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PH - Bray-Shaman Beasts Skills

Cloaked in the power of the beast, the Bray-Shaman uses his primal mutations to exert greater strength.

PH - Bray-Shaman Beasts Skills

Wyssan's Wildform
Wyssan's Wildform
Actions (horde) [HIDDEN]
Actions (horde) [HIDDEN]
Passive Corruption [HIDDEN]
Passive Corruption [HIDDEN]
Wild Heart
Wild Heart
Razorgor Chariot
Razorgor Chariot
Bane of Sigmar
Bane of Sigmar
Arcane Conduit
Arcane Conduit
Wyssan's Wildform [HIDDEN]
Wyssan's Wildform [HIDDEN]
Safety Amongst Beastkin
Safety Amongst Beastkin
Flock of Doom
Flock of Doom
Uncanny Senses
Uncanny Senses
Palpable Miasma
Palpable Miasma
Pann's Impenetrable Pelt
Pann's Impenetrable Pelt
Many-Limbed Fiend
Many-Limbed Fiend
The Amber Spear
The Amber Spear
Shadow Hide
Shadow Hide
Magic Detection
Magic Detection
Power Drain
Power Drain
The Curse of Anraheir
The Curse of Anraheir
Righteous Claim
Righteous Claim
Transformation of Kadon
Transformation of Kadon

PH - Bray-Shaman Beasts Skills (Background Skills)

Maimed Arm
Maimed Arm
Maimed Leg
Maimed Leg
Disfiguring Scar
Disfiguring Scar
Distinguishing Scar
Distinguishing Scar
Easily Deceived
Easily Deceived
Easily Distracted
Easily Distracted
Easily Trapped
Easily Trapped
PH - Bray-Shaman Beasts Skills (29)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (wh_main_skill_all_wizard_campaign_proponent_horde)
This Sorcerer is a messenger of his Dark Masters, spreading the word and gathering the hordes.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Horde building construction cost: -15% (forces in local enemy region)
2 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_wyssans_wildform)
Wyssan's Wildform
The spellcaster unleashes the beast within, using its fury to transform allies into bestial forms.
1 Cooldown: -50% to "Wyssan's Wildform" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 (wh_main_skill_all_dummy_agent_actions_horde)
Actions (horde) [HIDDEN]

1 Action: [[col:yellow]]Embed Hero (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Corruption (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assault Units (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Discourage Populace (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assault Garrison (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Demoralise Army (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Inhibit (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Building (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Sabotage (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Tinker (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Walls (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Block Magic (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Runic Protection (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Settlement (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Block Army (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Infiltrate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Walls (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assault Unit (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Assassinate (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Magical Interference (character_to_character_own)
Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Building (character_to_character_own)
4 (wh_main_skill_all_dummy_passive_corruption)
Passive Corruption [HIDDEN]

1 [HIDDEN] Corruption from character presence: +2 (character_to_character_own)
5 (wh_main_skill_all_champion_campaign_steadfast)
The enemy will capitulate, for this champion is steadfast and stubborn. The foe will blink first.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Enemy siege holdout time: -1 (local region)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Enemy siege holdout time: -2 (local region)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Enemy siege holdout time: -3 (local region)
6 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_wild_heart)
Wild Heart
The spellcaster attunes the magic of the wild, channelling its ancient and arcane power.
1 Passive ability: "Wild Heart" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
7 (wh_dlc03_skill_bst_bray_shaman_wild_unique_razorgor)
Razorgor Chariot
Those strong enough to tame the powerful, unruly Razorgor can harness them for chariots.
1 14 Mount: Razorgor Chariot (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
8 (wh_dlc03_skill_bst_bray_shaman_beast_efficiency)
Bane of Sigmar
No man can stand against the fury and bitterness of the Beastmen, or the cunning brutality of the Bray-Shamans.
1 Hero action success chance: +2% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Hero action success chance: +5% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Hero action success chance: +8% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
9 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_11_arcane_conduit)
Arcane Conduit

1 Ability: "Arcane Conduit" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
10 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_dummy_wyssans_wildform)
Wyssan's Wildform [HIDDEN]

