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Zhang Liang Zhang Liang Reforms

Military Power


Military Power

Military Power
No. Technology Research Points Food Cost Requires Effects Enables
1 Yellow Sky Apprentice Military Power Tier 1
Yellow Sky Apprentice
At the beginning of a new journey all must learn the new way.
400 0
    +1 starting rank for melee infantry recruits (faction-wide)
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Mediation with the Otherworld Strict Adherence to the Way The Way of War General of Flying Stones Redeemed Outlaws
2 Speaker of the Leader's Message Military Power Tier 1
Speaker of the Leader's Message
"The Azure Sky is already dead; the Yellow Sky will soon rise. Pass it on!"
600 0 General of Flying Stones
    +2 starting rank for peasant recruits (faction-wide)
    +20 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Yaoguai Hunters Chosen of the Eight Immortals Gallants of the People
3 Mediation with the Otherworld Military Power Tier 1
Mediation with the Otherworld
"There are some who can see the other world and commune with the spirits who reside there; they know the true way."
400 0 Yellow Sky Apprentice
    -8% recruitment cost for spear infantry (faction-wide)
    +10 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Ji Defectors
4 Strict Adherence to the Way Military Power Tier 1
Strict Adherence to the Way
Perfection is achieved by removing obstacles that deviate one from the true path.
400 0 Yellow Sky Apprentice
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Zealots of the Way Messengers of Heaven Tyrant Slayers
5 The Way of War Military Power Tier 1
The Way of War
Removing the ruler of the land, whether they've failed or not, is usually done by force of arms rather than the use of words.
400 0 Yellow Sky Apprentice
    +20 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Sabre Defectors
6 Communion with Heaven Military Power Tier 1
Communion with Heaven
To the commoner, it is essential that they are witness to, or told stories of, Heaven's Mandate.
1000 0 General of Flying Stones
    +1 starting rank for melee cavalry recruits (faction-wide)
    +10 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Faith & Magic Iron Craftwork Village Mounted Lancer Defectors
7 Faith & Magic Military Power Tier 1
Faith & Magic
Knowing the deeper workings of the universe is a foundation to the end of conflict.
1000 0 Communion with Heaven
    -8% recruitment cost for melee infantry (faction-wide)
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Zealotry Stalwart Shields
8 Zealotry Military Power Tier 1
Unbridled fanaticism is usually the only thing that can remove the grip of unjust rule over the people.
1500 0 Faith & Magic
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Control of the Spirit Iron Craftwork Town Bringers of Peace
9 Control of the Spirit Military Power Tier 1
Control of the Spirit
Inside everyone is a spirit that seeks independence. Only by taking this illusion away can peace be brought.
1500 0 Zealotry
    +20 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Righteous Vanguards
10 Children of the Earth Military Power Tier 1
Children of the Earth
Those who devote themselves to the earth are, in turn, rewarded with its wisdom.
1000 0 General of Flying Stones
    -8% recruitment cost for cavalry units (faction-wide)
    +10 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Perfecting the Standard Tribal Horse Herders Mounted Sabre Defectors
11 Perfecting the Standard Military Power Tier 1
Perfecting the Standard
Having ideas is easy; realising them takes countless repetitions.
1000 0 Children of the Earth
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Bastion of Change Ascetics of the Way
12 Bastion of Change Military Power Tier 1
Bastion of Change
A river, if it is to be redirected, cannot be done so with a paper screen. Ditches and banks must be built.
1500 0 Perfecting the Standard
    +1 starting rank for shock cavalry recruits (faction-wide)
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Heavenly Execution Tribal Horse Host Huanglao's Paragons
13 Heavenly Execution Military Power Tier 1
Heavenly Execution
To rid the world of the most awful corruption, the most talented must be sent forth.
1500 0 Bastion of Change
    +20 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Jiazi Raiders
14 Devoted Authority Military Power Tier 1
Devoted Authority
A devoted follower can, given the proper charge, enlighten many. Then they, in turn, will enlighten even more.
1000 0 General of Flying Stones
    Enable Smokescreen (faction-wide)
    +10 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Purity Military Supply Village Archer Defectors
15 Purity Military Power Tier 1
Fill a vessel with nothing but water and you will get an untainted drink; the same is true of soldiers and their orders.
1000 0 Devoted Authority
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Philosophical Discipline Fervent Defenders
16 Philosophical Discipline Military Power Tier 1
Philosophical Discipline
Years of meditation and training of the mind will also condition the body.
1500 0 Purity
    +15 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Enforcing the Mandate Military Supply Town The Land's Chosen
17 Enforcing the Mandate Military Power Tier 1
Enforcing the Mandate
Put the best, most fanatical fighters into the same unit, then show me who can stand in their way.
1500 0 Philosophical Discipline
    +20 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Exemplars of the Tao
18 General of Flying Stones Military Power Tier 1
General of Flying Stones
There is no more satisfying or effective way to bring down a wall than to fling massive lumps of rock at it. This, in itself, takes no little skill.
600 0 Yellow Sky Apprentice
    Enable Caltrops (faction-wide)
    +30 enlightenment (faction-wide)
Speaker of the Leader's Message Communion with Heaven Children of the Earth Devoted Authority Multiple Bolt Crossbow Trebuchet