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Chaos Military Tech

No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 The Path to Ruination Military Tier 1
The Path to Ruination
When ultimate power is the prize, expect a perilous journey indeed…
    Casualty replenishment rate: +5% (all forces)
Scrutiny of the Dark Gods Skulls for the Skull Throne Rituals of Corruption The Lure of Dark Promises
2 Rituals of Corruption Military Tier 2
Rituals of Corruption
Rituals performed to please the Gods may see an increase in favour.
The Path to Ruination
    Income from razing settlements: +10% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
3 Scrutiny of the Dark Gods Military Tier 2
Scrutiny of the Dark Gods
Let the Marauders gather under their Ruinous masters' eternal gaze.
The Path to Ruination
    Recruitment cost: -15% for Marauder units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
4 Skulls for the Skull Throne Military Tier 2
Skulls for the Skull Throne
Khorne desires skulls, so gifts his followers with the initiative to find them. Every. Single. One.
The Path to Ruination
    Income from post-battle loot: +10% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
5 The Lure of Dark Promises Military Tier 3
The Lure of Dark Promises
Chaos is a seductive force.
The Path to Ruination
    Casualty replenishment rate: +5% (all forces)
Banners of Ruin Duels to the Death Culling of the Weak Erection of Ruinous Monuments Unholy Communion
6 Banners of Ruin Military Tier 4
Banners of Ruin
Fell runes that burn the eyes when looked upon adorn Marauder banners, showing a tribe's true devotion.
The Lure of Dark Promises
    Leadership: +5 for Marauder units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
7 Culling of the Weak Military Tier 4
Culling of the Weak
Stragglers will not be entertained. If you can't keep the pace, you are food for the Warhounds.
The Lure of Dark Promises
    Range: +5% for Marauder Horsemen units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Speed: +10% for Chaos Warhound units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Speed: +10% for Marauder units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
8 Duels to the Death Military Tier 4
Duels to the Death
The names of the worthy, decided by violent duel.
The Lure of Dark Promises
    Unit experience: +2 for Marauder unit recruits (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
9 Erection of Ruinous Monuments Military Tier 4
Erection of Ruinous Monuments
Tributes and monuments to the Dark Powers ensure the Chaos Gods' favour.
The Lure of Dark Promises
    Income from razing settlements: +20% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
10 Unholy Communion Military Tier 5
Unholy Communion
Once promises have been made, the Champion is far along the road to damnation.
The Lure of Dark Promises
    Casualty replenishment rate: +5% (all forces)
Dark Standards Aspiration for Greatness A Thousand Twisted Blessings Supernatural Prowess Blood for the Blood God Pledges to the Dark Gods
11 A Thousand Twisted Blessings Military Tier 6
A Thousand Twisted Blessings
Such a generous gift is the thousand twisted blessings, think of all the needle teeth and tentacles it bestows.
Unholy Communion
    Charge bonus: +10% for Chaos Troll units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Melee attack: +5 for Chaos Spawn units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +5% for Chaos Spawn units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +10% for Forsaken units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Melee defence: +5 for Chaos Troll units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
12 Aspiration for Greatness Military Tier 6
Aspiration for Greatness
All Chaos Warriors aspire to great deeds in the Chaos Gods' name, for Daemonhood awaits the greatest of their number.
Unholy Communion
    Unit experience: +2 for Chaos Warrior and Aspiring Champion unit recruits (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
13 Blood for the Blood God Military Tier 6
Blood for the Blood God
The Blood God never tires of hearing the war cry screamed in his name.
Unholy Communion
    Income from post-battle loot: +20% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
14 Dark Standards Military Tier 6
Dark Standards
The Warriors of Chaos carry dark banners, bearing sigils and runes that writhe as if alive.
Unholy Communion
    Leadership: +5 for Chaos Warrior and Aspiring Champion units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
15 Supernatural Prowess Military Tier 6
Supernatural Prowess
Chaos Warriors have been touched by Chaos, gaining fighting abilities far beyond those of normal men.
