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River Troll Hag Skills

Glistening with putrid swamp gunk, Troll Hags sate their voracious appetites with anything and everything they can get their slimy hands on.

River Troll Hag Skills

Horrid Mass
Horrid Mass
Spirit Leech
Spirit Leech
Dodgy Geezer
Dodgy Geezer
Actions [HIDDEN]
Actions [HIDDEN]
Slimy Shanks
Slimy Shanks
Deadly Onslaught
Deadly Onslaught
Arcane Conduit
Arcane Conduit
Spirit Leech [HIDDEN]
Spirit Leech [HIDDEN]
Devastating Charge
Devastating Charge
Aspect of the Dread Knight
Aspect of the Dread Knight
Teach 'Em Right!
Teach 'Em Right!
Expeditious Endeavour
Expeditious Endeavour
Bag Batterin'
Bag Batterin'
Doom & Darkness
Doom & Darkness
The Fate of Bjuna
The Fate of Bjuna
The Purple Sun of Xereus
The Purple Sun of Xereus
Hard to Hit
Hard to Hit
Magical Reserves
Magical Reserves

River Troll Hag Skills (Background Skills)

Big Bully
Big Bully
Serial Danca
Serial Danca
River Troll Hag Skills (35)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (wh_dlc15_skill_all_all_self_horrid_mass)
Horrid Mass
Truly despicable to behold, this creature deflects blows with its turgid body.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +3% (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +5 (character_to_character_own)
2 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_01_spirit_leech)
Spirit Leech

1 Overcast spell: "Spirit Leech Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -30% to "Spirit Leech" (character_to_character_own)
2 Overcast spell: "Spirit Leech Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Miscast base chance: -15% for "Spirit Leech Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -2 for "Spirit Leech" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -2 for "Spirit Leech Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -50% to "Spirit Leech" (character_to_character_own)
3 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_assist_army_replenish_troops)
Those in the army can find succour or be replenished by the power of this champion.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_replenish_troops}} action: Replenishment rate is increased by an additional 3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_replenish_troops}} action: Replenishment rate is increased by an additional 7% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_replenish_troops}} action: Replenishment rate is increased by an additional 12% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
4 (wh_main_skill_grn_all_unique_dodgy_geezer)
Dodgy Geezer
You can’t trust ‘im. E’s a little bit woaah, a little bit Waaagh! Ya know? Well dodgy.
1 7 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile resistance: 10% (character_to_character_own)
5 (wh2_dlc15_skill_all_dummy_agent_actions_grn_river_troll_hag)
Actions [HIDDEN]

1 [hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
wh2_dlc15_effect_agent_action_enable_runesmith_assist_army_replenish_troops (character_to_character_own)
wh2_dlc15_effect_agent_action_enable_runesmith_hinder_army_damage_unit (character_to_character_own)
wh2_dlc15_effect_agent_action_enable_runesmith_hinder_settlement_steal_technology (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local enemy province)
[hidden] (local province)
6 (wh_main_skill_all_dignitary_self_wild-eyed)
"Don't look into their eyes, there is only death there!"
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +3 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +6 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +9 (character_to_character_own)
7 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_03_life_leeching)

1 Passive ability: "Life Leeching" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
8 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_passive_spread_public_order)
The sight of this warrior, their stature, import or infamy, can have a calming effect.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_spread_public_order}} action: {{tr:public_order_effect}} is modified by an additional 1 (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local enemy province)
[hidden] (local province)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_spread_public_order}} action: {{tr:public_order_effect}} is modified by an additional 2 (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local enemy province)
[hidden] (local province)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_spread_public_order}} action: {{tr:public_order_effect}} is modified by an additional 3 (character_to_character_own)
[hidden] (local enemy province)
[hidden] (local province)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
9 (wh2_dlc15_skill_grn_river_troll_hag_slimy_shanks)
Slimy Shanks
The River Troll Hag is never without her signature coating of thick swamp slime, which can turn sword and axe away with disturbing undulations.
1 7 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +8% (character_to_character_own)
Fire resistance: 15% (character_to_character_own)
10 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_deadly_onslaught)
Deadly Onslaught
The war is endless. The cycle of charging, clashing, and bloody hand-to-hand fighting is without end. It will never stop.
1 Ability: "Deadly Onslaught" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
11 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_11_arcane_conduit)
Arcane Conduit

1 Ability: "Arcane Conduit" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
12 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_dummy_spirit_leech)
Spirit Leech [HIDDEN]

1 Spell: "Spirit Leech" (character_to_character_own)
13 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_devastating_charge)
Devastating Charge
Some creatures charge home with such fury that the very ground shakes beneath their feet.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +6 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +16 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +30 (character_to_character_own)
14 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_02_aspect_of_the_dreadknight)
Aspect of the Dread Knight

