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HomeHome / Total War: THREE KINGDOMS / Wei Commandery / Reforms / Masterful Disguise Techniques
Masterful Disguise Techniques Wei CommanderyWei Commandery Philosophy & Trade Tier 2

Masterful Disguise Techniques

Be unseen, even in plain sight.

To master the art of disguise is to be sight unseen - known but never considered. The best spies are those who, through their actions, fulfil their duties in such a way that the reality of the deed may never truly be known.

Sun Tzu dictates that a spy who cannot effectively do this cannot be suffered, and must be put to death. The master of disguise is a subtle influencer that sways the course of history without attracting attention; a wind that does not move a single blade of grass, yet shifts the very mountains.


  • -5 cover cost when performing spy actions (all active spies)
  • +5 cover cost for enemy spies (faction-wide)
  • +1 available Spies positions (faction-wide)
  • UNLOCKS BUILDINGS: Market OfficerMarket Officer
  • UNLOCKS BUILDINGS: Port OfficerPort Officer

Philosophy & Trade

Masterful Disguise Techniques

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Masterful Disguise Techniques

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Philosophy & Trade Tier 2



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