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HomeHome / Total War: WARHAMMER II / Clan Eshin Separatists / Buildings / Small Occupied Elven Colony
Small Occupied Elven Colony Clan Eshin SeparatistsClan Eshin Separatists Occupied Elven Colony Level 3

Small Occupied Elven Colony

High Elven ships carry goods to those with amicable intentions, and destruction to those who would do Ulthuan harm.

Occupied Elven Colony

Ruined Elven Colony
Ruined Elven Colony
Occupied Elven Colony Level 0
Tiny Occupied Elven Colony
Tiny Occupied Elven Colony
Occupied Elven Colony Level 1
Small Occupied Elven Colony
Small Occupied Elven Colony
Occupied Elven Colony Level 2
Occupied Elven Colony
Occupied Elven Colony
Occupied Elven Colony Level 3
Large Occupied Elven Colony
Large Occupied Elven Colony
Occupied Elven Colony Level 4
Thriving Occupied Elven Colony
Thriving Occupied Elven Colony
Occupied Elven Colony Level 5
Small Occupied Elven Colony

Building Name

Small Occupied Elven Colony

Level Name


Building Chain

Occupied Elven Colony

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



Income from Ports: +2% (all regions)
{{tr:ritual_currency}} generated: 1 (region_to_region_own)
Grants 2 construction slots in the settlement (this_building)
Income from Ports: +50% (region_to_region_own)
Income generated: 225 (building_to_building_own)
[HIDDEN] Adds 2 turns of siege holdout time to province capitals (region_to_region_own)
Growth: +15 (region_to_province_own)
[HIDDEN] Used for settlements to identify the presence of 15m walls (Hellenic / Roman / Eastern) (region_to_region_own)

Provides Garrison Army

160 Clanrats (Shields)
160 Clanrats (Shields)
160 Clanrats (Shields)
Clanrats (Shields)
Melee Infantry
120 Night Runners
120 Night Runners
120 Night Runners
Night Runners
Missile Infantry

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
140 Skavenslave Slingers
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (wh2_main_skv_inf_skavenslave_slingers_0)
Skavenslave Slingers
From a position of relative safety, slings enable them to watch their peers march to their doom.
140 225 225 8 120 7.4 22 6 18 4 7 0 45 33
180 Skavenslave Spears
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh2_main_skv_inf_skavenslave_spearmen_0)
Skavenslave Spears
A spear may mean they fight a little longer or better, but it only delays their inevitable demise.
180 175 175 9 16 3 16 0 48 35
180 Skavenslaves
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh2_main_skv_inf_skavenslaves_0)
In this lawless, miserable world the weak, or the merely out-manoeuvred, are either killed or put to back-breaking toil by the strong.
180 150 150 12 18 5 10 0 48 35