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HomeHome / Total War: WARHAMMER / Modryn (The Season of Revelation) / Buildings / Pastures of Skymark
Pastures of Skymark Modryn (The Season of Revelation)Modryn (The Season of Revelation) Cavalry Level 3

Pastures of Skymark

True horsemanship requires a bond few but the Asrai understand.


Muster Stone
Muster Stone
Cavalry Level 0
Grove of the Horse
Grove of the Horse
Cavalry Level 1
Pastures of Skymark
Pastures of Skymark
Cavalry Level 2
Pastures of Skymark

Building Name

Pastures of Skymark

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


No Effect

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
60 Glade Riders
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_glade_riders_0)
Glade Riders
Agile and swift beyond measure, these mounted warriors' missiles spell doom for their opponents.
60 750 750 22 125 6.1 20 23 23 22 25 15 82 55
60 Glade Riders (Hagbane Tips)
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_glade_riders_1)
Glade Riders (Hagbane Tips)
Swift and deadly, these mounted archers use arrows dipped in poison and charged with magic to weaken and slow their targets.
60 825 825 22 125 6.1 20 23 23 22 25 15 82 55
40 Sisters of the Thorn
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_sisters_thorn_0)
Sisters of the Thorn
Ariel's handmaidens know only the defence of their Queen and the forest - an eternal duty, never forsworn.
40 1000 1000 33 75 7.4 18 33 29 28 33 15 112 85
60 Wild Riders
Cavalry / Shock Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_wild_riders_0)
Wild Riders
Galloping to war with Orion, his personal guard bring a calamity to all who stand against them.
60 1100 1100 33 42 56 23 40 95 70
60 Wild Riders (Shields)
Cavalry / Shock Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_wild_riders_1)
Wild Riders (Shields)
Galloping to war with Orion, his personal guard bring a calamity to all who stand against them.
60 1200 1200 33 42 56 29 95 95 70