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Master Engineer Hero Skills

Master Engineer Hero Skills

Actions [HIDDEN]
Actions [HIDDEN]
Standardised Firing Drill
Standardised Firing Drill
Ancestral Grudge
Ancestral Grudge
Passive Corruption [HIDDEN]
Passive Corruption [HIDDEN]
Master of Works
Master of Works
Deadly Contraptions
Deadly Contraptions
Extra Powder
Extra Powder
Technical Enhancements
Technical Enhancements
Rune of Grimnir
Rune of Grimnir
Karak Blood
Karak Blood
Dead Eye
Dead Eye
Damage Control
Damage Control
Ballistics Calibration
Ballistics Calibration
Time & Motion
Time & Motion
Logistical Engineer
Logistical Engineer
Defensive Coordinator
Defensive Coordinator
Ballistics Instructor
Ballistics Instructor

Master Engineer Hero Skills (Background Skills)

Maimed Arm
Maimed Arm
Maimed Leg
Maimed Leg
Disfiguring Scar
Disfiguring Scar
Distinguishing Scar
Distinguishing Scar
Easily Deceived
Easily Deceived
Easily Distracted
Easily Distracted
Easily Trapped
Easily Trapped
Master Engineer Hero Skills (28)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (wh_main_skill_all_dummy_agent_actions)
Actions [HIDDEN]

1 Action: [[col:yellow]]Embed Hero (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Corruption (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Inspire Populace (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assault Units (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Discourage Populace (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assault Garrison (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Pray (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Demoralise Army (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Inhibit (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Building (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Knuckle Down (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Sabotage (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Tinker (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Walls (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Runic Seal (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Block Magic (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Runic Protection (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Settlement (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Scout (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Block Army (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Infiltrate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Walls (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Planning (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assault Unit (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Magical Interference (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Building (character_to_character_own)
2 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_standardised_firing_drill)
Standardised Firing Drill
A Master Engineer knows all about firing rates, fields of fire and the best ratios, his knowledge improving efficiency.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Reload time reduction: +8% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Reload time reduction: +8% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
3 (wh_main_skill_dwf_all_unique_ancestral_grudge)
Ancestral Grudge
All Dwarfs despise the Greenskins, for the urki and grobi are the prime agents in the Times of Woe.
1 3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +3% when fighting against Greenskin Tribes (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +8% when fighting against Greenskin Tribes (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +15% when fighting against Greenskin Tribes (character_to_character_own)
4 (wh_main_skill_all_dummy_passive_corruption)
Passive Corruption [HIDDEN]

1 [HIDDEN] Corruption from character presence: +2 (character_to_character_own)
5 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_master_of_works)
Master of Works
A Dawi Engineer can build anything with the right materials, if the price is right.
1 [[col:yellow]]Knuckle Down action: Construction cost is modified by an additional -10% Deploy: Own province
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
6 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_requisition)
If a Master Engineer wants something, he'll get it. Quartermasters can rarely refuse a demanding Guild engineer.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ammunition: +3% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Ammunition: +3% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ammunition: +7% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Ammunition: +7% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ammunition: +12% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Ammunition: +12% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
7 (wh_main_skill_dwf_all_unique_resolute)
Dwarfs are resolute - once they commit to charging the foe, they put all their strength behind that initial blow.
1 6 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +2 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +5 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +9 (character_to_character_own)
8 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_prospector)
Using surveying equipment, this Dwarf knows the best places to look and lodes to glean.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Additional tradable resources produced: +2% (factionwide)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Additional tradable resources produced: +5% (factionwide)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Additional tradable resources produced: +9% (factionwide)
9 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_deadly_contraptions)
Deadly Contraptions
The more lethal contraptions are used outside the Engineers' Guild's purview - it's generally "not the done thing".
1 [[col:yellow]]Assassinate action: Additional 8% chance of killing target Target: Any foreign character
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
10 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_extra_powder)
Extra Powder

