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Brayherd of the One-Eye (An Eye For An Eye) Brayherd of the One-Eye (An Eye For An Eye) Technologies


Beastmen Military Tech

No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Beastly Stupor Military Tier 2
Beastly Stupor
Beastmen are not ‘quiet’ revellers; it doesn’t take much to amplify their natural aggression and rage.
    Melee attack: +10 for [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lords and embedded [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Heroes (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Melee defence: +10 for [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lords and embedded [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Heroes (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Defiled Honour The Kalkengard Larder
2 Fresh Blood-Grounds Military Tier 2
Fresh Blood-Grounds
Blood-grounds are where the Beastmen range, hunting and slaughtering. New grounds mean fresh prey to sate their hunger.
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Income from raiding: +15% (all forces)
The Rewards of Ruin The Endless Hunt
3 Grisly Trophies Military Tier 2
Grisly Trophies
Beastmen have a penchant for grim fetishes, especially those gathered from mannish foes.
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Leadership: +5 when fighting against humans (all forces)
Ancient Beast-Paths Hives of Pestilence
4 Vitriolic Temperament Military Tier 2
Vitriolic Temperament
Quick to temper and impossible to tame, such fierceness should be fostered if it cannot be controlled.
    Unit experience: +1 for Gor unit recruits (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
    Unit experience: +1 for Ungor unit recruits (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
True-Horn Twisted Visions
5 Twisted Visions Military Tier 3
Twisted Visions
When a Beastman is visited by twisted visions, it knows its Ruinous Masters have delivered a message, a clue, or a boon…
Vitriolic Temperament
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Enemy siege holdout time: -2 (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
Messenger of the Bray
6 True-Horn Military Tier 3
Gors of purest, spiteful intent. It is no wonder they share a bond with the lesser beasts.
Vitriolic Temperament
    Unit experience: +1 for Centigor unit recruits (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
The Days of Wrath
7 The Rewards of Ruin Military Tier 3
The Rewards of Ruin
Should the warherds please their Dark Masters they are blessed with a dark fortitude.
Fresh Blood-Grounds
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Attrition: -10% casualties suffered from all attrition (all forces)
Bountiful Herdstone
8 Hives of Pestilence Military Tier 3
Hives of Pestilence
The Gors gather hives of pestilent corruption, fostered by the Beastlords as recruiting grounds for their herds.
Grisly Trophies
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Horde Growth: +3 (all forces)
9 Defiled Honour Military Tier 3
Defiled Honour
Who cares for man-filth honour? Slaying and blood is all the Gods want, even if that is achieved from afar!
Beastly Stupor
    Missile damage: +10% for all units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
10 Ancient Beast-Paths Military Tier 3
Ancient Beast-Paths
Lost ruts - long-forgotten ways once trod by hoof - have been revealed; the Bray-Shamans urge their use.
Grisly Trophies
    Evasion chance when using a beast-path: +20% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Heart of the Dark
11 The Kalkengard Larder Military Tier 3
The Kalkengard Larder
Pity the poor defenders of Kalkengard, hung from its trees and ruined, rocky spires as meat for hungry Minotaurs.
Beastly Stupor
    Weapon strength: +20% for Minotaur units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Encircled Prey
12 The Endless Hunt Military Tier 3
The Endless Hunt
The hunt is eternal; it never began, it shall never end. It always was.
Fresh Blood-Grounds
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Casualty replenishment rate: +3% (all forces)
Fell Rituals
13 Encircled Prey Military Tier 4
Encircled Prey
Beastmen excel at ambushing - wiser Gors know all the beast-paths and so can surround their prey more quickly.
The Kalkengard Larder
    Speed: +10% for all units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
14 Heart of the Dark Military Tier 4
Heart of the Dark
The hearts of Beastmen are blackened with evil, but only those with the darkest of souls rise to prominence.
Ancient Beast-Paths
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Leadership: +10 for [[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lords and embedded [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Heroes (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
The Path to War
15 Fell Rituals Military Tier 4
Fell Rituals
The most forbidden rituals are enacted by a willing Bray-Shaman, whose soul is forfeit should the fickle Gods decree it.
The Endless Hunt
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Casualty replenishment rate: +10% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
16 Messenger of the Bray Military Tier 4
Messenger of the Bray
An agent of the Chaos Gods, acting in their stead, will be granted favour… until they fail.
Twisted Visions
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Hero action cost: -20% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
17 Bountiful Herdstone Military Tier 4
Bountiful Herdstone
Most bountiful is the herdstone inscribed with the most fell of runes and doused in hated enemy blood.
The Rewards of Ruin
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Income from razing settlements: +10% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Gaze of the Dark Gods
18 Man-Cleavers Military Tier 4
Larger blades require stronger arms, for those wielding such massive weapons can literally cleave man-filth in twain.
Defiled Honour
    Melee attack: +15 for Ungor and Gor units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
19 Gore-Drunk Military Tier 4
The knowledge that Gors and Minotaurs may wallow in filth and enemy blood will draw many more from afar.
Hives of Pestilence
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
    Horde recruitment capacity: +1 (all forces)
20 The Days of Wrath Military Tier 4
The Days of Wrath
On such dire days - on the eve of the End Times - all the Cloven Ones are empowered.
    Unit experience: +1 for Bestigor unit recruits (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
    Research rate: -5% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
21 The Path to War Military Tier 5
The Path to War
On war's path tread the slaves to darkness; the lost, the damned, and the behorned.
Heart of the Dark
    Recruitment cost: -33% (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
22 Gaze of the Dark Gods Military Tier 5
Gaze of the Dark Gods
All servants of the Ruinous Powers - horned or no - crave the gaze of the Dark Gods.
Bountiful Herdstone
    Income from raiding: +20% (all forces)
    Income from razing settlements: +10% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
23 The Embrace of Chaos Military Tier 7
The Embrace of Chaos
We are Children of Chaos; we embrace our pedigree!
Blessings of the Dark Gods
    Chaos corruption: +1 (all characters)
    Research rate: +20% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
24 Blessings of the Dark Gods Military Tier 7
Blessings of the Dark Gods
Such wondrous blessings from our glorious masters.
Sacrifice to Morrslieb
    Chaos corruption: +1 (all characters)
    Research rate: +20% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
The Embrace of Chaos
25 The Seed of Hate Military Tier 7
The Seed of Hate
Plant the seed and watch corruption blossom.
    Chaos corruption: +1 (all characters)
    Research rate: +20% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Worship of the Ruinous Powers
26 Sacrifice to Morrslieb Military Tier 7
Sacrifice to Morrslieb
Slay the unwilling during blackest night in view of the Dark Moon.
Worship of the Ruinous Powers
    Chaos corruption: +1 (all characters)
    Research rate: +20% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Blessings of the Dark Gods
27 Worship of the Ruinous Powers Military Tier 7
Worship of the Ruinous Powers
Praise the power of Chaos, and revel in its bounties.
The Seed of Hate
    Chaos corruption: +1 (all characters)
    Research rate: +20% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Sacrifice to Morrslieb