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Anping Commandery Anping Commandery Reforms




No. Technology Research Points Food Cost Requires Effects Enables
1 Market Regulations Civic Tier 14
Market Regulations
The market cannot be allowed to operate unchecked lest China fall entirely into the hands of enterprising merchants.
In every city, the markets are watched and regulated by deputies who ensure all is balanced and fair.

600 0 Da Qin Emissiaries
    +1 available trade agreements (faction-wide)
    +10% income from commerce (all counties faction-wide)
Impartial Governance Commandery Irrigation Works Farm Tool Distribution Farming Estates Food Market
2 Impartial Governance Civic Tier 14
Impartial Governance
The emperor steps back from the business of direct governance, letting officials and bureaucrats anticipate his will.
In this way, he hopes to stay free of corruption, and trusts that his chosen administrators will too…

800 0 Market Regulations
    +5 faction support (faction-wide)
    +1 available administrator positions (faction-wide)
    -5% corruption (all commanderies)
Defence Posts Magnate Estates Grand Food Market
3 Defence Posts Civic Tier 14
Defence Posts
Valuable trade routes and vital highways span the length and breadth of the empire; they must be defended.
Avaricious bandits and audacious brigands seek opportunity and riches wherever they can. Defence posts are raised to protect imperial assets from these threats.

1000 0 Impartial Governance
    +10% income from commerce (all counties faction-wide)
    +50% trade influence (faction-wide)
    +20 reserve capacity (faction-wide)
Livestock Market of the Commandery Capital Granary
4 Da Qin Emissiaries Civic Tier 15
Da Qin Emissiaries
Da Qin - those peoples beyond China's borders - are purveyors of wealth and knowledge if we have but the patience to listen.
The Silk Road carries foreign envoys back from distant lands, and with them comes enlightenment.

500 0
    +1 available trade agreements (faction-wide)
    +20% trade influence (faction-wide)
Market Regulations Government Annals Fishing Port Trading Port Coastal Trading Village
5 Government Annals Civic Tier 16
Government Annals
What is written down is real; what is written down is law.
'Hukou', a comprehensive list of each citizen's life, forms the basis of government records, determining taxes and conscription across the entire empire.

600 0 Da Qin Emissiaries
    +1 available assignments (faction-wide)
    +1 available administrator positions (faction-wide)
    -5% corruption (all commanderies)
Industrial Stability Hukou System Merchant Warehouses Dock Warehouse Market Officer Port Officer
6 Industrial Stability Civic Tier 16
Industrial Stability
Balance is a constant process; too much power in one place will cause it to precariously shift.
Much like the Han, it is Jin practice to regulate markets as and when required - even establishing monopolies to keep merchants in line.

800 0 Government Annals
    +5% income from industry (all counties faction-wide)
    +5% income from peasantry (all counties faction-wide)
    -5% construction cost (all counties faction-wide)
Artisan Workshops Government Provincial Workshops Grand State Workshops
7 Qiaoren Workforce Civic Tier 18
Qiaoren Workforce
The Qiaoren - 'lodged people' - are those who have abandoned their rural homes and migrated to urban centres in search of a better life.
Those who have moved in search of employment can therefore be relied upon to be efficient - and determined - workers.

500 0
    -5% construction cost (all counties faction-wide)
    -1 construction time (all counties faction-wide)
Supply Chains Artisan Tool Depot Industrial Tool Depot
8 Supply Chains Civic Tier 18
Supply Chains
For a war to be won, it must be supported. Every battle must be fought with weapons and armour as much as men.
Without these things, an army is no more than a mob, and a mob is swiftly put down.

600 0 Qiaoren Workforce
    -20% construction cost (agriculture) (all counties faction-wide)
    +10% replenishment for garrisons (faction-wide)
Hukou System Permanent Labour Housing Bureau of Mining Subsidiaries Coin Maker Pine Timber Storehouse
9 Hukou System Civic Tier 18
Hukou System
To control a populace, you must first fully know and understand them.
The Hukou system documents the status of every citizen - their name, their family, and their date of birth; all the information required to judge, then appropriately tax, everybody.

