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Chaos Rebel Uprising (Mortal Empires) Chaos Rebel Uprising (Mortal Empires) Skills

Tretch Craventail Skills

Tretch Craventail Skills

Inspiring Presence
Inspiring Presence
Lucky Skullhelm
Lucky Skullhelm
Tretch's Raiders
Tretch's Raiders
Route Marcher
Route Marcher
Tail Weapon
Tail Weapon
Pack Leader
Pack Leader
Master of Guile
Master of Guile
Life is Cheap
Life is Cheap
Ruin & Decay
Ruin & Decay
Trophy Heads
Trophy Heads
"Miiine All Miiine!"
Mutagenic Elixirs
Mutagenic Elixirs
Renowned & Feared
Renowned & Feared
Stand or Die!
Stand or Die!
Ancient Cunning
Ancient Cunning
"Stay Here, I'll Get Help!"
Bonded Service
Bonded Service
Blade Master
Blade Master
Respected & Feared
Respected & Feared
Warpstone Weapon
Warpstone Weapon
Coming Back
Coming Back
Verminous Valour
Verminous Valour
Moulder Knowledge
Moulder Knowledge
Engineering Skill
Engineering Skill
Scarred Veteran
Scarred Veteran
Lightning Strike
Lightning Strike
Blade Shield
Blade Shield
Expeditious Endeavour
Expeditious Endeavour

Tretch Craventail Skills (Background Skills)

Grand Chieftain
Grand Chieftain
Tretch Craventail Skills (1) (Background Skills)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (wh2_dlc09_skill_innate_skv_tretch_craventail)
Grand Chieftain
An audacious surprise attack on his predecessor has led to a new title for Tretch and an army to do his bidding.
1 Melee attack: +13 during ambushes ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Melee attack: +13 after retreating when attacked ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Attribute: Vanguard Deployment (all units in army)
Tretch Craventail Skills (46)
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
2 (wh_main_skill_all_lord_battle_inspiring_presence)
Inspiring Presence
There are Lords that radiate power, confidence and fear, inspiring their followers to great or terrible acts.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Character's aura leadership effect: +5 (character_to_character_own)
4 (wh2_dlc09_skill_skv_lord_unique_tretch_craventail_tretchs_raiders)
Tretch's Raiders
A master of exploiting others' weaknesses, Tretch and his band are never where you expect them and always where they can do most damage.
1 9 Passive ability: "Tretch's Raiders" (character_to_character_own)
Charge bonus: +10 for Stormvermin units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Income from raiding: +30% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
5 (wh_main_skill_all_lord_campaign_route_marcher)
Route Marcher
Those who know the land and its secrets will travel faster and further than the foes who don't.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +10% (character_to_character_own)
6 (wh2_main_skill_skv_combat_tail_weapon)
Tail Weapon
Whether by attachment or mutation, something nasty and spiky on your tail has got to bring no little advantage in battle.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +3 (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +4% (character_to_character_own)
7 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_clanrats)
Pack Leader
To rise above the rank and file, to claw one's way above the mire and the filth, takes a certain, superior breed of Skaven.
2 Leadership: +3 for Clanrats units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Melee attack: +6 for Clanrats units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Leadership: +6 for Clanrats units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Melee attack: +8 for Clanrats units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
1 Melee attack: +4 for Clanrats units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
8 (wh2_dlc09_skill_skv_lord_unique_tretch_craventail_master_of_guile)
Master of Guile
Tretch's sneaky, ultra-duplicitous tactics are dirty, even by Skaven low standards!
1 9 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush success chance: +10% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Ambush defence chance: +10% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Evasion chance when using the Underway: +10% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush success chance: +20% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Ambush defence chance: +20% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Evasion chance when using the Underway: +20% (character_to_character_own)
9 (wh2_dlc09_skill_skv_tretch_craventail_unique_life_is_cheap)
Life is Cheap
It should be no surprise that a race without a shred of honour or decency between them have even less regard for each other's lives.
1 4 Armour: +5 for Skavenslaves units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Upkeep: -33% for Skavenslaves units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Casualty replenishment rate: +10% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
2 Armour: +10 for Skavenslaves units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Upkeep: -50% for Skavenslaves units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Casualty replenishment rate: +20% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
10 (wh_main_skill_grn_lord_campaign_looter)
Those that excel as looters make sure that every coin or gold tooth is found and added to the plunder. Woe betide the warrior that misses even a single copper token!
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Income from looting settlements: +3% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Income from looting settlements: +8% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Income from looting settlements: +15% (character_to_character_own)
11 (wh2_main_skill_skv_combat_ruin_and_decay)
Ruin & Decay
As you might expect, the forces of order are repelled by the Skaven and their myriad disgusting, disease-ridden ways.
1 Weapon strength: +10% when fighting against Dwarfs (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +10% when fighting against Lizardmen (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +2% (character_to_character_own)
2 Weapon strength: +10% when fighting against Lizardmen, Dwarfs, High Elves, Greenskins and Men (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +5% (character_to_character_own)
12 (wh2_main_skill_skv_trophy_heads_queek)
Trophy Heads