2 Overcast spell: "Aspect of the Dread Knight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -30% to "Aspect of the Dread Knight" (character_to_character_own)
3 Overcast spell: "Aspect of the Dread Knight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Miscast base chance: -15% for "Aspect of the Dread Knight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -1 for "Aspect of the Dread Knight" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -2 for "Aspect of the Dread Knight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -50% to "Aspect of the Dread Knight" (character_to_character_own)
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "Aspect of the Dread Knight" (character_to_character_own)
15 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_hinder_settlement_steal_technology)
Oft-times, though you may have much, what you want the most is what your rivals have; such envy focuses the mind and creativity.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_steal_technology}} action: Research rate is increased by an additional 3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_steal_technology}} action: Research rate is increased by an additional 6% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_steal_technology}} action: Research rate is increased by an additional 10% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
16 (wh2_dlc15_skill_grn_river_troll_hag_teach_em_right)
Teach 'Em Right!
No Greenskin would be so foolish as to act out of turn around a River Troll Hag, lest she decide they require her (often fatal) attentions.
1 9 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Character's aura leadership effect: +5 (character_to_character_own)
Leadership aura size: +25% (character_to_character_own)
17 (wh_dlc05_skill_wef_general_personal_buff_battle_speed)
Expeditious Endeavour
What the enemy cannot see, it cannot hit. What the enemy cannot see, it cannot survive.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +3% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +8% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +15% (character_to_character_own)
18 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_04_soulblight)

2 Overcast spell: "Soulblight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -30% to "Soulblight" (character_to_character_own)
3 Overcast spell: "Soulblight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Miscast base chance: -15% for "Soulblight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -2 for "Soulblight" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -3 for "Soulblight Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -50% to "Soulblight" (character_to_character_own)
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "Soulblight" (character_to_character_own)
19 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_hinder_agent_wound)
Such a champion will not bend or break, but slay in their Lord's name.
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_wound}} action: Additional 4% chance of wounding target (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_wound}} action: Additional 10% chance of wounding target (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_wound}} action: Additional 18% chance of wounding target (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
20 (wh2_dlc15_skill_grn_river_troll_hag_bag_batterin)
Bag Batterin'
All manner of things may be found inside a net of Dead-things. From horrid rotten morsels to still live enemy combatants, stored for easy snacking.
1 15 Attacks cause "'Orrible Smell!" effect, reducing leadership (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
21 (wh_main_skill_all_dignitary_self_conviction)
Such is this one's conviction that others have no choice but to believe.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +2 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +5 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +9 (character_to_character_own)
22 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_05_doom_and_darkness)
Doom & Darkness

2 Overcast spell: "Doom & Darkness Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -30% to "Doom & Darkness" (character_to_character_own)
3 Overcast spell: "Doom & Darkness Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Miscast base chance: -15% for "Doom & Darkness Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -1 for "Doom & Darkness" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -2 for "Doom & Darkness Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -50% to "Doom & Darkness" (character_to_character_own)
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "Doom & Darkness" (character_to_character_own)
23 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_hinder_army_assault_unit)
"I'm no pupil, but an adept! A hex on them, may their souls shrivel from their bones!"
1 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_assault_unit}} action: Additional 5% damage caused (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 4 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_assault_unit}} action: Additional 15% damage caused (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 9 [[col:yellow]]{{tr:agent_action_name_assault_unit}} action: Additional 30% damage caused (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
24 (wh2_main_skill_all_immortality_hero)
Who wants to live forever? As it turns out, most beings wouldn't say no…
1 19 When normally killed in action, this [[img:icon_hero]][[/img]]Hero will be wounded instead (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
25 (wh2_dlc15_skill_grn_river_troll_hag_mither)

1 Ability: "Mither" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
26 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_06_evasion)

1 Passive ability: "Evasion" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
27 (wh2_main_skill_all_hero_reduce_action_cost)
An expert in their craft, this Hero knows all the mistakes that can be made and how to best avoid making them.
1 Hero action cost: -10% (character_to_character_own)
Hero action success chance: +1% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Hero action cost: -20% (character_to_character_own)
Hero action success chance: +3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Hero action cost: -40% (character_to_character_own)
Hero action success chance: +6% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
28 (wh_main_skill_all_dignitary_self_fervour)
This one fights with a fervour to be both admired and despised.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +5% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +12% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +20% (character_to_character_own)
29 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_09_the_fate_of_bjuna)
The Fate of Bjuna

2 Winds of Magic cost: -3 for "The Fate of Bjuna" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -50% to "The Fate of Bjuna" (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "The Fate of Bjuna" (character_to_character_own)
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "The Fate of Bjuna" (character_to_character_own)
30 (wh_main_skill_all_dignitary_self_tenacity)
This one will not go down easily - it will be necessary to break both the will and the body first.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +3% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +8% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +15% (character_to_character_own)
31 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_death_10_the_purple_sun_of_xereus)
The Purple Sun of Xereus

