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Skullsmasherz Tribe (The Season of Revelation) Skullsmasherz Tribe (The Season of Revelation) Units

Melee Infantry

Frontline soldiers trained for hand-to-hand combat with their enemies.

Melee Infantry
No. Unit Sol. Custom Cost Recru. Cost Upkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Night Goblins
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_inf_night_goblins)
Night Goblins
Night Goblins raid with efficiency; they swarm and ambush, cutting their foes apart.
160 400 400 100 26 27 12 24 70 48 40
40 Squig Herd
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_dlc06_grn_inf_squig_herd_0)
Squig Herd
One incensed Squig is enough trouble. For whosoever attracts their ire, an entire herd conjures a nightmare!
40 500 500 125 26 31 40 18 50 108 36
100 Orc Big 'Uns
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_inf_orc_big_uns)
Orc Big 'Uns
The hardest-hitting mobs in a tribe, Big 'Uns are well placed in melee, where they happily smash their enemies apart.
100 700 700 175 38 42 26 28 50 86 65
120 Orc Boyz
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_inf_orc_boyz)
Orc Boyz
Orc Boyz lack the strength of Big 'Uns, but their tenacity and endurance in battle is well respected.
120 450 450 112 26 34 22 26 65 67 60
100 Savage Orc Big 'Uns
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_inf_savage_orc_big_uns)
Savage Orc Big 'Uns
Savage Orcs alone are a terrifying prospect to face. Add Big 'Uns to the mix and things get really nasty very quickly.
100 800 800 200 40 42 33 16 0 86 62
120 Savage Orcs
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_inf_savage_orcs)
Savage Orcs
Savage Orcs lay into their enemies with clubs, axes or whatever is needed to cause as much damage as possible.
120 550 550 138 28 35 27 16 0 67 58
8 Arachnarok Spider
War Beast / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_mon_arachnarok_spider_0)
Arachnarok Spider
With a team of Goblins upon its back, the Arachnarok's sheer enormity strikes fear into the hearts of all who face it.
8 2000 2000 500 54 380 40 30 150 8246 55
1 Giant
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_mon_giant)
A lumbering Giant is the terror of the battlefield, smashing entire ranks of men aside and feasting on the less fortunate ones.
1 1600 1600 400 68 530 40 30 30 11098 100
12 Trolls
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_mon_trolls)
Up close, a Troll will batter foes into submission or vomit disgusting and potently corrosive bile across the field.
12 800 800 200 36 86 30 24 40 557 38
80 Black Orcs
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_inf_black_orcs)
Black Orcs
Black Orcs are more disciplined, armoured and deadly than other Orcs, ripping through enemies with their heavy weapons for fun.
80 1100 1100 275 34 42 30 22 110 109 70
160 Night Goblins (Fanatics)
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_inf_night_goblin_fanatics)
Night Goblins (Fanatics)
Night Goblins Fanatics are highly efficient killers – the ball and chain they wield sees to that!
160 450 450 113 26 27 12 24 70 48 40
160 Nasty Skulkers
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_dlc06_grn_inf_nasty_skulkers_0)
Nasty Skulkers
Even the most heinous green-skinned scumbags look upon these Goblins' swift skulduggery with reverent horror.
160 500 500 125 26 24 20 16 15 45 40