1 Passive ability: "Extra Powder" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
11 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_technical_enhancements)
Technical Enhancements
Engineers always tinker, naming these tweaks "enhancements" - most do improve whatever contraption they are working on.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +3 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +8 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +15 (character_to_character_own)
12 (wh_main_skill_dwf_all_unique_relentless)
Dwarfs are not fast, yet they will soldier on, always moving despite any hazards encountered.
1 10 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +3% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +8% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +15% (character_to_character_own)
13 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_saboteur)
An Engineer is also the best at breaking things - he can literally put a spanner in the works.
1 [[col:yellow]]Tinker action: Ammunition is modified by an additional -5% Deploy: Foreign province
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 [[col:yellow]]Tinker action: Ammunition is modified by an additional -10% Deploy: Foreign province
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 [[col:yellow]]Tinker action: Ammunition is modified by an additional -15% Deploy: Foreign province
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
14 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_triangulation)
Dwarf Engineers use number-lore to work out the best trajectories and prime killing arcs for their war machines.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile damage: +3% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Missile damage: +3% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile damage: +7% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Missile damage: +7% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile damage: +12% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Missile damage: +12% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
15 (wh_main_skill_dwf_all_unique_rune_of_grimnir)
Rune of Grimnir
The endless courage of the Warrior God, directed to bolster this Dawi’s own reserves.
1 7 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile resistance: 10% (character_to_character_own)
16 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_karak_blood)
Karak Blood
Born and bred in a Dwarfhold, as stern and pure as the stone in the deeps.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Reduction in [[img:icon_corruption_vmp]][[/img]]Vampiric and [[img:icon_corruption_chs]][[/img]]Chaos corruption: +1 (local province)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Reduction in [[img:icon_corruption_vmp]][[/img]]Vampiric and [[img:icon_corruption_chs]][[/img]]Chaos corruption: +2 (local province)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Reduction in [[img:icon_corruption_vmp]][[/img]]Vampiric and [[img:icon_corruption_chs]][[/img]]Chaos corruption: +3 (local province)
17 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_dead_eye)
Dead Eye
A dead eye shot is an Engineer or Thunderer that can hit a target at over five hundred (Dwarfen) paces.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Range: +3% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Range: +8% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Range: +15% (character_to_character_own)
18 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_damage_control)
Damage Control
"It's weakening, send in the Engineers!"
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Siege holdout time: +1 (local region)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Siege holdout time: +2 (local region)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Siege holdout time: +3 (local region)
19 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_ballistics_calibration)
Ballistics Calibration

