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The Black Pit Tribe The Black Pit Tribe Units

Field Artillery

With a long range and able to cause great damage, field artillery can be moved slowly around the battlefield, but are very weak if engaged in melee.

Field Artillery
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
44 Doom Diver Catapult
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (wh_main_grn_art_doom_diver_catapult)
Doom Diver Catapult
Fired from a catapult with crude wings strapped to his arms, the cackling Goblin pilot guides himself to a messy, pointy-hatted impact.
44 900 900 225 190 400 3.7 10 24 5 6 15 43 40
44 Goblin Rock Lobber
Siege Engine / Field Artillery / (wh_main_grn_art_goblin_rock_lobber)
Goblin Rock Lobber
Greenskins love chucking fings at the enemy; the rock lobber allows them to throw bigger fings further.
44 600 600 150 170 400 3.7 10 24 5 6 15 43 40