Unholy Communion
    Melee attack: +5 for Chaos Warrior, Aspiring Champion and Chosen units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
16 Pledges to the Dark Gods Military Tier 7
Pledges to the Dark Gods
Final pledges are made by aspirants who have long since bargained away their souls for ultimate power.
Unholy Communion
    Casualty replenishment rate: +5% (all forces)
Pennants of Chaos Gaze of the Dark Gods Slaves to Darkness Inscribed Chaos Armour Infernal March Daemonic Pact
17 Inscribed Chaos Armour Military Tier 8
Inscribed Chaos Armour
Chaos Armour, inscribed with powerful litanies of hate, will glow hot and vengeful when struck.
Pledges to the Dark Gods
    Melee defence: +5 for Chaos Warriors, Aspiring Champion and Chaos Knights units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
18 Gaze of the Dark Gods Military Tier 8
Gaze of the Dark Gods
All hope to catch the attention of the Gods, gathering where they think the Chaos Gods will be looking.
Pledges to the Dark Gods
    Hero recruit rank: +2 for Exalted Heroes (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Recruitment cost: -10% for Chaos Warrior and Aspiring Champion units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
19 Infernal March Military Tier 8
Infernal March
The Chaos Gods grow impatient. Lending a sliver of majesty, they enable their followers to march faster.
Pledges to the Dark Gods
    Campaign movement range: +10% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
    Casualty replenishment rate: +5% (all forces)
20 Pennants of Chaos Military Tier 8
Pennants of Chaos
Like the banners held by infantry, the Knights of Chaos ride to war with blasphemous pennants.
Pledges to the Dark Gods
    Leadership: +5 for Chaos Knights and Chosen units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
21 Slaves to Darkness Military Tier 8
Slaves to Darkness
The elite of the Chaos Warriors are the Chosen and the Chaos Knights. They are the Dark Gods' willing slaves.
Pledges to the Dark Gods
    Unit experience: +2 for Chaos Knights and Chosen unit recruits (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
22 Daemonic Pact Military Tier 9
Daemonic Pact
A pact with the Dark Gods should not be taken lightly.
Pledges to the Dark Gods
    Casualty replenishment rate: +5% (all forces)
Engines of Mass Destruction Daemonic Armour Favour of the Dark Gods Ensorcelled Weapons Herald of Doom
23 Daemonic Armour Military Tier 10
Daemonic Armour
Even more precious than Chaos Armour, this heavy plate is imbued with Daemonic essence.
Daemonic Pact
    Armour: +5 for Chaos Knights and Chosen units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
24 Engines of Mass Destruction Military Tier 10
Engines of Mass Destruction
Powerful beasts and engines are enhanced if under the command of the Dark Gods.
Daemonic Pact
    Ammunition: +15% for Hellcannon units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +10% for Chaos Chariots units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Reload time reduction: +15% for Hellcannon units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Recruitment cost: -10% for Chaos Chariots and Hellcannons (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
25 Ensorcelled Weapons Military Tier 10
Ensorcelled Weapons
The arms of a Chaos Knight are imbued with a small but not inconsequential amount of Unholy power.
Daemonic Pact
    Melee attack: +5 for Chaos Knights (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +10% for Chaos Knights units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
26 Favour of the Dark Gods Military Tier 10
Favour of the Dark Gods
To be granted such favour is to be given untold power and a chance to rise above the ranks.
Daemonic Pact
    Hero recruit rank: +2 for Chaos Sorcerers (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Recruitment cost: -10% for Chaos Knights and Chosen units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
27 Herald of Doom Military Tier 10
Herald of Doom
Behold the Herald of Doom, a familiar eager to spread discord and panic with news that the Giants come.
Daemonic Pact
    Charge bonus: +10% for Chaos Feral Manticores (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Melee attack: +5 for Dragon Ogre Shaggoth units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Melee attack: +7 for regular Dragon Ogre units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +10% for Chaos Giant units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Weapon strength: +10% for Chaos Feral Manticores (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Recruitment cost: -10% for Chaos Giant units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)