1 Ability: "Ballistics Calibration" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
20 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_hardy)
"It'll take more than that to finish me off, lad."
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (character_to_character_own)
21 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_overseer)
Those Engineers that spend their lives underground have a good understanding of war in the caverns.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Aura size: +10% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Aura size: +20% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Aura size: +40% (character_to_character_own)
22 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_time_&_motion)
Time & Motion
"If you swing here, at the height of the parabolic angle, you'll reduce resistance and increase the power."
1 Hero action cost: -3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Hero action cost: -8% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Hero action cost: -15% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
23 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_logistical_engineer)
Logistical Engineer
Master Engineers are always looking for efficiencies and improvements, especially in logistics.
1 Action: [[col:yellow]]Heavy Lifting Target: Own army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Action: [[col:yellow]]Heavy Lifting Target: Own army
[[col:yellow]]Heavy Lifting action: Movement range is increased by an additional 5% Target: Own army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Action: [[col:yellow]]Heavy Lifting Target: Own army
[[col:yellow]]Heavy Lifting action: Movement range is increased by an additional 10% Target: Own army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
24 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_defensive_coordinator)
Defensive Coordinator
Master Engineers familiar with defensive formations use their centuries of experience in sieges.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Reload time reduction: +3% for towers in siege battles ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Reload time reduction: +8% for towers in siege battles ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Reload time reduction: +15% for towers in siege battles ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
25 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_confounder)
Engineers on campaign like to confound the foe by sabotaging and stealing enemy armies' equipment and resources.
1 [[col:yellow]]Sabotage action: Movement range is modified by an additional -3% Target: Foreign army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 [[col:yellow]]Sabotage action: Movement range is modified by an additional -8% Target: Foreign army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 [[col:yellow]]Sabotage action: Movement range is modified by an additional -15% Target: Foreign army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
26 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_ballistics_instructor)
Ballistics Instructor
Those Engineers conversant in ballistics know how best to increase the ranges of their weapons.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Range: +2% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Range: +5% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Range: +9% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
27 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_campaign_underminer)
A wall is only as good as its foundation. Dwarf Engineers can undermine any with relative ease.
1 [[col:yellow]]Damage Walls action: 1 additional wall breaches Target: Foreign settlement
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 [[col:yellow]]Damage Walls action: 2 additional wall breaches Target: Foreign settlement
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 [[col:yellow]]Damage Walls action: 3 additional wall breaches Target: Foreign settlement
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
28 (wh_main_skill_dwf_engineer_self_sapper)
A Sapper excels at breaking entrenched foes. He can quickly get artillery into the best position.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +3% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Speed: +3% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +8% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Speed: +8% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +15% for artillery ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Speed: +15% for missile infantry units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
Master Engineer Hero Skills (22) (Background Skills)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
29 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_blind)
Although the eyes do not see, the other senses remain open.
1 Melee attack: +3 (general_to_character_own)
Melee defence: -3 (general_to_character_own)
30 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_boring)
"Another speech? Very well… does it have to be so… lengthy?"
1 Campaign movement range: -5% (character_to_character_own)
Income from all buildings: +5% (local province)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
31 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_irresolute)
"To be crippled by indecision is to give your enemies an advantage."
1 Campaign movement range: +5% (character_to_character_own)
Construction cost: +4% for all buildings (local region)
32 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_magnanimous)
"This victory is not mine alone, we all share in the glory."
1 Income from all buildings: +5% (local region)
33 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_maimed_arm)
Maimed Arm
"This one is armless, sir."
1 Melee attack: -6 (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +3 ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
34 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_maimed_leg)
Maimed Leg
"No, not drunk, just legless."
1 Speed: -15% (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +3 ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
35 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_melancholic)
"Why forlorn? Are you not a King, an Emperor - a champion?"
1 Hero self-defence: -5% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
{{tr:public_order}}: -1 (local enemy province)
36 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_phlegmatic)
A calming presence can be a steadying hand… but also disquieting.
1 Campaign line of sight: +5% (character_to_character_own)
{{tr:public_order}}: +1 (local province)
37 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_sanguine)
An assured air instils great confidence in your followers.
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +5 (character_to_character_own)
38 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_scar_disfiguring)
Disfiguring Scar
Such an ugly scar is always memorable.
1 Enemy leadership: -3 (local region)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
39 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_scar_distinguishing)
Distinguishing Scar
Clearly a veteran of some heroic deed.
1 Enemy leadership: -2 (local region)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
40 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_sneaky)
Skulk and sneak or shadow and stalk, theirs is a guileful nature.
1 Hero action success chance: +5% (character_to_character_own)
41 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_choleric)
Does a rage as hot as Khorne's burn within?
1 Melee attack: +5 (character_to_character_own)
42 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_stupid)
Shares the intellect of a River Troll.
1 Charge bonus: +10% (character_to_character_own)
43 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_uncompromising)
Others may call it decisive, but being uncompromising can be a weakness as well as a strength.
1 Hero self-defence: +10% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
44 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_clumsy)
There are drunk Ogres more sure-footed than this one.
1 Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
45 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_deformed)
Deformed by birth or made by the Ruinous Powers, yet there is honour within the prison of flesh.
1 Enemy leadership: -2 (local region)
46 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_easily_deceived)
Easily Deceived
"Tzeentch will have so much fun with you, puppet!"
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: +2% (character_to_character_own)
47 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_easily_distracted)
Easily Distracted
"Look! Over there - a Snotling showing its arse!"
1 Campaign movement range: -7% (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +2 (character_to_character_own)
48 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_easily_trapped)
Easily Trapped
To trap a fool is easy; to trap a King… perhaps even easier.
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: +3% (character_to_character_own)
49 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_honourable)
Honour is everything!
1 Leadership: +10 (character_to_character_own)
50 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_intelligent)
In this age of blood and battle, intellect is an underrated gift.
1 Hero self-defence: +5% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
Ambush defence chance: +10% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)