1 Spell: "Wyssan's Wildform" (character_to_character_own)
11 (wh_dlc03_skill_bst_champion_protect_army_1)
Safety Amongst Beastkin
Those in the warherd protect and defend each other - when it suits them to do so.
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Enemy Hero action success chance: -6% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Enemy Hero action success chance: -9% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
12 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_flock_of_doom)
Flock of Doom
With a mighty bellow, the caster invokes Corvus the Crow Lord, summoning his servants to peck at the foe's eyes.
2 Cooldown: -50% to "Flock of Doom" (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "Flock of Doom" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
1 Spell: "Flock of Doom" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
13 (wh_dlc03_skill_bst_bray_shaman_unique_uncanny_senses)
Uncanny Senses
He knows. Nobody knows how, but he does. He has always just known.
1 9 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Magic resistance: 15% (character_to_character_own)
14 (wh_dlc03_skill_spell_buff)
Palpable Miasma
A reserve of energy, a desire for destruction, and a little Ruinous fortune, lets these spells burst with greater frequency.
1 Cooldown: -10% to all spells of the [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero and accompanying [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord (character_to_character_own)
Reduces spell cooldowns (accompanying [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord)
[HIDDEN] Reduces the cooldown of spells (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Cooldown: -20% to all spells of the [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero and accompanying [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord (character_to_character_own)
Reduces spell cooldowns (accompanying [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord)
[HIDDEN] Reduces the cooldown of spells (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Cooldown: -30% to all spells of the [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero and accompanying [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord (character_to_character_own)
Reduces spell cooldowns (accompanying [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord)
[HIDDEN] Reduces the cooldown of spells (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
15 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_panns_impenetrable_pelt)
Pann's Impenetrable Pelt
Calling upon the beast spirits of the wild, the caster sheathes vulnerable flesh in unyielding fur and hide.
2 Cooldown: -50% to "Pann's Impenetrable Pelt" (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "Pann's Impenetrable Pelt" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
1 Spell: "Pann's Impenetrable Pelt" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
16 (wh_dlc03_skill_bst_bray_shaman_unique_many_limbed_friend)
Many-Limbed Fiend
Hurling themselves into battle, a whirlwind of appendages and weapons strike, unexpected and deadly.
1 9 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +15 (character_to_character_own)
17 (wh_main_skill_all_champion_campaign_hardy)
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (character_to_character_own)
18 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_the_amber_spear)
The Amber Spear
Sounding a gnarled horn, the caster summons a glowing amber spear and hurls it at the foe with uncanny accuracy.
2 Cooldown: -50% to "The Amber Spear" (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "The Amber Spear" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
1 Spell: "The Amber Spear" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
19 (wh_dlc03_skill_bst_all_unique_shadow_hide)
Shadow Hide
Chaos smiles upon them, granting unnatural and heretical defence against mortal machinations.
1 7 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile resistance: 10% (character_to_character_own)
20 (wh_main_skill_all_wizard_campaign_zzapp)
An outstretched hand, a force bolt of arcane energy… a dead foe.
1 [[col:yellow]]Assassinate action: Additional 8% chance of killing target Target: Any foreign character
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
21 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_06_evasion)