1 Ability: "Trophy Heads" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
13 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_warped_workshops)
This one knows just what to say to 'encourage' the very best work from his underling Warp-smiths and technicians.
1 Bonus vs. Infantry: +5 for Doomwheel, Doom-Flayers and Warp-Grinders units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Leadership: +5 for Skaven Weapon Team, Doom-Flayers, Doomwheel, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Missile strength: +12% for Skaven Weapon Team, Doomwheel, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Magic resistance: 15% for Skaven Weapon Team, Doom-Flayer, Doomwheel, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
14 (wh2_main_skill_skv_campaign_miiine)
"Miiine All Miiine!"
When making corpses of your foes, leave nothing of value for their kin to recover.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Post battle chance of stealing a magic item: +5% (character_to_character_own)
Income from post-battle loot: +10% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Post battle chance of stealing a magic item: +10% (character_to_character_own)
Income from post-battle loot: +20% (character_to_character_own)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Post battle chance of stealing a magic item: +15% (character_to_character_own)
Income from post-battle loot: +30% (character_to_character_own)
15 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_mutagenic_elixirs)
Mutagenic Elixirs
Potions infused with Warpstone transmogrify the not-always-willing testbed subjects; those who survive the process emerge stronger and better in every way.
1 Armour: +10 for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror, Hell Pit Abomination and Plague Monks units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Leadership: +5 for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror, Hell Pit Abomination and Plague Monks units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Physical resistance: 15% for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror, Hell Pit Abomination and Plague Monks units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
16 (wh2_main_skill_LL_self_defense)
Renowned & Feared
This Lord's many deeds - both on and off the battlefield - have brought them renown among their allies and made them feared by their enemies.
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: -10% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hero self-defence: +25% chance of wounding aggressors (character_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +5% (character_to_character_own)
Recruit rank: +1 for all units (character_to_character_own)
Upkeep: -8% for all units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
17 (wh_main_skill_chs_lord_battle_stand_or_die)
Stand or Die!

