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Cavaroc (The Season of Revelation) Cavaroc (The Season of Revelation) Units

Missile Cavalry

Fast moving and with a long range, missile cavalry are great at harassing their enemies, but weak if pinned down in melee.

Missile Cavalry
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
40 Sisters of the Thorn
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_sisters_thorn_0)
Sisters of the Thorn
Ariel's handmaidens know only the defence of their Queen and the forest - an eternal duty, never forsworn.
40 1000 1000 250 33 75 7.4 18 33 29 28 33 15 112 85
60 Glade Riders
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_glade_riders_0)
Glade Riders
Agile and swift beyond measure, these mounted warriors' missiles spell doom for their opponents.
60 750 750 188 22 125 6.1 20 23 23 22 25 15 82 55
60 Glade Riders (Hagbane Tips)
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_glade_riders_1)
Glade Riders (Hagbane Tips)
Swift and deadly, these mounted archers use arrows dipped in poison and charged with magic to weaken and slow their targets.
60 825 825 206 22 125 6.1 20 23 23 22 25 15 82 55
24 Hawk Riders
Cavalry / Missile Cavalry / (wh_dlc05_wef_cav_hawk_riders_0)
Hawk Riders
The bond between the Elves and the Hawks is unbreakable.
24 950 950 238 27 140 8.3 22 24 45 38 17 15 170 60