800 0 Government Annals Supply Chains
    +15% income from peasantry (all counties faction-wide)
Imperial Orders Drum & Bell Tower Port Inspector
10 Imperial Orders Civic Tier 18
Imperial Orders
With his authority established, the warlord's decrees echo across the vastness of the realm.
As power and legitimacy grow, loyalty grows with it; warriors and citizens work harder and more efficiently for a leader they respect.

1000 0 Hukou System
    +1 available assignments (faction-wide)
    +1 available administrator positions (faction-wide)
    -2 construction time (all counties faction-wide)
    -25% building upkeep (all counties faction-wide)
Grand Treasury Mint
11 Buddhist Selflessness Civic Tier 20
Buddhist Selflessness
True enlightenment comes not only from inward focus, but also outward generosity and thoughtfulness towards others.
A pure gift, given with pure intentions to a pure recipient, is the very essence of generosity.

500 0
    +5 satisfaction (faction-wide)
    Economic buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (all counties faction-wide)
    +2 population growth (all counties faction-wide)
The Dàzàngjīng Jade Artisans Jade Trading Village Salt Shaft Mine
12 The Dàzàngjīng Civic Tier 20
The Dàzàngjīng
The canon of Buddhism - the Dàzàngjīng - is said to be the interpreted words of Buddha himself.
Although broad in their teachings, it generally advises seeking merit and perfection through study, wisdom, and compassion.

600 0 Buddhist Selflessness
    +10% character experience (faction-wide)
Buddhist Philosophy Guest House Tea House
13 Buddhist Philosophy Civic Tier 20
Buddhist Philosophy
It is the core of Buddhism to observe and improve in order to liberate.
To ponder the metaphysical too much is to invite too much speculation, and stray too far from the ideas that will ultimately awaken us.

800 0 The Dàzàngjīng
    Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -20% (all counties faction-wide)
    -10% building upkeep (all counties faction-wide)
    +6 population growth (all counties faction-wide)
Harmonious Living Academy Complex Bamboo Timber Storehouse Tea Plantation Tea Garden
14 Harmonious Living Civic Tier 21
Harmonious Living
To focus on unity - understanding both ourselves and the world around us - is to live in harmony.
The progress of society is intrinsically linked to this frictionless co-existence, drawing us ever closer to spiritual perfection.

1000 0 Buddhist Philosophy Taoist Alchemy
    +5 satisfaction (faction-wide)
    +10% income from all sources (all counties faction-wide)
Grand Temple of Confucius
15 Taoist Rituals Civic Tier 22
Taoist Rituals
Through the spiritual we gain enlightenment. Through the physical we gain power. Through both we gain life eternal.
By studying 'Neidan', we unify our essence, our breath and our spirit into one, pure, unified Tao, and thus gain spiritual immortality.

500 0
    -20% character salary (faction-wide)
    Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (all counties faction-wide)
Sacrifice for the Spirits Silk Road Market Spice Route Market
16 Sacrifice for the Spirits Civic Tier 22
Sacrifice for the Spirits
To offer up sacrifice to the spirits is a central tenet of Taoism.
Although Zhang Daoling aggressively forbade the sacrifice of food and animals, the practice of burning 'hell money' is still encouraged, as a way of honouring departed ancestors.

600 0 Taoist Rituals
    +25% food production (all counties faction-wide)
    +4 population growth (all counties faction-wide)
Taoist Alchemy Grain Estates Irrigated Paddy Fields Fishing Fleet Wharf Livestock Estate
17 Taoist Alchemy Civic Tier 22
Taoist Alchemy
Through mastery of the alchemical arts and the focusing of the spirit, we may discover the path to enlightenment, and thus immortality.
Such is the way of Taoist alchemy, which seeks to harmonise the physical and the spiritual to unlocks the way to awakening.

800 0 Sacrifice for the Spirits
    +10% income from industry (all counties faction-wide)
    -10% construction cost (settlement administration) (all counties faction-wide)
    -25% construction cost (mines) (all counties faction-wide)
Harmonious Living Iron Craftwork Village Military Supply Village Copper Mining Village