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Hag Hut {{tr:grn_greenskin_rebels_screen_name}} (Mortal Empires){{tr:grn_greenskin_rebels_screen_name}} (Mortal Empires) Monsters Level 2

Hag Hut

Less of an actual hut, more of a rickety, dung-smeared shelter built over an overpoweringly foul-smelling mudhole.

Trolls are attracted to Greenskin settlements in the same way stray dogs find themselves in human villages; the lure of a steady supply of food is a strong pull. Once they have found their way, Trolls will either find or be shepherded to a likely cave where they will "reside" until needed on the battlefield. However, summoning Trolls to battle means sending in a gobbo to fetch them, and they rarely come back out…


Troll Cave
Troll Cave
Monsters Level 0
Hag Hut
Hag Hut
Monsters Level 1
Stompin' Groundz
Stompin' Groundz
Monsters Level 2
Hag Hut

Building Name

Hag Hut

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



Hero capacity: +1 for Giant River Troll Hags (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Unlocks [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero recruitment: Giant River Troll Hag (province_to_province_own_unseen)
Recruitment duration: -1 turn for standard Trolls (minimum 1) (region_to_province_own)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
16 Trolls
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh_main_grn_mon_trolls)
Up close, a Troll will batter foes into submission or vomit disgusting and potently corrosive bile across the field.
16 800 800 34 100 24 32 40 494 40
16 River Trolls
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh2_dlc15_grn_mon_river_trolls_0)
River Trolls
Beware the most polluted lakes and waterways, where folk are pulled right out of their boats and down to their doom!
16 900 900 32 80 24 40 40 494 40
16 Stone Trolls
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (wh2_dlc15_grn_mon_stone_trolls_0)
Stone Trolls
As proven by the stone-eating, mountain-dwelling variety, a Troll’s natural resilience is boosted by a ravenous diet of rocks, pebbles, and dirt.
16 1100 1100 36 120 34 32 70 494 40