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Incantations of Ushoran Vampire Counts RebelsVampire Counts Rebels Military Tier 2

Incantations of Ushoran

Ushoran was the first Ghoul King; his spirit can be invoked with the right words, and his children summoned.

Ushoran was one of the first Vampires, a great warrior and diplomat of Lahmia. However, that was many millennia ago. Over his long life the Vampire rose to greatness, but suffered damnation as a ghoulish Vampire creature, the progenitor of the Strigoi. A specific ritual is said to summon his spirit and imbue all of Ghoul-kind with his hunger.

Incantations of Ushoran

Node Set

Military Tier 2




Recruitment cost: -10% for Crypt Ghouls and Crypt Horrors units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Upkeep: -10% for Crypt Ghouls and Crypt Horrors units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Requires Technologies Liber NecronomicaLiber Necronomica
Enables Technologies Cannibalistic RitualsCannibalistic Rituals SoulbinderSoulbinder Infuse the Tireless HordesInfuse the Tireless Hordes