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Secreti della Necromanzia AeslingAesling Military Tier 6

Secreti della Necromanzia

I Vampiri e i Nonmorti, entità spregevoli, sono maestri del sotterfugio e conoscono i segreti della convalescenza mortale.

Though the Vampire Counts have little in the way of plunder, their arcane knowledge may still serve the Ruinous Powers. They understand the ways of preserving and using the dead, and of raising armies that do not tire or falter, mindless warriors who will not stop until hacked into useless lumps of decaying flesh. Their lore also honours the Skin Wolves, and that knowledge is of use when dealing with the were creatures who lend their claws and fangs to the fight, and travel with the armies of the north.

Secreti della Necromanzia

Node Set

Military Tier 6




Probabilità di successo delle azioni di un Eroe nemico: -20% (faction_to_character_own_unseen)
Velocità di reintegro delle vittime: +20% (tutte le forze)
Capacità dell'Eroe ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]) Lican Pellelupo: +2 (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Requires Technologies Rovina dei Conti VampiroRovina dei Conti Vampiro