1 Replaces: "Rally!" (character_to_character_own)
Ability: "Stand or Die!" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
18 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_runners)
Having to hide, for an extended period, in a dark, dank recess, in order to entrap and kill your target encourages lateral thinking.
1 Reload time reduction: +5% for Night Runners and Gutter Runners units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Reload time reduction: +7% for Night Runners and Gutter Runners units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +7% for Night Runners and Gutter Runners units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Reload time reduction: +10% for Night Runners and Gutter Runners units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +10% for Night Runners and Gutter Runners units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
19 (wh2_main_skill_skv_generic_missile_ward)
Furtive, scheming, sly, cunning, underhand, devious, conniving, double-dealing, and sneaky - valuable traits if you wish to stay alive!
1 7 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Missile resistance: 10% (character_to_character_own)
20 (wh2_dlc09_skill_skv_lord_unique_tretch_craventail_vanished)
"I turned around and they'd run-scurried off! Covering that distance in no time at all? It can't be natural, yes-yes!"
1 9 Speed: +5% for Clanrats and Stormvermin units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Missile resistance: +10% for Clanrats and Stormvermin units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +5% (character_to_character_own)
2 Speed: +10% for Clanrats and Stormvermin units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Missile resistance: +20% for Clanrats and Stormvermin units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Campaign movement range: +10% (character_to_character_own)
21 (wh_main_skill_vmp_lord_campaign_ancient_cunning)
Ancient Cunning
Such long-lived creatures develop a level of guile that mortals cannot match.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush success chance: +6% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush success chance: +16% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush success chance: +30% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
22 (wh2_dlc11_skill_all_lord_self_thick-skinned)
Creatures with tough hides or some kind of natural armour are tough nuts to crack - even a powerful attack may fall foul of their thick-skin.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +7 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Armour: +15 (character_to_character_own)
23 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_weaponteams)
Knowing exactly where and when to strike is essential when fielding fiendish, potentially battle-winning plague-weapons.
1 Ammunition: +8% for Skaven Weapon Team units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Ammunition: +12% for Skaven Weapon Team units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Reload time reduction: +7% for Skaven Weapon Team units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Ammunition: +20% for Skaven Weapon Team units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Reload time reduction: +10% for Skaven Weapon Team units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
24 (wh2_main_skill_skv_generic_magic_ward)
All Skaven are unprincipled and untrustworthy by their foul natures. However, this is rarely a disadvantage in the face of the enemy.
1 7 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Magic resistance: 10% (character_to_character_own)
25 (wh2_dlc09_skill_skv_lord_unique_tretch_craventail_stay_here_ill_get_help)
"Stay Here, I'll Get Help!"
It's not running away. It's knowing when and where to be to secure the best advantage.
1 9 Cooldown: -33% to "Stay Here, I'll Get Help!" (character_to_character_own)
Ability number of uses: +2 for "Stay Here, I'll Get Help!" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Cooldown: -50% to "Stay Here, I'll Get Help!" (character_to_character_own)
Ability number of uses: +3 for "Stay Here, I'll Get Help!" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
26 (wh_main_skill_brt_lord_campaign_bonded_service)
Bonded Service
The Lords rule, the peasants toil. Nothing has changed in over a thousand years.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Recruitment cost: -3% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Recruitment cost: -8% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Recruitment cost: -15% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
27 (wh2_dlc11_skill_all_lord_self_blade_master)
Blade Master
This warrior is one with their blade; it is an extension of their will, making them a worthy foe in combat.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +6 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee attack: +12 (character_to_character_own)
28 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_eliteinf)
Respected & Feared
Is it better to be respected or feared? What sort of question is that... why, both of course!
2 Melee attack: +6 for Stormvermin, Death Runners, Plague Monks and Eshin Triads units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Weapon strength: +9% for Stormvermin, Death Runners, Plague Monks and Eshin Triads units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Melee attack: +8 for Stormvermin, Death Runners, Plague Monks and Eshin Triads units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Weapon strength: +12% for Stormvermin, Death Runners, Plague Monks and Eshin Triads units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
1 Weapon strength: +6% for Stormvermin, Death Runners, Plague Monks and Eshin Triads units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
29 (wh2_main_skill_skv_combat_warpstone_weapon)
Warpstone Weapon
If you've got the Warptokens and the contacts, you can get all manner of fine, murderous armaments crafted to fit claw or tail perfectly.
1 12 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Enables magical attacks (character_to_character_own)
Armour-piercing weapon damage: +12 (character_to_character_own)
30 (wh2_dlc09_skill_skv_lord_unique_tretch_craventail_coming_back)
Coming Back
"We'll be back. We're coming back in here."
1 9 Passive ability: "Regeneration" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Wound recovery time: -1 (character_to_character_own)
Casualty replenishment rate: +10% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
31 (wh2_main_skill_skv_campaign_dictatorial)
Keeping on top of things with an iron fist prevents Skavendom from becoming too much of a degenerate mess.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Untainted: +1 (when in own region)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Untainted: +2 (when in own region)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Untainted: +3 (when in own region)
32 (wh2_dlc11_skill_all_lord_self_self_indomitable)
The iron will and indomitable presence of this leader ensures their followers remain steadfast when facing peril.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +6 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Leadership: +12 (character_to_character_own)
33 (wh2_main_skill_skv_generic_verminous_valour)
Verminous Valour

