before the Battle of Thapsus in 46 BC. This suggests that some Numidians were fighting in the Roman style, and were possibly equipped in the same manner. The Numidians also adopted other tactics and war gear, such as the thureos-style shield and hoplite-like spears.

日本語化: JapanTotalWarとは

Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry

Unit Name

Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry

Main Unit Key


Land Unit Key


Naval Unit Key





Light Ship



Custom Battle Cost


Recruitment Cost




Ship Health


└ Ship


Ship Speed


Melee Attack


Weapon Damage


├ Melee Weapon


├ Melee Damage Base


├ Melee Damage Ap


├ Armour Piercing


├ Bonus vs. Large


├ Bonus vs Elephants


└ Bonus vs Infantry


Charge Bonus


Melee Defence


├ Base Defence


├ Shield


└ Shield Defence




├ Armour


├ Armour Defence


└ Shield Armour




├ Man Entity


├ Man Health


└ Bonus Hit Points


Base Morale



Assault Bireme
  • Row Hard 10
    Increases speed for 10 strokes.
    Ship speed


  • ​確​固​た​る​規​律
  • ​隊​形​維​持
  • ​潜​伏 (​森)
  • ​暑​さ​耐​性

Strengths & Weaknesses

Assault Bireme
  • Very poor hull strength
  • Very light crew
  • Fast speed
  • Weak ramming
  • Good boarding
Auxiliary Numidian Infantry
  • Average defensive unit
  • Low damage but average armour penetration
  • Weak attack
  • Poor morale
Recuitment Requirement
Unit Resouces 3c_Numidian_Auxilia

Empire Divided Regions

Empire Divided
​州 Regions
Africa ​カ​ル​タ​ゴ ​ハ​ド​ル​メ​ン​ト​ゥ​ム ​レ​プ​テ​ィ​ス・​マ​グ​ナ ​マ​コ​マ​デ​ス
Mauretania ​ル​ト​ゥ​ビ​ス ​シ​ガ ​テ​ィ​ン​ギ​ス
Numidia ​カ​プ​サ ​キ​ル​タ ​デ​ィ​ム​ミ​デ​ィ ​イ​オ​ル
Phazania ​キ​ュ​ダ​ム​ス ​ガ​ラ​マ
Requires Buildings
Assault Bireme - Auxiliary Numidian Infantry Lv. 0 Military Wharf
Military Wharf
Level 1
Level 2
Portus Classis
Portus Classis
Level 3
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Gallic Rome (Empire Divided)
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Baktria (Empire Divided)
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Gallic Rome (Empire Divided)
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