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HomeHome / Total War: THREE KINGDOMS / Jianning Tribes Separatists / Reforms / Cave Networks
Cave Networks Jianning Tribes SeparatistsJianning Tribes Separatists Nanman Military Tier 9

Cave Networks

The mountains provide more than simple shelter.

The people who make their homes in the ravines and gorges of the south have lived in natural caves in the rock walls since time immemorial.
Over the generations they have improved what nature provided, digging deeper into the mountains, linking up sets of caves, and building walkways and bridges to connect cave systems.
These cave networks can be a great asset in war: hidden and protected by the mountain itself, a large force of warriors can rest and regroup, ready to muster forth with all speed.


  • War Elephants available for recruitment: +2 (faction-wide)
  • Tiger Warriors available for recruitment: +2 (faction-wide)
  • Nanzhong Elephants available for recruitment: +1 (faction-wide)
  • -45% redeployment cost (faction-wide)
  • +10% retinue upkeep (faction-wide)
  • Armies provided: %n (faction-wide)
  • -4 mustering turns (faction-wide)
  • +4 seasonal retinue deployments (faction-wide)

Nanman Military

Cave Networks

Technology Key


Technology Name

Cave Networks

Node Key


Node Set


Node Set Name

Nanman Military Tier 9



Research Points


Food Cost


Require Technology