2 Overcast spell: "The Purple Sun of Xereus Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -30% to "The Purple Sun of Xereus" (character_to_character_own)
3 Overcast spell: "The Purple Sun of Xereus Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Miscast base chance: -15% for "The Purple Sun of Xereus Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -2 for "The Purple Sun of Xereus" (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic cost: -3 for "The Purple Sun of Xereus Upgraded" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Cooldown: -50% to "The Purple Sun of Xereus" (character_to_character_own)
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Spell: "The Purple Sun of Xereus" (character_to_character_own)
32 (wh_main_skill_all_dignitary_self_soothsaying)
Speaking words of power or faith can alter perceptions on the battlefield.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership aura size: +10% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership aura size: +20% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership aura size: +40% (character_to_character_own)
33 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_07_earthing)
By stabbing a staff or some arcane conduit into the ground, an accomplished magic-user can earth or tether the Winds and hopefully reduce a chance of miscasting.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Miscast base chance: -15% (character_to_character_own)
34 (wh_main_skill_all_all_self_hard_to_hit)
Hard to Hit
Hand-to-hand combat is a lethal match of cut and thrust. However, it’s not all about offensive strikes; parries and other defensive moves can also win the day.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +3 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +7 (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +12 (character_to_character_own)
35 (wh_main_skill_all_magic_all_08_power_drain)
Magical Reserves
A few magic-users have the ability to store the Winds of Magic for later use, increasing their spellcasting power when it really counts.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Winds of Magic power reserve: +15 (character_to_force_own_unseen)
River Troll Hag Skills (15) (Background Skills)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
36 (wh2_main_skill_innate_grn_big_bully)
Big Bully
"Someday he's gonna be a Boss. Can you believe someday we'll work for 'im?"
1 Recruitment cost: -10% for Big 'Uns and Black Orc recruits (own army)
Recruit rank: +1 for Big 'Uns and Black Orc units (own army)
37 (wh2_main_skill_innate_grn_bragga)
When you're clearly betterer than all the uvvers you need to shout the loudest, so everybody else knows you're the betterest.
1 Leadership: +5 (character_to_character_own)
Leadership aura size: +35% (character_to_character_own)
38 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_perceptive)
Although actually reading minds is not in their skillset, this one has extraordinary insight into the motives of others.
1 Campaign line of sight: +10% (character_to_character_own)
Magic item drop chance: +15% (character_to_character_own)
39 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_aggressive)
If you're gonna die, you may as well die with your boots on.
1 Charge bonus: +8 (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
40 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_tough)
Rugged, resistant, and almost unbreakable, this being can and will take on all comers.
1 Armour: +25 (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +5 (character_to_character_own)
41 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_knowledgeable)
What this being doesn't know probably isn't worth knowing, so deep is their interest in the world and its ways.
1 Winds of Magic power reserve: +5 (all armies factionwide)
Enemy Winds of Magic power reserve: -5 (local region)
42 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_intelligent)
Sharp minds make sharp blades sharper still.
1 Hero self-defence: +5% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
Ambush defence chance: +10% (character_to_force_own_unseen)
43 (wh2_main_skill_innate_grn_mushroom_addicted)
"Dat a 'shroom in yer pouch? Give it! Give it to me!"
1 Upkeep: -15% for Goblin and Night Goblin units (character_to_force_own_unseen)
44 (wh2_main_skill_innate_grn_serial_danca)
Serial Danca
You can't keep a good 'danca' down, especially when those drums start bangin'!
1 Passive ability: "Frenzy" (character_to_character_own)
45 (wh2_main_skill_innate_grn_tortura)
When a Warboss needs someone to talk, he calls on this "Boy wiv da extra pointy sticks".
1 Base Weapon damage: +35 (character_to_character_own)
{{tr:public_order_effect}}: -3 (local enemy province)
46 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_fleet_footed)
Being fleet of foot is useful in a fight… or when trying to get away afterwards!
1 Speed: +20% (character_to_character_own)
Attribute: Strider (character_to_character_own)
47 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_cunning)
Deceit is a perfectly acceptable means of attack.
1 Enables poison attacks (character_to_character_own)
Ambush success chance: +10% (local armies)
48 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_determined)
Having a modicum of resolve is useful in a world that continually tests it.
1 Leadership: +3 (character_to_character_own)
Attribute: Immune to Psychology (character_to_character_own)
49 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_confident)
Self-belief is a fine thing when not misplaced.
1 Leadership: +4 (all units in army)
50 (wh2_main_skill_innate_all_disciplined)
Always in control, this one leaves no stone unturned and nothing to chance.
1 Melee attack: +2 (all units in army)
Leadership: +2 (all units in army)