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Dark Elf Intervention Dark Elf Intervention Skills

Necrotect Skills

Necrotect Skills

Skeleton Chariot
Skeleton Chariot
Indomitable Will
Indomitable Will
Inscription of Repair
Inscription of Repair
Actions [HIDDEN]
Actions [HIDDEN]
Guardian Gargantua
Guardian Gargantua
Stone Shaper
Stone Shaper
Ceremonial Bandages
Ceremonial Bandages
Blade Master
Blade Master
The Scorpion's Sting
The Scorpion's Sting
Wrath of the Creator
Wrath of the Creator
Trapped Soul
Trapped Soul
Hard to Hit
Hard to Hit
Statuesque Sentinels
Statuesque Sentinels
Master Builder
Master Builder
Master Necrosphinx Sculptor
Master Necrosphinx Sculptor
Canopic Jar Hoarder
Canopic Jar Hoarder
Master Warsphinx Sculptor
Master Warsphinx Sculptor
Full Plate Armour
Full Plate Armour
Master Hierotitan Sculptor
Master Hierotitan Sculptor
Devastating Charge
Devastating Charge
Over My Dead Body
Over My Dead Body

Necrotect Skills (Background Skills)

Serpent Carver
Serpent Carver
Ushabti Carver
Ushabti Carver
Sphinx Carver
Sphinx Carver
Scorpion Carver
Scorpion Carver
Master of Ceremony
Master of Ceremony
Necrotect Skills (15) (Background Skills)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_aggressive)
If you're gonna die, you may as well die with your boots on.
1 Charge bonus: +8 (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
2 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_fleet_footed)
Being fleet of foot is useful in a fight… or when trying to get away afterwards!
1 Speed: +20% (character_to_character_own)
Attribute: Strider (character_to_character_own)
3 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_trustworthy)
The people of the desert live and die by their oaths in Basth's graceful sight.
1 Diplomatic relations: +5 with all factions (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
{{tr:public_order_effect}}: +1 (local province)
4 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_wise)
Benevolent Tahoth imparts sacred knowledge and timeless wisdom to his people.
1 Canopic Jars generated: 2 per turn (character_to_faction_unseen)
Recruit rank: +1 for all units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
5 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_wrathful)
The Tomb Kings and their servants feel Khsar's wrath coursing through their Unliving veins.
1 Bonus vs. Infantry: +10 (character_to_character_own)
6 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_eternal)
Time itself cannot harm those who have defied death.
1 Physical resistance: 5% (character_to_character_own)
7 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_serpent_carver)
Serpent Carver
That which is sculpted in Qu'aph's noble image strikes with the strength of the Serpent-God.
1 Unit capacity: +2
Sepulchral Stalkers (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
8 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_ushabti_carver)
Ushabti Carver
Djaf's servants bring brutal, jackal-headed death to his unfortunate foes.
1 Unit capacity: +1
Ushabti (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
Unit capacity: +1
Ushabti (Great Bow) (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
9 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_sphinx_carver)
Sphinx Carver
The stuff of myth and nightmares made stone, and later terrifying, savage reality.
1 Unit capacity: +1
Khemrian Warsphinx (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
10 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_scorpion_carver)
Scorpion Carver
Imbued with the souls of ancient Liche Priests, Sokth's servants are unhindered by their mechanical bodies of metal and stone.
1 Unit capacity: +2
Tomb Scorpion (faction_to_faction_own_unseen)
11 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_imbuer)
This Necrotect knows all the secret hieroglyphic inscriptions required to strengthen his statuary constructs.
1 Recruit rank: +1 for Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx units (local province)
Recruit rank: +1 for Ushabti units (local province)
12 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_strong)
Well built, robust. Powerful.
1 Armour: +15 (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +5 (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
13 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_tough)
Rugged, resistant, and almost unbreakable, this being can and will take on all comers.
1 Armour: +25 (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +5 (character_to_character_own)
14 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_cunning)
Deceit is a perfectly acceptable means of attack.
1 Enables poison attacks (character_to_character_own)
Ambush success chance: +10% (local armies)
15 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_tmb_master_of_ceremony)
Master of Ceremony
"Revered One, Venerable One, Lord of Secrets, High Priest of the Temple of Years…"
1 Untainted: +2 (local province)
Necrotect Skills (34)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
16 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_engineer_unique_necrotect_skeleton_chariot)
Skeleton Chariot
The pride of Nehekharan armies, impacting enemy lines with bone-shattering force and grinding the corpses beneath their heavy wheels.
1 9 Mount: Skeleton Chariot (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
17 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_personal_base)
Indomitable Will
It is not possible to defeat such unshakeable spirit once its owner's mind is made up.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +5 (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +4 (character_to_character_own)
18 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_inscription_of_repair)
Inscription of Repair
This intricate hieroglyphic engraving aids the Necrotect's drive to restore his Tomb King's monuments to their former glory.
1 9 Casualty replenishment rate: +12% for all Construct units ([[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
19 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_assist_army_increase_mobility)
Whether it be training harder, travelling lighter, eating less or sleeping better, there's always a way to draw more from the day.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_increase_mobility}} action: Movement range is increased by an additional 5% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_increase_mobility}} action: Movement range is increased by an additional 10% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_increase_mobility}} action: Movement range is increased by an additional 15% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
20 (wh2_dlc09_skill_all_dummy_agent_actions_tmb_necrotect)
Actions [HIDDEN]

