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Konquata (Crypts) NumasNumas Konquata Level 2

Konquata (Crypts)

The dead return, unaware that what was once their grave is now also their home.


Ruined Konquata
Ruined Konquata
Konquata Level 0
Konquata (Crypts)
Konquata (Crypts)
Konquata Level 1
Konquata (Mastaba)
Konquata (Mastaba)
Konquata Level 2
Konquata (Mausoleum)
Konquata (Mausoleum)
Konquata Level 3
Konquata (Tomb City)
Konquata (Tomb City)
Konquata Level 4
Konquata (Necropolis)
Konquata (Necropolis)
Konquata Level 5
Konquata (Crypts)

Building Name

Konquata (Crypts)

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



Research rate: +10% (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Untainted: +1 (region_to_region_own)
Income generated: 100 (building_to_building_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds 2 turns of siege holdout time to province capitals (region_to_region_own)
Growth: +10 (region_to_province_own)
{{tr:public_order_effect}}: +3 (province_to_province_own_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Used for settlements to identify the presence of 15m walls (Hellenic / Roman / Eastern) (region_to_region_own)

Provides Garrison Army

44 Screaming Skull Catapults
Screaming Skull Catapults
Field Artillery
1 Tomb Prince
Tomb Prince
120 Nehekhara Warriors
120 Nehekhara Warriors
120 Nehekhara Warriors
Nehekhara Warriors
Melee Infantry
120 Skeleton Archers
120 Skeleton Archers
120 Skeleton Archers
120 Skeleton Archers
Skeleton Archers
Missile Infantry
120 Tomb Guard
120 Tomb Guard
120 Tomb Guard
Tomb Guard
Melee Infantry

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Skeleton Spearmen
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (wh2_dlc09_tmb_inf_skeleton_spearmen_0)
Skeleton Spearmen
Spears extend, like gnarled and sharpened bones, held firmly in place by their deathly-grip.
160 350 0 14 24 3 30 65 61 30
160 Skeleton Warriors
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh2_dlc09_tmb_inf_skeleton_warriors_0)
Skeleton Warriors
The Undead devotees of the Tomb Kings are risen again, unswervingly loyal to their liege.
160 325 0 18 26 5 22 65 61 30