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Greenskin Encampment Crooked Moon Mutinous Gits Waaagh!Crooked Moon Mutinous Gits Waaagh! Major Settlement Level 4

Greenskin Encampment

When the crap-pile gets too big and the horde of shiny stuff too large to shovel on a cart, it’s "time ta stop moving".

Encampments are formed when one or more camps merge with each other. Tents become dung-covered huts, kennulz, Squig penz, boar sties and even grog-drenched drinking holes as more and more Greenskins are drawn to a settlement. Staked defences or roughly hewn moats will often surround the encampment to fend off foes who want to take the goodies within for themselves.

Major Settlement

Ruined Dwarfhold
Ruined Dwarfhold
Major Settlement Level 0
Greenskin Hideout
Greenskin Hideout
Major Settlement Level 1
Greenskin Camp
Greenskin Camp
Major Settlement Level 2
Greenskin Encampment
Greenskin Encampment
Major Settlement Level 3
Greenskin Fort
Greenskin Fort
Major Settlement Level 4
Greenskin Stronghold
Greenskin Stronghold
Major Settlement Level 5
Greenskin Encampment

Building Name

Greenskin Encampment

Level Name


Building Chain

Major Settlement

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Grants 3 construction slots in the settlement (this_building)
Income generated: 160 (building_to_building_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds 2 turns of siege holdout time to province capitals (region_to_region_own)
Growth: +30 (region_to_province_own)
[HIDDEN] Used for settlements to identify the presence of 15m walls (Hellenic / Roman / Eastern) (region_to_region_own)
Local recruitment capacity: +1 (province_to_province_own)

Provides Garrison Army

120 Goblin Archers
120 Goblin Archers
120 Goblin Archers
Goblin Archers
Missile Infantry
100 Orc Big 'Uns
100 Orc Big 'Uns
Orc Big 'Uns
Melee Infantry
120 Orc Boyz
120 Orc Boyz
120 Orc Boyz
Orc Boyz
Melee Infantry

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units