1 [hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local province)
[hidden] (local province)
21 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_ability_0)
Reaching behind the wall of death to bring back the soul and bind it to you takes skill, but like anything, practice makes perfect!
1 Ability: "Restore" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
22 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_personal_conqueror)
Kill many and you *are* a conqueror; godhood is then but a protracted slaughter away...
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +4 (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +5% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +8 (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
23 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_serpentine_specialised)
Guardian Gargantua
The secrets of the desert reveal themselves to the unwary trespasser.
1 9 Unit capacity: +1
Sepulchral Stalkers
Necropolis Knights
Necropolis Knights (Halberds) (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
24 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_passive_boost_income)
Such magic-users may be wise and able to offer sage advice, especially if they have scried the region.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_boost_income}} action: Income is modified by an additional 2% (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local province)
[hidden] (local province)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_boost_income}} action: Income is modified by an additional 4% (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local province)
[hidden] (local province)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_boost_income}} action: Income is modified by an additional 6% (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local province)
[hidden] (local province)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
25 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_ability_1)
Stone Shaper
The strength at the base of the pillar; the venom of the cobra and the asp.
1 Passive ability: "Stone Shaper" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
26 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_tomb_king_ceremonial_bandages)
Ceremonial Bandages
Soaked in and toughened by embalming fluid, the cloth bindings used to mummify afford the wearer additional protection from all but a direct hit from mortal projectiles.
1 7 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile resistance: 15% (character_to_character_own)
27 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_personal_10)
Beware the scorpion's sting, hidden 'neath the desert sands yet always poised to strike.
1 Replaces: "Tombstrike" (character_to_character_own)
Ability: "Desertstrike" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
28 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_blade_master)
Blade Master
This warrior is one with their blade; it is an extension of their will, making them a worthy foe in combat.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +3 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +7 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +12 (character_to_character_own)
29 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_scorpions_specialised)
The Scorpion's Sting
Animated by a ceremony of awakening, the Tomb Scorpion's carapace is infused with residual power from the corpse within to swarm and kill the enemies of its master.
1 9 Unit capacity: +2
Tomb Scorpion (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
30 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_hinder_settlement_damage_walls)
They cannot stop what they cannot see.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_damage_walls}} action: 1 additional wall breaches (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_damage_walls}} action: 2 additional wall breaches (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_damage_walls}} action: 3 additional wall breaches (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
31 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_ability_2)
Wrath of the Creator
Hatred this strong is infectious, contagious, and inescapable.
1 Passive ability: "Wrath of the Creator" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
32 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_tomb_king_trapped_soul)
Trapped Soul
Souls retrieved from the Netherwold and bound to their controller provide a degree of magical resistance.
1 11 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Magic resistance: 15% (character_to_character_own)
Attribute: Causes Terror (character_to_character_own)
33 (wh2_main_skill_all_immortality_hero)
Who wants to live forever? As it turns out, most beings wouldn't say no…
1 19 When normally killed in action, this [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero will be wounded instead (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
34 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_hard_to_hit)
Hard to Hit
Hand-to-hand combat is a lethal match of cut and thrust. However, it’s not all about offensive strikes; parries and other defensive moves can also win the day.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +3 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +7 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +12 (character_to_character_own)
35 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_jackal_specialised)
Statuesque Sentinels
The faces of the gods gaze down from their daises, imposing monuments to Nehekhara's former prestige.
1 9 Unit capacity: +1
Ushabti (Great Bow) (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
36 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_hinder_agent_wound)