1 Passive ability: "Evasion" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
22 (wh_main_skill_all_wizard_campaign_magic_detection)
Magic Detection
Spellcasters can oft-sense when magic is close or being drawn from the Winds.
1 Action: [[col:yellow]]Scouting Target: Own army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Action: [[col:yellow]]Scouting Target: Own army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[[col:yellow]]Scouting action: Magic item drop chance is increased by an additional 5% Target: Own army
3 Action: [[col:yellow]]Scouting Target: Own army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[[col:yellow]]Scouting action: Magic item drop chance is increased by an additional 10% Target: Own army
23 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_07_earthing)
By stabbing a staff or some arcane conduit into the ground, an accomplished magic-user can earth or tether the Winds and hopefully reduce a chance of miscasting.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Miscast chance: -25% (character_to_character_own)
24 (wh_main_skill_all_wizard_campaign_misdirector)
To sow discord and confuse the enemy, sending them down the wrong route or befuddling their senses.
1 Action: [[col:yellow]]Block Army Target: Foreign army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Action: [[col:yellow]]Block Army Target: Foreign army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[[col:yellow]]Block Army action: Movement range is modified by an additional -5% Target: Foreign army
3 Action: [[col:yellow]]Block Army Target: Foreign army
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[[col:yellow]]Block Army action: Movement range is modified by an additional -10% Target: Foreign army
25 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_08_power_drain)
Power Drain
A few magic-users have the ability to becalm the Winds of Magic, draining the eldritch energy from the air to nullify enemy spellcasters.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic power reserve: +15 (character_to_force_own_unseen)
26 (wh_main_skill_all_wizard_campaign_marauder_horde)
This arcane creature shares the northern tribes' need to raid and ruin and destroy.
1 Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Buildings Target: Foreign settlement
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Buildings Target: Foreign settlement
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[[col:yellow]]Damage Buildings action: Additional 5% damage caused Target: Foreign settlement
3 Action: [[col:yellow]]Damage Buildings Target: Foreign settlement
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[[col:yellow]]Damage Buildings action: Additional 15% damage caused Target: Foreign settlement
27 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_the_curse_of_anraheir)
The Curse of Anraheir
Nebulous nature spirits assail the foe, clawing at them with hands not nearly as insubstantial as they appear.
2 Cooldown: -50% to "The Curse of Anraheir" (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "The Curse of Anraheir" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
1 Spell: "The Curse of Anraheir" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
28 (wh_dlc03_skill_bst_bray_shaman_beast_cost)
Righteous Claim
What they have, they do not deserve. Everything returns to the earth. Everything returns to the Beastmen!
1 Hero action cost: -5% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Hero action cost: -10% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Hero action cost: -20% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
29 (wh_dlc03_skill_magic_beasts_transformation_of_kadon)
Transformation of Kadon
Kadon, a master of forms, was able to shift his shape into anything he chose. This mastery is used to summon a Manticore, as if Kadon himself fights for you.
1 Spell: "Transformation of Kadon" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
PH - Bray-Shaman Beasts Skills (21) (Background Skills)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
30 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_blind)
Although the eyes do not see, the other senses remain open.
1 Melee attack: +3 (general_to_character_own)
Melee defence: -3 (general_to_character_own)
31 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_boring)
"Another speech? Very well… does it have to be so… lengthy?"
1 Campaign movement range: -5% (character_to_character_own)
Income from all buildings: +5% (local province)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "Lord of Droners" (character_to_character_own)
32 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_irresolute)
"To be crippled by indecision is to give your enemies an advantage."
1 Campaign movement range: +5% (character_to_character_own)
Construction cost: +4% for all buildings (local region)
33 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_maimed_arm)
Maimed Arm
"This one is armless, sir."
1 Melee attack: -6 (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +3 ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
34 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_maimed_leg)
Maimed Leg
"No, not drunk, just legless."
1 Speed: -15% (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +3 ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
35 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_melancholic)
"Why forlorn? Are you not a King, an Emperor - a champion?"
1 Hero self-defence: -5% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
{{tr:public_order}}: -1 (local enemy province)
36 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_phlegmatic)
A calming presence can be a steadying hand… but also disquieting.
1 Campaign line of sight: +5% (character_to_character_own)
{{tr:public_order}}: +1 (local province)
37 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_sanguine)
An assured air instils great confidence in your followers.
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +5 (character_to_character_own)
38 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_scar_disfiguring)
Disfiguring Scar
Such an ugly scar is always memorable.
1 Enemy leadership: -3 (local region)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
39 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_scar_distinguishing)
Distinguishing Scar
Clearly a veteran of some heroic deed.
1 Enemy leadership: -2 (local region)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Scarred" (character_to_character_own)
40 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_sneaky)
Skulk and sneak or shadow and stalk, theirs is a guileful nature.
1 Hero action success chance: +5% (character_to_character_own)
41 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_choleric)
Does a rage as hot as Khorne's burn within?
1 Melee attack: +5 (character_to_character_own)
42 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_stupid)
Shares the intellect of a River Troll.
1 Charge bonus: +10% (character_to_character_own)
43 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_uncompromising)
Others may call it decisive, but being uncompromising can be a weakness as well as a strength.
1 Hero self-defence: +10% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
44 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_clumsy)
There are drunk Ogres more sure-footed than this one.
1 Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
45 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_deformed)
Deformed by birth or made by the Ruinous Powers, yet there is honour within the prison of flesh.
1 Enemy leadership: -2 (local region)
46 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_easily_deceived)
Easily Deceived
"Tzeentch will have so much fun with you, puppet!"
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: +2% (character_to_character_own)
47 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_easily_distracted)
Easily Distracted
"Look! Over there - a Snotling showing its arse!"
1 Campaign movement range: -7% (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +2 (character_to_character_own)
48 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_easily_trapped)
Easily Trapped
To trap a fool is easy; to trap a King… perhaps even easier.
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: +3% (character_to_character_own)
49 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_honourable)
Honour is everything!
1 Leadership: +10 (character_to_character_own)
50 (wh_main_skill_innate_all_intelligent)
In this age of blood and battle, intellect is an underrated gift.
1 Hero self-defence: +5% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
Ambush defence chance: +10% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds the name "the Astute" (character_to_character_own)