1 Ability: "Verminous Valour" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
34 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_monsters)
Moulder Knowledge
This one has seen the hideous deformities created by Clan Moulder firsthand and now fancies himself a dab hand with a needle and thread…
1 Charge bonus: +6 for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror and Hell Pit Abomination units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
2 Charge bonus: +9 for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror and Hell Pit Abomination units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +7% for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror and Hell Pit Abomination units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Charge bonus: +12 for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror and Hell Pit Abomination units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +10% for Wolf Rats, Rat Ogres, Mutant Rat Ogre, Brood Horror and Hell Pit Abomination units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
35 (wh2_main_skill_skv_campaign_corruptive)
Naturally, rats get in everywhere – even the tiniest opening presents little obstacle – spreading their disease and corruption everywhere they can.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Skaven corruption: +1 (when in enemy region)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Skaven corruption: +2 (when in enemy region)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Skaven corruption: +3 (when in enemy region)
36 (wh2_dlc11_skill_all_lord_self_wound-maker)
Such is their power and ferocity, a wound-maker will ravage the foe, cutting and pulverising until there is only one exit - death.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +10% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Weapon strength: +20% (character_to_character_own)
37 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_artillery)
Engineering Skill
This one's intimate knowledge of the inner workings of Skaven machinery enables him to improve their efficiency on the battlefield.
2 Armour: +6 for Doomwheel, Doom-Flayers and Warp-Grinders units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Charge bonus: +9% for Doomwheel and Doom-Flayers units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +7% for Warp-Grinders units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Ammunition: +12% for Doomwheels, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Reload time reduction: +7% for Doomwheels, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
3 Armour: +12 for Doomwheel, Doom-Flayers and Warp-Grinders units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Charge bonus: +12% for Doomwheel and Doom-Flayers units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +12% for Warp-Grinders units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Ammunition: +20% for Doomwheels, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Reload time reduction: +10% for Doomwheels, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
1 Charge bonus: +6% for Doomwheel and Doom-Flayers units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +3% for Warp-Grinders units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Reload time reduction: +5% for Doomwheels, Plagueclaw Catapult and Warp Lightning Cannon units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
38 (wh2_main_skill_def_campaign_draftmaster)
Someone has to ensure the numbers and quality of recruits remain high.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Recruit rank: +1 for all units (character_to_character_own)
Local recruitment capacity: +1 (local province)
39 (wh2_dlc11_skill_all_lord_self_scarred_veteran)
Scarred Veteran
The scars on this storied warrior reveal a veteran of many battles, a being not easy to kill and one worthy of respect and fear.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +7% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Hit points: +15% (character_to_character_own)
40 (wh_main_skill_all_lord_battle_rally)

1 Ability: "Rally!" (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
41 (wh_main_skill_all_lord_campaign_lightning_strike)
Lightning Strike
"The time to strike is now!"
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Enables lightning strike battles when reinforcements are present (character_to_character_own)
42 (wh2_dlc11_skill_all_lord_self_blade_shield)
Blade Shield
A blade that sings in defence will not let its wielder be penetrated.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +6 (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Melee defence: +12 (character_to_character_own)
43 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_straight_to_the_point)
The wise commander considers the lash a dear friend - so much more than a motivational tool to encourage correctness in spirit and behaviour.
1 Leadership: +5 for Skavenslaves, Clanrats and Stormvermin units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Melee attack: +5 for Skavenslaves, Clanrats and Stormvermin units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Missile resistance: 10% for Skavenslaves, Clanrats and Stormvermin units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
44 (wh_main_skill_emp_lord_campaign_quartermaster)
A good quartermaster can ration equipment and foodstuffs efficiently, making supplies last longer.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Upkeep: -3% for all units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Upkeep: -8% for all units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
3 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Upkeep: -15% for all units ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
45 (wh2_dlc11_skill_wef_lord_self_expeditious_endeavour)
Expeditious Endeavour
What the enemy cannot see, it cannot hit. What the enemy cannot see, it cannot survive.
1 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +7% (character_to_character_own)
2 [HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Speed: +15% (character_to_character_own)
46 (wh2_main_skill_skv_army_buff_gutter_wise)
Early years spent in the gutter both prepares the ambitious rat for power and schools him in the dirtier, more cut-throat ways of war.
1 Leadership: +5 for Gutter Runners, Night Runners, Death Runners and Eshin Triads units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Range: +15% for Gutter Runners and Night Runners {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
Speed: +15% for Death Runners and Eshin Triads units {{tr:rank7}} ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
47 (wh2_main_skill_def_campaign_wary)
This warrior has been ambushed previously and got themselves and many of their compatriots away safely. Such things make one naturally suspicious.
1 Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +1% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush defence chance: +8% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
2 Enemy Hero action success chance: -8% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +2% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush defence chance: +16% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)
3 Enemy Hero action success chance: -15% (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Enemy Hero action success chance: -3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
[HIDDEN] Hero action success chance: +3% (from skill) (character_to_character_own)
Ambush defence chance: +30% ([[img:icon_general]][[/img]]Lord's army)