Such a champion will not bend or break, but slay in their Lord's name.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_wound}} action: Additional 4% chance of wounding target (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_wound}} action: Additional 10% chance of wounding target (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_wound}} action: Additional 18% chance of wounding target (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
37 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_indomitable)
The iron will and indomitable presence of this leader ensures their followers remain steadfast when facing peril.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +4 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +8 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +12 (character_to_character_own)
38 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_master_constructor)
Master Builder
The master of the necrotectural art understands all aspects of the construction process; inspiration, labour, time and cost are all within his Undead grasp.
1 9 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Construction cost: -10% for all buildings (local province)
Construction time: -1 for Province Capital/Settlement buildings (local province)
39 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_hinder_army_block_army)
To sow discord and confuse the enemy, sending them down the wrong route or befuddling their senses.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_block_army}} action: Movement range is modified by an additional -3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_block_army}} action: Movement range is modified by an additional -8% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_block_army}} action: Movement range is modified by an additional -15% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
40 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_personal_5)
He whose will transcends death can strike out from beyond the grave, to devastating effect.
1 Ability: "Tombstrike" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
41 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_reduce_action_cost)
An expert in their craft, this Hero knows all the mistakes that can be made and how to best avoid making them.
1 Hero action cost: -10% (character_to_character_own)
Hero action success chance: +1% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Hero action cost: -20% (character_to_character_own)
Hero action success chance: +3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Hero action cost: -40% (character_to_character_own)
Hero action success chance: +6% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
42 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_master_necrosphinx)
Master Necrosphinx Sculptor
To carve a Necrosphinx is to manifest the greatest and most destructive creature of the underworld. Not all Necrotects were adept at bringing such constructions to Unlife - only the most gifted of their trade even dare.
1 13 Unit capacity: +1
Necrosphinx (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
43 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_wound-maker)
Such is their power and ferocity, a wound-maker will ravage the foe, cutting and pulverising until there is only one exit - death.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +5% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +12% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +20% (character_to_character_own)
44 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_campaign_4)
Canopic Jar Hoarder
These jars contain the remains of many Liche Priests, which are useful for raising and binding a new force.
1 Canopic Jars generated: 1 per turn (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Canopic Jars generated: 2 per turn (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Canopic Jars generated: 3 per turn (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
45 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_master_warsphinx)
Master Warsphinx Sculptor
The leonine statues, known as Warsphinxes, were first constructed in Khemri; and so it is Necrotects who hail from the first city are the greatest carvers of these magnificent and deadly stone beasts.
1 13 Unit capacity: +1
Khemrian Warsphinx (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
46 (wh_main_skill_all_lord_self_full_plate_armour)
Full Plate Armour
Full-Plate armour protects the wearer from head-to-foot. Many such suits are blessed or imbued with arcane abilities.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +3 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +8 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +15 (character_to_character_own)
47 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_necrotect_master_heirotitan)
Master Hierotitan Sculptor
No expense was spared in sculpting a Hierotitan - the greatest and most talented of Necrotects were contracted to work on the blessed stone that would form these gigantic statues.
1 13 Unit capacity: +1
Hierotitan (character_to_faction_unseen)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
48 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_devastating_charge)
Devastating Charge
Some creatures charge home with such fury that the very ground shakes beneath their feet.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +6 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +16 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +30 (character_to_character_own)
49 (wh2_dlc09_skill_tmb_personal_9)
Over My Dead Body
Death is not an impedance to the strongest of wills.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +8% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +8% (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +6% (character_to_character_own)